Does they understand each others? (Like a brazilian with an argie) or they languages are very differents?

Does they understand each others? (Like a brazilian with an argie) or they languages are very differents?

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Yes, very easy.

With difficulty for a conversation, easier when written.

Some words in common but not really enough to understand.

Not even related to Germanic languages so it's a complete mystery.

couldn't you just fucking google this?

No we don't and we really don't care to understand. Also just fucking google it.

tratá de aprender inglés antes de postear acá.

Que esta mal escrito?

Danish is the hardest for Swedes and Norwegians to understand. Norwegian bokmål is easier for Danes to read but it varies from person to person whether they can understand Norwegian and/or Swedish. Norwegians understand Swedish fairly well and vice-versa.

Finnish is incomprehensible, Icelandic has some similar vocabulary but can't be understood by most Scandinavians. Icelanders learn Danish in school to communicate with Scandinavians however English is used most of the time.


y mira
>Does they
con "they" va "do".

>or they languages are very differents?
no te voy a enseñar la estructura de la pregunta, pero el "are" esta en el lugar equivocado, va justo despues del "or", "they" está mal, es "their", y "differents" está mal tambien, es "different".

Ahora que me lo dijiste me doy cuenta, que errores mas boludos que tuve... gracias user, eso me pasa por falta de practica :(

This is by far the worst English sentence I've seen on Sup Forums this week

we have a lot of swedish loanwords though

I already gave him some pointer m8
he must be like 12 or something, let him be.

>w- we wuz semi-germanic cuz of loans!!11one

He's not supposed to be on Sup Forums if he's underage though.

stop bullying me, i'm learning...

pd: not an underage.

I'm pretty sure kiosk and pojke are finnish loan-words. Don't know if there are any others in swedish. Which ones do you have in finnish?

>google doesn't exist

We have a lot of finnish loanwords too.
kys clown

what a fucking narc

kiosk is turkish.

It's Persian, it came to Europe via Turkish and French before spreading everywhere.

this is correct.

Words that we loaned from finnish is

There are many more but I don't know of them sorry

I only recognize a few of these. Pjäxa, pojke, hyvens, pulka, rappakalja... Are the others more common in the north or something?
t. Småland

Yeah but I don't remember.

Norway understands Sweden, Denmark and to an extent Iceland.

Sweden understands Norway but not Denmark.

Denmark understands Norway but not Sweden

Iceland somewhat understands everyone, but especially western Norwegians.

Nobody understands Finland.

>Nobody understands Finland.


we love you anyway :')

Shush we don't want to be understood.

the only clowns here are finnish nordicists who try to emphasize loanwords and borrowed foreign filth

Love you too bby

Äiti is a loanword from goth-language
It's quite a big deal since it means mother isn't it?

>Byaah we have loanwords! We need to purge this filth riäöäö! I might catch nordicancer!


words for "night"

D: nat
N: natt
S: natt
F: yö :DDDDD


>Which ones do you have in finnish
Hell of a lot. Nouns for things predominantly, then verbs. Hundreds of those are in daily use, thousands in total. Most of them are nowadays pretty much displaced and goners but still comprehensible.

In a weird way, I still feel more kinship with finns than with swedes or danes (no homo)

What rustles me is that we've got less norwegian/danish in school now than we used to. The strength of the nordic countries is that we understand eachother pretty well; why not improve on that strength?

onpas epäimerteleva kuva spedestä
poista tää

>Took Spanish for 3 years in high school and only understand like half of it.

>Denmark doesnt understand Sweden
Wrong. Although a lot dont understand anything but Danish and English, but that's mostly just dumb as bricks teens and city folks.

Probably got switched out with arabic amirite lmao

No, there has literally been research done on this. Norwegians understand Danish and Swedish in balance, Swedes understand Norwegian better than Danish and Danes understand Norwegian better than Swedish.

>Mitenkään imarteleva missään vaiheessa.


>Probably got switched out with arabic amirite lmao

Savolainen sonnihan se.
Kuvassa rantahurri.

