Let's do this!

let's do this!

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Donald Trump is a racist demagogue and is unfit to be president

To each according to their need, from each according to their ability.


I'm a male democrat, and I cannot stop sucking dicks

I like to finger my asshole.

this isn't wrong tho


I'm a female democrat, and I cannot stop cutting the dicks off every male that crosses my path

Black people only commit crimes because of white oppression

I'm a gender fluid democrat, and I cannot stop cutting dicks off, and then cramming them down my throat 5 at a time


I'm SO sick of my fellow whites. YOU made him president. It is YOUR fault. You are racists and bigots.

Don't worry guys, the electors will save us in Dec when they vote in Hillary.

I'm Zara Larsson, i have 9 seconds left...


ITT: people confuse being liberal with their uncontrollable outbursts of autism.

I think we should give Muslim refugees a chance to live in America.


keep dreamin faggot.

are you literally literal right now?

I have the right to practice my own religion, speak freely and bear arms.

are you seriously asking me to explain my views ?

This would be conservative dude. Read about the history of the Democratic party.

>implying there is a difference


We humans should probably refrain from being complete dicks to each other. After all, we're all in the same boat.

I need to check my privilege.

Science is how reality works.
Religion is a retarded fairy-tail

wage gap is real

>and in the next breath condones Islam.

Guns are bad. That is why I trust the government.

I love democracy as long as my candidate wins.

i'm a nigger

>I don't know what liberal means

Scientific meta-analysis clearly shows democrats are better for the economy.


- Gross Domestic Product -
The analysis found that under Democratic presidents the gross domestic product rose at an average rate of 4.33 percent, compared with a rate of 2.54 percent under Republicans. That translates to a 1.79 percentage point gap in favor of the economy under Democrats. That means that the U.S. economy grew by an average of 18.5 percent during the typical four-year presidency of a Democrat versus a 10.6 percent gain under a Republican.
- Unemployment -
The average unemployment rate was lower under Democrats, 5.64 percent, compared with 6.01 percent under Republican presidents, though the authors called that difference “small and not statistically significant.”
However, they said, there is “a very large and statistically significant difference in the change in the unemployment rate, computed as the average unemployment rate in the final year of the term minus the average value in the final year of the previous term. During Democratic presidential terms, the unemployment rate fell by 0.8 percentage points, on average, while it rose by 1.1 percentage points, on average, during Republican terms — yielding a large D-R gap of -1.9 percentage points.”
- Stock market -
Annualized stock market returns for firms in the S&P 500 Index were 5.65 percentage points higher under Democratic presidents (the returns under Democratic presidents increased 8.35 percent compared with 2.7 percent under Republican presidents).
“Though business votes Republican,” the authors wrote, “it prospers more under Democrats.”
However, the report states, “given the extreme volatility of stock prices, even differences that large are statistically significant at only the 15 percent level.” That tempers Clinton’s claim that under Democratic presidents “even the stock market is higher.”

Cont. in the next


It would be liberal before 1890 when liberal started meaning progressive.


I'm going to post my hot political opinions on facebook and assume everyone agrees with me.

- Recessions -
The report found that the country was more likely to be in recession while a Republican president was in office. While Republicans occupied the White House for 144 quarters in the study period compared with 112 quarters for Democrats, 41 of the 49 quarters that the National Bureau of Economic Research classified as being in recession occurred with a Republican in the White House.

Summing up, the authors concluded there is “a systematic and large gap between the US economy’s performance when a Democrat is President of the United States versus when a Republican is. Democrats do better on almost every criteria.”
Or as one of the authors, Watson, told us in a phone interview, the difference is “large and statistically significant, regardless of how you look at it.”
“The superiority of economic performance under Democrats rather than Republicans is nearly ubiquitous; it holds almost regardless of how you define success,” the authors stated in their report. “By many measures, the performance gap is startlingly large — so large, in fact, that it strains credulity, given how little influence over the economy most economists (or the Constitution, for that matter) assign to the President of the United States.”
The authors said the evidence for better economic performance under Democrats remained even when factoring in such variables as the majority party in Congress and whether Democrats inherited “superior initial conditions.”

This two are the same argument divided into two posts.


My friend, there are resources available to aid you when you are unable to control yourself



You are missing the point. Decades ago I would have been considered liberal. Now it just means you throw a fit when the TV tells you to.

I've never understood the American need to ignore that liberalism is the absolute key to the constitution. A conservative is a liberal




Are people in Europe finally starting to realize this is a bad idea?

I'm Being triggered by the mansplaining being done on what a liberal is. This forced narrative is not only trigger worthy, it's literally wrong. Its soon to be 2017 , let's start acting as if it is.


What does this mean?

