I think my muslim neighbours from below are spying at me. its a 99% feel you know?

I think my muslim neighbours from below are spying at me. its a 99% feel you know?
PLUS my floor is shaking for hours and i cant tell how they make it.
they speak muslim... 2 men 1 women.
PLUS i think they are running some kind of illegal transmitter in the house next to us.
what do?

they're making bombs m8

This. Fuckin KEK!



convert to islam

jo 1210

serwas de damischn tschuschn...

What kind of transmitter?

ITT: Paranoid schizophrenia

WTF the muslims in the apartment below me are doing the exact same thing. I'm not even in austria. please send help

Also how's a man supposed to sleep when they start socialising loudly from the time one's supposed to get to bed until past midnight?
Also they're ruining my winter by turning up their heat to like 30 degrees day AND NIGHT. I've gone so far as turning off my own heater completely and the temperatures still aren't dropping.

wtf is wrong with those people.

wor jo klor das ma muselnochbarn in wean hot. recht traurig in dera stodt wos des betrifft, aum laund is nu ned so schlimm owa wiad a schlechter. i glaub bei mir im haus wohnan a a, i hea leida ob und zua so komischen gsang/musik. glicklichaweis kauma des üwatönen

scheiß wiener

>they speak muslim

>What kind of transmitter?
cant tell. its just making a hell of a noice. under 50Hz. it feels like its generating heat you know?
think it comes from the roof section in oposite to my house.
gonna try to get some equipment to check this out once and for all.

btw need some of that emv testers or sensors
best something to plug into my pc
any hints what to get?


wirds da hofer schaffen? ich fänds ja zu geil weil er eigentlich schon verloren hätte. das ganze geheule dann von den medien, das wäre wunderschön zu sehen

Be louder

hard to ignore

Crusade time

Your floor is shaking? Are you the only one noticing?