We have Latin, Italian, German, English, Turkish, Greek, Hungarian and all kinds of different languages we loan words from. Having loanwords doesn't mean anything. For example, did you know that Croats and Swedes use the same word to mean 'leek'.

Juuh ei noi rantahurrit kyllä mitään esteettisiä meihin suomalaisiin verrattuna ole.

>Probably got switched out with arabic amirite lmao
That's the thing,, it wasn't. The arabic language's influence in Sweden is minuscule. The huge thing though is how much they focus on learning english. I think that's what has made most swedes so shit at speaking their language. They seem something greatly appealing abouth being anglophones for some reason.

Good point, now that you mention it it's pretty obvious.
Meanwhile Danes will continue to have that thick accent. And rarely seek to use english.

Danish was a mistake

>rarely seek to use english
>actually use weekend
ur literally the worst of us all

what game is this?

One of the battlefields, which one, I'm not sure.

>you vs niggas whomst use google translate

los otros escandinavos en este hilo tienen razon en cuanto a quien puede entender a quien etc.

Pero no es como un brasileño y un argentino. En ese caso hablan portuñol (o mejor dicho, el argentino habla castellano y el brasileño portugues) y se entienden por que los idiomas son parecidos. Lo que tenés que entender es que los idiomas acá en escandinavia son más parecidos, pero a pesar de eso no lo hacemos. Casi todas personas acá hablan inglés con fluidez, así que no tiene mucho sentido hablar en danés y sueco por ejemplo, cuando podemos hacerlo en inglés más rápido y sin apuro.

do you guys secretly understand germanish?

succ my dick :^)

I've had two years of German, I can't even count to ten in German.

einz zwei polizei

drei vier grenadier

funf sechs althe keks

sieben acht guten acht

neun zen schlaffen gehn

Sometimes we can decipher what germans are talking about because some key words are very similar to ours. Same with dutch which is even more confusing. In spoken form they mix very swedish-sounding words with stuff that sounds german and english, fooling my brain into believing I understand it only to be completely oblivious to what the following sentence meant.

Spoken danish is a mess sounds disgusting honestly

to je bilo vrlo dobro! ja sam uci da govori hrvatski i srpski! hvala i zbogom!

Swedish is easy.

Danish just sounds like a severely slurred Norwegian, and is hard because of that.

Icelandic I've heard is a complete wildcard. Some are easy to understand, while others are impossible to understand.

Finnish... Nothing what so ever.

Norwegian is extremely easy both spoken and written.

Danish is easy written but harder spoken. I worked with Danes for 6 months last summer and understand Danish just as well as Norwegian though. You just have to get used to the very thick accent.

Icelandic is very hard spoken and written but to get the gist of it.

Finnish is impossible to understand besides those few swedish loanwords.

German is and will definitely be here in the list of educational choices starting from junior high.

I took three years of it in high school. Has turned out to be quite useful, but only after university graduation when I got this country hopper's job.

My brother is fluent in it
I made the horrible mistake of learning french in school instead of german

>Finnish is impossible to understand besides those few swedish loanwords.

You should probably say *despite of Swedish loanwords*. Loanwords are here quite heavily finnicized, plus the pronunciation.

>Norwegian is extremely easy both spoken and written.
Not for all swedes. I work in a call center and some swedes want us to speak english instead of Norwegian.

Those are probably from Cuckholm or muslimland (Skåne)

The further west you get in Sweden, the better we understand norwegian. Afaik, that's why the dialects in Gothenburg and Värmland sound so friendly compared to eastern ones; we have the same tendency to end our sentences on a higher rather than lower note, just like norwegians.

I can understand Norwegian well enough, both spoken and written.

Swedish is a bit eh, I actually understand it better spoken than written because I watched a decent amount of Swedish media with subs/narration as a kid while I have been exposed to very little written Swedish.

Finnish is complete gobbledygook

Not really.

German is the most common of the compulsory tertiary languages taken, mostly due to only larger schools even offering French/Spanish, but most people who take it still deeply neglect it's use and forget most of it.

How about Malmö region? I heard some Norwegian spoken in the city but not that much outside it.

