R8 my jimmy

r8 my jimmy


is it the one in your hand or the photoshopped enlarged thing below?

drink some water ur dick looks dehydrated

U need experimental super soldier formula stat

> if skeletons had dicks

>r8 my jimmy
Have you ever fucked keyhole ?


you dont need keys to get into your house

damn that's big!!

thanks, i feel better about my life now



couldbeworseyoucouldbethisdude.jpg saved
OP will either become rich or a serial killer.

holy fucking kek, it looks like a worm
you made my day, OP

Is this shit real? How is that even possible? Got any more pics?

That's fucking smaler than a finger.

ez anal i guess, woman cant say itll hurt

Father? What are you doing at this hour?


there's no way thats real
