The Cube???

Since I'm hyped for the imminent release of the new Zero Escape game I wanted to watch some "people locked in a place and they want to get out" movies, and as suggested by some guy on the internet I started off with this.
What the fuck? I don't get the point of this movie. Nothing is concluded in the end, no mastermind is framed, the cube has no purpose for existing, we don't see anything outside of the cube, most of the decisions the prisoners take make no fucking sense, and I just don't see the point this movie was trying to make.
Why the fuck did I watch this movie??

If there are any good room escape movies around, please tell me.

10 Cloverfield Street

Problem Child 2

watch Cube 2 and Cube 3 before you judge, bro

will they explain?

Vaguely in Cube: Zero.
Cube 2 has its own logic. The movie has such retarded science its surreal, so its enjoyed in a different way

>Nothing is concluded in the end, no mastermind is framed, the cube has no purpose for existing
why does this frustrate you?
Sometimes, things end up being kind of pointless, and it's certainly possible our most exalted endeavours or existential inquiries end up as nothing. Pretty coherent as far as concept in movie form goes.

Cube is great, you're a nimrod

I dunno man, having something being pointless for the sake of being pointless seems pretty lazy to me.
i absolutely loved the way they discovered how the cube worked with the whole moving rooms thing, but the end was absolutely unsatisfying.

Cube presents a microcosm of society, it belongs in the same category as Alien3 in that respect.

>the cube has no purpose for existing,
4U 4U 4U 4U
4U 4U 4U 4U
4U 4U 4U 4U
4U 4U 4U 4U

>It's an Ezri episode

People stuck in a room you say?


there's a remake of cube coming

Inshite Miru: 7-kakan no desu gemu

>Nothing is concluded in the end, no mastermind is framed, the cube has no purpose for existing, we don't see anything outside of the cube

I thought that's exactly what made the first cube movie so great. we explore the cube through the characters eyes and we ask ourselves the same questions. it's the mystery itself that makes the film so interesting. explaining would only hurt the experience, because less is, in this case, more.
what is the cube? - I don't know, what do you think?

a movie is not pointless if you're thinking and talking about it.

Looks like a late 90's pop music video




huh, never knew