G'morning b

g'morning b
i hope you slept well.
tell me why you will not KILL YOURSELF today.

Because I do what you see in the webm and more with the girl I love with great success. Ha!


WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More-government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00 a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if you copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow.You will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see little dead girl

Because I don't want to hurt people around me. That's the only reason.

congrats user.no sauce.
glad you care about them enough to stay.

Gonna watch my buddy who os title belt weilding hard ass knock out 3 fucking people tonight and close the bar down.

Watching the left burn all their free shit.

I assume my wife and dogs dont wanna deal with my fat corpse and i dont wanna an hero ina foundry.

There is a roach coach next door and i havent tried their chicken burritos yet.

My nest friend killing himself not long ago and it fucked my head up so bad and i drank so much i fell down in the street trying to get more vodka. Physically incapable of going to get more i descided to just eat a 12 guage.

Something told me not to.

To this day i swear it was god or my buddy making me not.

Descided to spend my life beating depression and helping others do the same.

As it turns out like my top 5 best friends have diagnosed depression. Except for 1 and he might never tell anyone if he has it...

Pretty close to realising my dream of a house ina woods with 10 fucking outbuildings full of cool old shit.

Dunno. Life can be good but u have to make it good.

Starting to reconsider eating that fucking 12 guage atm. Wife laying here ina motel snoring loud enough we got a noise complaint. FUCKING SHUT. UP...

thanks for sharing user. g'luck with that house.

Because we all die eventually so why not live life to the max?

Jokes on you, I didn't sleep at all BECAUSE IT DO WHATEVER I FUCKING WANT

because i wanna prove them wrong..
and make them suffer if thats possible..

Hey motherfucker one more satan trips I haven't forgotten.

I'll get it eventually.

Because I am not a pussy.

if you are not a pussy then you should be an hero

Tried the other day. Survival instinct kicked in at the last second, and I chickened out, tournequeted my wrist, and called the paramedics. Now I have a huge scar, a broken toe, and landed myself in the psych ward. I had no place to go home to after getting released, so I had to go straight to an alcohol treatment facility where I'm posting this from. I'm currently shivering in a room way up in the mountains. It has no heat, and it's infested with mice. There are fates worse than death, my friends. Still considering finishing the job.
I take some comfort in the fact of now knowing that slitting your wrists and bleeding out is actually quite painless. It just looks terrifying...

because i'm too much of a pussy.

op, when i wont see anymore of your thread, would that mean you offed yourself ?

that's sad

Because i live to make my creators rue the day they forced me into this dumb ass world

Cause I got work today

Just got a big cheque and i'm gonna get a 10/10 asian hooker tonight and some blow

I can't enjoy sex and drugs if I'm dead.

I wanna get the Switch

Because getting a bus to a shooting range takes effort and isn't even guaranteed I'd be able to.
Because I'm too squeamish for any of the easy ways.
And because the same apathy that keeps me from bettering myself keeps me from killing myself, too.

I promise nothing, myself and/or other people. I have a desperate need to change something in my life and a total lack of want to do it, so something will give eventually, today, tomorrow, next week or next month, it's all just a matter of time.

Because our death only means something if we make our lives mean something.

because Trump won and now there's a glimmer of hope we can reclaim America from the progressive shitlibs that want to import the 3rd world and the islamic state.

Jesus Christ user, are you me? I flat out refuse responsibility or commitment of any kind. I try to help other people online as much as I can, and only ever talk to people online, really. Complete shut-in, even live in mom's basement.

I don't have anything to live for, but dying takes effort or an amount of withstanding pain that I'm clearly unwilling to do, as is apparent from my lifestyle.

get a part time job, save money.

And buy what with it? I can only buy distractions that last for so long. Even if I had infinite money, I'd still eventually pay someone to get me enough of some pleasant drug to OD on. I'm broken, and unwilling to put effort into myself. Money's not going to change that.

definitely not you, I have a full time job that I hate, a girlfriend I don't love, friends who I think are complete fuckwits and yet like you I try to help other people just in person rather than online and I tend to get shit on for my troubles.
So yeah it really is just a matter of time and I'm gonna go postal.

because i want to see the world turn to shit before i die

i hope it does workout like that.
deep and true

Save your money to put a downpayment on a house. I became a homeowner at 25, changed my whole outlook. having your own property might give you more of a reason to socialize, maybe get a girl over even.

Ahh. Yeah. I'm not gonna end up postal. I've gotten too good at bottling my anger and now it just shuts me down if I get too angry. Gotta love coping mechanisms for unhealthy ways of dealing with emotions.
I'm just probably going to leave a messy corpse. Not like my family would have an open casket, anyways.

I broke my piece of rope during my last attempt

Meh. I don't really want to get in debt and become a wage slave. Doesn't really sound worth the amount of effort it'd take to get myself to a contributing member of society.
I don't have anything I want enough to put the effort into. I'd just rather be dead than literally anything else anyone could offer me.

I used to internalize my rage and still do to a major extent and yes to the point of shutting down and hiding from the world, but I fought through that and kinda wish I hadn't.

fall break. all siblings are coming home. best friend coming over to get high and play vidya.

Thanks user. Pretty excited. Was my wife late grandfathers. Possibly millions in old cool shit right outside town. And found out yesterday dude backed out of a land deal for accross the street. 20 acres. Fucking perfect since i get 40% off rock and can haul free. Fucking rock 10 or 15 acres and spray it. Perfect size as i dont wanna fight ceder trees and fucking hate cows. Plant up a few acres of corn with an llc so i am a farm and oh my deer are eating my corn 365. Guess ill legally poach the cunt.

