Hillary Clinton's campaign reminds me of a lategame Legion Commander buyback

Hillary Clinton's campaign reminds me of a lategame Legion Commander buyback.

Well I cant disagree

Which Dota 2 character best suits Trump?

Morph ofc

Definitely Axe.
Chops the media after each empty accusation they throw at him.
Good day sir.

hahahaha zooozle top kek

I don't get the reference. I just got into this game like a few weeks ago.

Trump is Tidehunter. He waits for 190 seconds (190 days for Trump) and then blows his load.

Inb4 trench tier mmr.

How has it been so far?
getting raped much?

not really. Won my first multiplayer game. I was getting raped by the bots in my very first game tho

Here is pro dota player ask me anything

are you a faggot?

You'd have to experience a few stomps against/with a legion commander she then says the line "Victory will be ours." Even if there's like 10 microseconds until the ancient explodes. It's quite funny.


Does your name rhyme with Wendy?


Oh lol that does sound funny. I actually play legion commander a lot. She's not bad. I was getting raped by a lifestealer my last game tho.

Okay serious question.

What's your MMR? How much $ have you won from Dota 2? If zero say zero. Just want to know.

does your name rhyme with urcle? or ismail?

well serious answer my mmr 600 maybe below i earn zero dollars i even lost 8 dollars for buying battle pass


This is in fact picture of me

thats very good picture i like it

Thank you. I am on Road to 2000 mmr. It is a Russian road so there will be roadblocks but we will make it there in eventually.

>buys an addon-product
>calls it a waste

DO you even know what the word waste means?

boost me plox

"addon product" skins .... what a productive shit