Alright, so a lot of things in the bible match historic records

alright, so a lot of things in the bible match historic records
people agree there were great floods, things like Israelis going to Egypt, getting enslaved them leaving and even Jesus being a real person that walked the earth and was crucified

What I can't understand is God's bloodthirst and whole attitude, if he was all powerful and loved everyone why didn't he just talk to the pharaoh himself and get him to release the slaves?
Why did he destroy whole towns including children and babies just because the adults were sinners?
If God was able to remove people and spread them across the world like he did when they were building the tower of babel, why then couldn't he do it to move people out of the promised land and put back the chosen ones?

I'm coming to the conclusion that these things did happen but there is no God and he was added into the stories to help boost the stories effectiveness

I know there are Christian Sup Forumsros on here so please help me understand

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>these things did happen but there is no God and he was added into the stories to help boost the stories effectiveness

god was added the same way the bully on the playground told you his big brother would beat you up. but you never saw his big brother, it was just always the threat of his big brother. picture the church in the BC- early AD days as the bully, using god as the elusive big brother that would kick your ass if you didn't do what the little bully told you to do. simple as that. religion has never been about anything but control of the unwashed masses. it's just hat some of the religions haven't progressed out of the dark ages ( hey islam, i'm looking at you ) like most others' have. problem is, the idiot liberals and media in the west are so fucking scared of islam, or they think they can use them for their own purpose, that they won't say a fucking thing to them. whereas, they will villify christians and jews all day long. fucking pussies, they won't say shit to someone they are scared of. such courage in the media, oh, lets give them a media medal!!!!


Well op on my phone and to much to type. But God allows things to happen and they are bad at times. For told you he's a jealous God. He wants to see how you will do when you face the world without his help really. Sure he kicks in here and there but he's out of the picture. Eve fucked it up then the Jews finished it off

WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More-government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00 a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if you copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow.You will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girls.

He wants only people who will worship him. He allows the Devil to come an temp us. God is trying to break the weak. If you had kids you would understand better. You love them you provide but some damn day you get tired of it and tell them to grow up and kick them out. You pray they do the right thing and follow a good path.

People who do believe is fine to him. More people than not turn to God in a time of need. People who are atheist will find God in the face of bad things and forget him once it's all good again.
Strong believers will turn on God during hard times also. So it's the ultimate test to see who will follow him.
Next we could talk about Aliens.

Generally, in the OT, the Israelites are God's special people. When God caused destruction for certain people groups, such as the Amelekites or whoever, it was because they were engaged in practices He didn't like such as baby sacrificing to other gods.

>"Now that you're reading this, repost me on Sup Forums or your mommy contracts breast cancer!"

What do????

I agree with your sentiment, however there is a balance you should strike. Kicking your kids out when they are unprepared to support themselves is a horrible idea.

God does not send us here against our will, at least I believe this to be so based on my experiences, and yes this is a test of our mettle.

>god was added the same way the bully on the playground told you his big brother would beat you up
creationism makes a lot of sense too though

>But God allows things to happen and they are bad at times
it seems insane that he ignores certain murders but he has divine intervention when one of the men pulled out while having sex, it's so random where he does massive power moves like the plagues and yet when he wrestled with abraham he lost

>He wants only people who will worship him
he says that but also that he loves everyone, he kills children because he saw they were wicked

also a contradiction is that he can foresee everything, but he then created a flood to kill all humans because he regretted making them, he should have seen they'd be wicked

>Generally, in the OT, the Israelites are God's special people.
yes which makes it sound like a cult, they were allowed to go around and murder a whole region of people

so another question is, if God is real is he worthy of worship if I do not agree with any of his practices?

Would God allow us to incarnate into forms other than human?

Such as aliens, in order to learn different lessons?

Why not??

No, it doesn't.
Virtually everything in the wholely babble has been disproven to the point where the Vatican itself says your fairy tail princess book is just a collection of stories and it is intended to be read as if they were as "religious truths".
Go argue with the Roman Catholic Church you faggot. They penned your shit. Steal it and twist the words to be whatever you want them to mean like a typical manipulative pussy ass white fuccboi.

White genocide world wide.
Bag and tag every white women you run into and pump her full of your seed.
GET BLACKED you cum sluts!

The Egyptians were meticulous record keepers, yet neither they nor any of their neighbors have any record of Hebrew slaves or a mass exodus of said slaves. The only "proof" is in the Bible.

That's all the proof I need!

>people agree there were great floods, things like Israelis going to Egypt, getting enslaved them leaving
There's no physical evidence of a world-wide flood in the past 6 thousand years, nor is there any evidence outside the bible that hebrews were ever in Egypt.

Who says the Christian God is a true representation of the true God?

I have free will, I can write, I write a book, a work of fiction describing the World from my eyes, is it true?

No. God is real, the word of man is fallible.

I think a lot of you have it wrong, God doesn't like all the bad shit going on in the world, but he made a promise to let humans handle themselves, (free will) he created a perfect place for humans to reside and live, and if it wasn't for Eve being all retarded, we would still be in the garden of Eden. But now we are in a world without God because we as humans created that separation. Anytime you have a question about God, consider him like a loving but stern parent. I'm on my phone and won't type a huge deal on this and I wish I had more time to explain my poi t of view, but God doesn't "like" "allow" or "create" all the bad shit in the world, we do, and the responsibility is on our shoulders to fix ourselves. Don't blame the worlds problems on God or anything else, this is a huge point of immaturity for the human race. We did this.

I think a lot of you have it wrong.

There is no god.

god is invincable you cant see him

You are far too gullible.