You speak Arabic in Malmö.

Me too with norwegians
Probably because neither of us are arrogant dicks like ((swedes))

I think they might have an easy time because of their proximity to Denmark. Understanding danish and norwegian is mainly a matter of getting used to it.

Got you.

And the Piketen is the translator service.

>Not even related to Germanic languages so it's a complete mystery.

You need to go to Asia to understand the roots of the Finn.

They just don't like you anymore Sweden. They're going to replace you with Scotland.

I understand spoken Swedish, also I can read and understand the rest.

You wish

Nope don't understand shit of these lingos

Scandis speak english to each other

I can read swedish but fuck me if I should need to form a coherent sentence. All other nordics less so.

ok bjaní

>tfw forgot all the icelandic I picked up as a kid from relatives

Here's a true blood Finn giving his take on Poorway.

The same can be said about the rest of the Scandicks as well.

God fucking bless this man. I hope Niinistö pins a medal to his chest.

mestari ’mästare’, nikkari ’snickare’, mylläri ’mjölnare’, parkkari ’garvare’ (vrt. muinaisruotsin barkare ’garvare’), lääkäri ’läkare’, renki ’dräng’, naapuri ’granne’ (vrt. muinaisruotsin nabor ’granne’), kärry ’kärra’, kaupunki ’stad’ (vrt. köping), katu ’gata’, portti ’port’, krouvi ’krog’, palatsi ’palats’, kam(m)ari ’kammare’, sali ’sal’, porstua ’farstu’, rappu ’trappa’, uuni ’ugn’, tiili ’tegel’, kellari ’källare’, talli ’stall’, penkki ’bänk’, tuoli ’stol’, sänky ’säng’, lamppu ’lampa’, lyhty ’lykta’, peili ’spegel’, leili ’lägel’, pikari ’bägare’, lasi ’glas’, kannu ’kanna’, ämpäri ’ämbar’, vati ’fat’, tynnyri ’tunna’, kori ’korg’, säkki ’säck’, laari ’(sädes)lår’, vaaka ’våg’, myntti ’mynt’, penninki ’penning’, äyri ’öre’, tulli ’tull’, kaapu ’kåpa’, silkki ’silke’, kruunu ’krona’, seppele ’krans’ (vrt. muinaisruotsin säppel ’krans’), kakku ’kaka’, läski ’fläsk’, kaali ’kål’, etikka ’ättika’, kumina ’kummin’, tilli ’dill’, pippuri ’peppar’, sinappi ’senap’, neilikka ’nejlika’, yrtti ’ört’, koulu ’skola’, teini ’djäkne

Well, it would be nice to get rid of the Scots for sure.

Finnish is not related to the others.
It's closest relatives are Karelian, Veps, Izhorian, Votic, Estonian, and Livonian.
The Sami languages are a bit further removed. Comparable to the difference between Greek and Armenian. (i.e the underlying grammar is very similar, you can pick up a handful of similar words)

Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian are very similar. But it's asymmetrical. Danes understand the others a bit better than the other way around. Spoken Danish is hard to understand by others.

Icelandic is very different. Written Faroese is intelligible with Icelandic but spoken Faroese is not.

Finnic languages also have a lot of loanwords from Scandinavian languages.

Some of these are older loans from Proto-Germanic that are shared between all Finnic languages.

Finnish has newer Swedish loans that Estonian doesn't (our Swedish loans are old, before the 18th century).

Estonian shares some Middle Low German loans with Scandinavian languages that Finnish doesn't (e.g compare Estonian "kunst", "polt", "püss" to Danish "kunst", "bolt", "bosse")

"bosse" -> "bösse"

I forgot about the filter.

Kek, a Scotsman called James Finlayson was an elemental force regarding the economic industrialization in Finland.

The name of Finlayson still prevails with those industrial buildings, although actual factories are long gone in most of the places.


You definitely won't get rid of the Scotsmen in this country that easily.

retards who have been brainwashed into hating their own heritage and sucking up to g*rmcucks

Despite the Swedish loans*

This is true, Russian and specially Japanese are very Finlandia-like