Sorry to hear that you regret it, user. Do you see a therapist at all?

WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More-government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00 a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if you copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow.You will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girls......

If not troll then no kys. There are also days better than you have ever had.

If you are strong enough.

okay bro if that's the way you want to live. You'll eventually get sick of your miserable situation, and when you do, you'll regret the shit out of wasting all that time.

I could've had a degree by now. Regrets aren't enough to get me to change. Nothing really motivates me to do anything positive.
But yes. I'll either live like this until I die, or change for the better. No other options, really.

Gotta take steps user. Force youself to be social and go for walks and proper diet.

Most all of that mee tier depression help off google works.

Only thing i cant do is lift. Fucks with my head.

Kinda strange but whateves. I can eat fish and salad and still be alright. Naturally yuge upper body and chicken legs. Like i was born with retard strenght.

Pretty funny.

Can bench a buick without working out but can open a jar or crimp wires cause dainty girl wrists.


Ah yeah. Forgot about emporer trump. Its gonna be yuge

Yeah, I saw therapists for a while of varying sorts I went to Counselors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, a Neuro-Lingustic Programmer and even a drug dealer (well another one, not dealing in prescription pharmaceuticals) I think the NLP and the drug dealer were my favorites/most helpful. But at the end of the day if you're not willing to make the required changes in your life none of that shit will help (well, the drug dealer. . .)

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not not changing because I don't know what to do to change. I know what I could do to help myself and my situation. I'm fascinated my Psychology and have been to therapy for basically my whole life, so I understand what works and why. I'm just not willing to put the effort in because I don't see what's on the other end of the tunnel as being worth the effort it takes to get there.
That's part of it, at least.

I don't really feel like right now. I have the helium and mask at the ready but I just don't feel like it. Plus if I don't want to be a dick I'd have to clean my apartment and write a note to the manager to let her know I'm dead or else my body will sit and rot until my rent is over due and they unlock my door to throw me out. That and I have a cat that is quite old and I don't really want to leave her all alone.

Emily Grey

because like all days, im too coward

I get what you mean, but let's be honest with ourselves. The drug dealer doesn't help. The drug dealer lets us forget our problems for a while.
My drug of choice is digital media. Videogames or watching shit, I avoid reality as much as I possibly can.
And yeah. If you're not putting in the effort, nothing and no one else can for you.

My family makes me promise to not suicide... i need to wait until all my family die to kill myself.

I can tell u it is m8. I go out every other day a few hours after work to hang out. Not 1 time in 6 months have i wanted to go. Wanted to stay. Long day and tired etc... not 1 time have i regreted it. Try just soending a month and go hardcore mode. Will be interesting and at least u know u tried. May chose to continue it hopefully. I went to shrinks and they sucked my ass.

U faggots, google, and good friends got me on top of this bullshit.

oh I mean thew drug dealer helped me avoid, I didn't intend for that to sound otherwise, he was however a really awesome chap, good to talk to and have drugfucked conversations with that lead to greater realizations of my overall problems, I'm not however saying that drug dealers are a good solution, I just had a good one.

Well, if I had any good friends or the capacity to make any, maybe. The only "friends" I have live in the state I grew up in and never take the effort to talk to me. I have to send them a message when I'm visiting, and even then, they don't always answer.
I'm glad you found it worth it. I'm just not consistent. I tried walking. I tried dieting to lose weight. Neither really changed anything. I stopped doing them and beat myself up over the fact that I even bothered trying anyways, since I know I always fail.
I appreciate the effort. I just don't have any motivation or self-motivation or self-confidence. I don't want to enough.

Ahh. Fair point. Sounds pretty decent.
Ever tried CBT, by chance? I've heard that can be helpful.

I have extreme chronic constipation and had encopresis for around 2-4 years, I have iris coloboma, a pelvic kidney and I want to kill myself

To be honest no, but it always sounded a lot like brainwashing to me.

Because I might be buying a GTI today, kinda neat

To be fair, the human mind is basically a computer. Right now, you're running the same program you have for however many years. It's taking new stimuli as inputs, parsing them through the program, and the output is how you react.
The principle behind CBT is to run a new "healthy" program enough times until it becomes the default program that parses inputs.

so neuro-linguistic programming then?

Basically. People can absolutely be programmed. Just a matter of repeating the right stimulus/stimuli until default reaction becomes what you want. Pavlov and whatnot.

Whats this?
** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed

Why I won't kill myself?
>Work as a lawyer at a local firm
>Payed well and good collegues
>Beautiful loving wife and a child on the way :)
Life is good, your move, OP.

Shaft. Well best of luck to u. I promise you it will be worth it. I have to chase my friends around also but as it turns out most are depressed and want to hang just apathetic like u and like i used to be. I would for sure try finding a hobby or a hangout spot and make new friends bro.

Apathy is what led me into cripling depression.

because I had great sex with my girlfriend last night.

Also I just listened to an audio clip of a girl making a 911 call when she walked in on her brothers body after he killed himself.

Also i'm afraid of the dark.

I have usually have 2-3 people at any point in my life depending on me. I've never had someone to depend on.

>I just listened to an audio clip of a girl making a 911 call when she walked in on her brothers body after he killed himself

congrats on your good life man.