Believe what a book tells you without question, believe what a corrupt organization tells you without question while spouting rasist garbage.

Go have your own experiences.

>White genocide world wide
There's no guns for foodstamps drives tyrone, so 1/3 of ameriniggers are out of this fight

Factor in that unless a white man is telling afrocucks what to do and when, afrocucks die of starvation

None of this bodes well for your people cuckcake

>Pic related to what we did to your land, "people", culture and freedom

U r gay as fuck


The burden of proof is on the one making the claim after all .

Right back at you, user. Provide proof of your god.

Oh, wait. He's ineffable and only true believers are shown divine signs of his presence. How convenient.

There you go again making claims without evidence to support your delusions, where and when did I state my beliefs?

Oh, I didn't? You made a claim, now provide evidence.

>The Egyptians were meticulous record keepers, yet neither they nor any of their neighbors have any record of Hebrew slaves or a mass exodus of said slaves. The only "proof" is in the Bible.
>nor is there any evidence outside the bible that hebrews were ever in Egypt.
there are hebrew style houses, a massive power switch in egyptian groups which lead to all but one becoming poor, which matches the story of Jacob and there was also a tomb which was in the shape of a pyramid (very rare for non-royalty to have) and in front was a statue of how they depicted hebrews and also had a colourful robe which is mentioned in the bible and pretty much Jacobs defining thing

there's a documentary on netflix that covers this

don't be that guy, what do we do to pass down information to other generations? we document it, what is documented about the creation of this world?

>there's a documentary on netflix that covers this
Oh shit! Please forgive me for ever doubting!

>Oh shit! Please forgive me for ever doubting!
in case you wanted to look into the matter further, sorry where do you get your information from?


White males should all be butchered off and white females will all GET BLACKED!

This seems likely true... could we begin to speak for God?


yes this seems to make sense, God is not loving or perhaps it was the devil that sent the hebrews to pillage and murder all those cities because their past generations decided to settle in that area

The LORD said to Moses, "When you return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have given you the power to do. But I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go.

why did he harden his heart? why does he have to perform in front of the pharaoh if he knows he will not let his people go?
instead he releases 10 plagues and kills live stock and every first born

We cannot know for certain.

God should make the right path evident, time will tell.

We must strive for balance and perfection, while being open to change.

I agree and this is why!

you know these things are constructed to create controversy to get people watching, right? They find a few fringe academics who believe something that there's very little evidence for, magnify the evidence to make it seem significant, and put them in a documentary with actual scholars of the subject and let them fight it out.

Every serious archaeologist has concluded that the story of Exodus is complete bullshit. Half the places mentioned in the Book of Exodus didn't even exist at the time that it's supposed to have taken place.

Same goes for the great flood and everything else in the early books of the Bible. Basically, everything that happens before the Persians return the Israelites from exile in Babylonia is completely made up.

Its natural for superior black men to breed out inferior, weak, effeminate white faggots.

This totally makes sense. It really is a false flag. The j00s are trying to divide us up so we fight among ourselves while they plot to take over.

White people have it worse than any other race! We're always giving them everything and they're always just taking and taking from us.
We gave those stupid whiny indians their casinos and they're still killing themselves off at record pace.
Its not like we genocided them off completely.
You can still see indians today!
Look at the great nation we built them for.
They owe us so much for bringing them the modern world!

>you know these things are constructed to create controversy to get people watching, right
yes but the tomb is a fact and points to a hebrew being in high power

>Half the places mentioned in the Book of Exodus didn't even exist at the time
true but if a place was being built and then it was later called London but originally it was called something else, you might say they were building London
names change but its still the same areas

> there were great floods, things like Israelis going to Egypt, getting enslaved them leaving and even Jesus being a real person that walked the earth and was crucified

Only believers, user. For each of those items you're referring to, there's 1000x more history than what's in that book, and when you familiarize yourself with the rest of it, that book becomes immediately transparent as being exactly what it is, Romes extremely hamfisted attempt at unifying a moral code to stop its citizens from warring in the streets and unify them and turn their swords outward instead.

Old Testament shit, ask the Jews. You can still find a few of them who give a shit, and join in their 3500 year old discussion trying to make modern sense of primitive ancestors view of the world, weather, myths and legends. Maybe you'll be the first to come up with some good answers lol

Ask the Hindus.
Maybe your answer lay in the realm of all the other gods you've been ignoring.

Ever wonder why the Jews god is all alone by himself raging at nonconformists while the rest of the 30,000 other gods are out playing sports, partying and carrying on?

How can we stop Hollywood j00s from pushing their interacial anti-white agenda to genocide the white man!? HOW?! My white-baby-dick is shriveling and I don't like it!

Welfare should only be for whites!
Only whites pay taxes.
Nigs and spics only ever take.
Niggers are disgusting takers who don't contribute to society.
Only whites should be allow access to welfare.
We're the only actual group of people.
The rest are just animals and sometimes you have to sacrifice animals so that people can survive.

I dunno, but that pic is hot. She's lost in it, and you know 15 min ago she was pretty in her strapless evening dress.

>abrahamic's lone god is the angsty beta narcussistic dick god rejected by all the other gods for being awful
>other gods party on without him

fucking post of the millenium

>there were great floods,
Not that great
>things like Israelis going to Egypt, getting enslaved them leaving
Totally false. And they wouldn't have been Israelis at this point in their history anyway
>and even Jesus being a real person that walked the earth and was crucified
This one is probably true

Evasive he subsumed attributes of Baal and El as the Israelites moved from polytheism through henotheism to monotheism, and lost his consort goddess along the way while his pantheon became the vestigial "Sons of El"

Because he subsumed*