YWN be a jurassic park employee

>YWN be a jurassic park employee
honestly guys whats the point?

Also how would you make a Jp sequel? what else can they possibly do

jurassic bump

5 islands....


can jurassic kino ever be achieved again?

I would never want to work there. Security has fucked up 4 times already.

there's something floating around in the archives about their plans for the next jurrasic world movie user. also checked.
>if i remember correctly it had something to do with pet dinos in peoples houses. all the cast return, yes even that flavour of the month faggot from guardians of the gal.

>he doesn't have the Park badges and patches
>he doesn't dress like a JP worker when he's at home with nothing better to do

>pet dinos in peoples houses.

there was 5 islands of death there, i think jp covered 2 of them..

>tfw will never get a proper JP survival movie like Lost World and JP3 were supposed to be

I thought it was interesting the first human face you see in JP is a black guy, or a costa rican or something.

Dinosaurs in space.


Do you think the employees knew that they were being hired to work on dinosaur island? What were the interviews like?

>Jurassic Galaxy: Dinos in Space
>Jurassic Park VI: T-Rex Goes To Hell
>Air Rex: Raptors in the Outfield
>Jurassic Park Origins: Dilophosaurus
>Jurassic Park's Animated Adventures
>Jurassic Park presents Stegosaurus' Christmas Singalong Special
>JvT (Jurassic Park vs Terminator)

If they cloned John Hammond and he went fucking berserk in Manhattan I would watch it.

well muldoon had experience with dangerous exotic animals before so they just picked people with previous animal experience.
but ya how do you break to an employee that theres dinos

You mean like John Hammonds head on a trex body right?

>this is my final form dr grant, i spared no expense

Probably seek out different people that have experience in working with dangerous animals and offer them a job that requires the utmost secrecy. They most likely would have to sign all kinds of confidentiality agreements and then are never told that it is dinosaurs until they actually get hired on. Where the fucked us is they should have done extensive background checks on the people they were hiring, specifically looking into their financial history. What you're looking for is people in massive debt or have a bad history with money. Higher chance of selling secrets.


They'd have to offer me a fortune to work there, as well as my own bunker

The entire Jurassic Park idea was undone by fucking Nedry. Without his hacker crap the whole tour would have been slightly disappointing but otherwise fine and ready to open. Sure, there were obvious safety issues, but the whole thing got fucked up by Nedry. I guess it does undercut the whole "humans playing god" angle when it's just the greed of one person

if one man can bring about a disaster so easily then maybe its not such a good idea


INGEN CEO here, Surely we can get it right this next time, I know there been some missteps in the past but this time we're really going to hold back on no expenses. Bigger walls, Better security (we have muldoon jr on management),and this time all the dinos are MALE to ensure no uncontrolled reproduction occurs. If you would like to apply to our new park visit www. INGEN.com

it was suppose to be an island a movie.

Ummm, excuse me Mr CEO but they were all male to begin with, we tried to account for that when we bred them. Life found a way though, the frog DNA we used allowed them become female when necessary for the purpose of breeding. We already tried that shit Mr CEO.

We got Spacegodzilla already, and that guy almost ended the planet.

Nedry was actually the hero of the movie. Despite his greed he actually showed that the park was hilariously unsafe during a power outtage. Even though he got staff killed he prevented the park from opening and possibly have thousands of civilians killed.

No, they should have done better background checks. They do it when you get a security clearance with the government or military, and one thing that can get you denied is being in debt.

If I was Hammond, that's the second thing I would look for in considering hiring someone to run my computer systems in a park where secrecy and security are of the utmost importance.

No he wasn't. He sabotaged safety systems. If I snuck into your room and pinpricked all your condoms and you got AIDs I'm not a hero because I showed how deadly sexually transmitted diseases are.

jurassic world 2: electric boogaloo

INGEN CEO here again, were you an employee for the original park? my condolences for the unfortunate misstep. If you remember correctly the original dinos were all female to ensure no breeding but unfortunately there DNA was mixed with that of gender changing frogs. This time theyre all MALE and mix with SEAHORSE DNA to ensure that no frog-like trouble occurs again.
If you would like to apply please visit www. INGEN.com

jurassic bump

filthy nedry defender

> not dressing up as an ss oberleutnaut and yelling at your imaginary soldiers in fake gibberish german

> achtung veeber stoit schnell schnell!!!!!

The fuck do I want to get eaten by dinosaurs for famalon?

Better pay than DHARMA, worse hours than Gizmonics.

How can you defend the reckless actions of The INgen company. souless CEO

Law student here, thinking about working here after graduation. Hear anything good about it?

Jurassic pun

Reboot obviously.

stick close to the INGen safety protocols and youll be fine!

Make an adaptation of Jurassic Park Trespasser.

