Daily reminder that Trump won the election

Daily reminder that Trump won the election.

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Daily reminder that Trump is literally hitler.

Who the fuck are you reminding. The peopen who get on Thao s mm board this early?

>got fewer votes than the other candidate

lolno he lost also he's fat and will die in office


Fingers crossed. Amirite?

>the peopen who get on thao s mm board

Trump didn't win you dumbass xD

nice fallacy fam

Reported underage b& INC

trump hasn't won yet. the votes all haven't been counted. there might be enough for hilary to win (but i doubtt it) the "wins" the media is saying is based on their "analysysts' saying who would win that state.

he won. get over it

CLINTON: 63,049,607 votes
TRUMP: 61,610,484 votes

It was a NATIONAL election. Clinton is winning by 1,439,123 votes and counting. Stop calling yourself a democracy if the actual winner LOSES, you fucktard Americans.

Source: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/133Eb4qQmOxNvtesw2hdVns073R68EZx4SfCnP4IGQf8/htmlview?sle=true

daily reminder trump supporters have little dicks and are uneducated.

Hillary has folded. She's out of the race and is never going to be president.

plx no ;C

Daily reminder nobody cares, except for the Muppets that are paid to write nasty comments.

Cry more please

If you play by the rule of law (which was established democratically), you consent to the results.

>not knowing how the American system works.
>calls Americans fucktards

If you're going to criticize, at least educate yourself on the subject on hand. The system isn't cut and dry whoever gets the most votes. We have a system in place to ensure 3 fucking states don't dictate what happens to the other 47.

The only people paid to comments are the CTR shills killary hired because SHE is fucking Hitler.

Us wise, and educated Trump supporters are pro-democracy and free speech.

But cry more, this is delicious

But what if the rule of law states that the winner should not have been able to even participate based on the fact she was under investigation?

Damn right he did.

Daily reminder this kind of thing is happening around the world

Who the fuck are you reminding. The peopen who get on Thao s mm board this early?

I don't remember Hitler having a jewish convert for a daughter or a nasty little jewish grandchild, do you?

>IQ below 80
>reading comprehension 0
>equate non

Trump supporter spotted

Is this still relevant?

Alex is the biggest fucking cuck in the world

>what is electoral college system

Good job retard.

tyranny of the majority nigger do you even?

daily reminder that everyone loses as a result.

Daily reminder he never actually made this expression

Sure thing Rajeesh.





"I can't believe this crazy son of a bitch pulled this off.", Obama.