Not an argument. :^)

Trump said he supports waterboarding. he said he "likes it alot". in case you are not aware of it, waterboarding is a form of torture in which water is poured over a cloth covering the face and breathing passages of an immobilized captive, causing the individual to experience the sensation of drowning. Waterboarding can cause extreme pain, dry drowning, damage to lungs, and brain damage from oxygen deprivation.
It's illegal by international law, and interviewer asked him about why he supports a form of torture that is internationally illegal and trump's response was "i dont care".

Trump also advocated for killing the families of his enemies, including children and babies.
He is a fucking maniac. And if you are still not convinced he is a maniac, here is a video of trump talking DURING 9/11: "Now i have the tallest building in down manhattan :D :D"


Welcome to all refugees!



What you're thinking of as liberal is called libertarian now in the US, because modern liberals do not give a fuck about free speech, the right to bear arms, etc. Again, this started ~1890. I understand that Europeans didn't have quite so pronounced an evolution in language, although their actual "liberal parties" and so forth had the same transformation.

What do you mean as posible? You being ablist??????? You fucking cunt, I hope you get cancer and die. I have no respect for you you sick racist, mysogenist. It's people like you who voted for HITLER 2.0 YOU FUCKING CUNT DICKHEAD #Feminism#BlackLivesMatterMore#AntiAblism

>thinking this is liberal
liberals want better vaccine records and requirements for them to be publicly schooled

I'm liberal and i think all religions are bad.
I'm not only an atheist, i'm anti-theist.

fuck I hate shit like this



I'm not arguing with you. I don't care what you would have been called decades ago. Throwing a fit when the TV tells you is obtuse. You are the problem with modern politics.

The thread is being as liberal as possible, not as republican as possible.

Liberals actually bother to read arguments even if they are slightly long

It's more than worth it to protect our country.

Most liberals are from tumblr... and all tumblr folk are liberals...

Yeah, but that's true.

most further left leaning liberals are atheist, bro
you forget all the 14 yr olds are off of 9gag and on 4chin now

are you stupid?

You're confusing "islam" with "terrorism". Because you're a retard. A self-hating retard who can't feel good about himself without pointing out a whole group of other people and pretending they're even more subhuman than you see yourself as. The irony is that while you believe you're hiding your self-hate in doing so, you're actually advertising it.

Fuck liberals


I'm not American. I've never understood why you'd let that narrative change. Despite all the bullshit your country throws up, you cannot deny the beauty of that constitution. It's explicitly liberal.


Congratulations. You're not a regressive, do you want a fucking prize or something for being functioning human being?

Herp derp!

I like to pay taxes because I like firefighters, EMS, DNR, NOAA, DARPA, NASA, the national infrastructure, social programs (the ones people bash but rely on), and it's nice to have my roads plowed when it snows. Shit could you imagine if we didn't pay as much in taxes and had to do it ourselves?


I'm strongly against racism.
I'm strongly against misogyny.
I'm very pro gay rights.
I'm very pro workers rights.
I'm very skeptical when it comes to religion.


wtf is "liberal"???

uhh.. I was talking about what liberals do. Are you fucking stupid?

Sally at the big debate lays out the heavy hitters

There are two camps there.
One is what you described.

the other is the Jenny Mccarthy brand of liberal that wants vaccines banned or effectively so.

Conservatives generally favor religious exemptions (the status quo), and libertarians are against mandating almost anything, but either predominating would mean widespread vaccination nonetheless. Only on the left can you find the kind of opposition that makes a real problem for most people. (religious exemptions do not amount to a real problem. They mean maybe if herd immunity doesn't cover it a couple jehovah's witnesses die with no loss to anyone else.)

Let's do the math

85+ percent of people on tumblr are feminists/sjws... those instantly are liberals or more so socialists.

And almost all SJW's started on where? TUMBLR. it's not a 100% thing, but the vast majority.

never said they are subhuman
just saying Islam is oppressive and kills fags

Targeting civilians on purpose does not worth it, and it does not protect your country. its just a barbaric violation of the geneva conventions. not only that it's a war-crime, trump is literally a wanna-be terrorist.

Families of terrorists are mostly women and children, who might have nothing to do with the actions of the actual terrorists. they are not liable for the actions of someone else.... yet trump still wants to slaughter them.

That's called being an insane maniac.

and btw, have a little stat:
You are more likely to die from drowning than from a terror attack if you live in the US

"As liberal as possible" therefore i'm allowed to not read the whole thing. Kek


Except for that this slaughter wasn't made by refugees.



"Are you kidding me?"


Minimum state, less taxes, free market, property is a right, some invisible hand shit bla bla bla Stuart Mill

You don't go out much, do you?


As a liberal all I can see is you saying

"I'm allowed to" and that's rape. 0