Seems pretty obvious to me family


i think i just came



>this time all the dinos are MALE to ensure no uncontrolled reproduction occurs.
Kind of optimistic aren't we?


no. it requires too much money to be made. they won't risk giving the franchise to someone new and interesting

>bum...bum bum bummmm
>bum...bum bum bummmmm
>bum BAM bum BAAM buh ba BAA ba Bah buh BAAAAAAH
>bee bah buh bah buh bu puh ba, buuuuuuh, bum bum BAAAAM bum






Idris Elba is the 2016 equivalent Bruce Campbell of fan castings back in the 90's on AICN talkbacks.

Sir, the INgen safety protocol was a one page infographic titled "The Meat Shield."


We already had Dino Crisis 3

>building on the franchise in a completly fucked up way
how close was this to actually becoming reality

>implying thats a bad thing

Not on the silver screen

Fuck it.

Just give me a Dinosaurs Attack movie.

Don't pay attention to this INgen slander


One fucking guy. The issue was that they relied so heavily on automation, while cheaping out on the development of said automation that they fucked themselves.


Not necessarily, the human's playing god angle was definitely in effect.

They were sure of their computer systems, they were sure of their genetics, and breeding processes that they never bothered to follow up and check themselves.

They had rampant breeding and a growing population without even realizing it, this is particularly present in the book where an entire haven of raptors were running free and untracked.

They should have kept the part in the book, where one of the reasons they didn't realize the dinosaurs were breeding, was because they had monitors around the park to track dinosaurs, but programmed the damned things to only track X amount, so they never actually registered all the extra dinos running around.

Also the part where the only reason Nedry was on the island, and trying to fuck InGen, was because they gave his company a project with vague and constantly changing parameters, and then expected him to show up and fix it, when it wasn't working.

The whole Dino breeding was a way smaller part of the movie then the book. Grant just found eggs then that was it. The book had a whole searching for a hive plot.
I wish the whole raptors attacking the villa from the roof with the crew stuck inside was in the movie
As well as grant poisoning the raptors with eggs

3 island I believe. 1, 2, and 3 were all separate islands.

Just two.

Isla Nublar is in 1 and JW.
Isla Sorna is 2 and 3.

that concept art was originally rumored for JP4. So, pretty close?

ah okay, I couldn't remember. JP3 was my least favorite so I didn't watch that much. Also I think The Lost World was better than the first JP, fight me.

>Work at universal for a time as a ride op.
>October comes around, the entertainment branch starts poaching extra workers so they can have hands for Halloween Horror nights.
>Get picked up as a street actor for the jurassic park section of isles of adventure.
>mfw when years ago this 'human/dinosaur' hybrid junk was the fucking theme for a Halloween walk around.

jurassic bump

what was your part

Jurassic park video game like alien isolation is the only thing that'll revive Jp for me

I was a random bloodied JP worker who would jump out of the brush before these sets of raptors which would 'jump' at the guests. They were set up on rails and pretty nifty with a bit of lightning and audio work, they did pretty good, especially since everyone was looking at me screaming bloody murder and grabbing for them.

>hacker crap
Sam Jackson please leave

Sounds radical. Jurassic walk around would be dope

i really want this. If they could put as much detail as they did into the isolation world into the J park world i would in heaven. walking around a 1994 dino theme park running from dinos.
why doesnt this exist :/

The Lost World could have been so mich better,had they cut out the PETA crap.

Should have just been a survival horror centered around Roland tembo and a group of International Operators shooting the fuck out of Dinos

Dat sountrack tho

You forgot the one where they put the brain of a serial killer into a T Rex


How the fuck did that thing take 5 rounds of 20mm HEAP and live?

Or was cooper that shit of a shot?

I know we're on Sup Forums but really this was handled a lot better in the book. There's compounding reasons for the fall instead of one power outage. They actually get the park back online quickly but their systems didn't adequately report vital information like whether they were on backup or main power. And the administrators who should have known better were spread too thin trying to tidy the place back up to notice they didn't even have fence power.

That whole speech Ellie makes in the movie about taking control for granted has a lot more meaning with how the angle is pushed in the book. It's not just one hiccup and an assumption thwarted overnight, it's everyone being completely overconfident about everything long after they shouldn't.

TL:DR, JP in the movie was fucked by a power outage. That ship was doomed to sink. JP in the book was salvageable if it weren't for the crew's compounding quirks working to fuck it at every end.

Lost world has great moments
>dat "stay out of the long grass"
>dat dual Rex
>dat Dino capturing scene
>dat soundtrack
It really only falls apart when they leave the island

I actually think the movie did a good job of streamlining the story so it would work in that format. The power goes out taking the park down all at once and the story just flows more smoothly which works better for the movie adaptation.

You do lose some of the depth of the the books, but I think Spielberg didn't want to get it wrapped up in how exactly the park fell apart and why. He only had two hours to tell the whole story after all.

Oh yeah. I'm not by any means a book purist. The movie overall was a great adaptation.

at best I'd probably be able to secure the job of shoveling dino poop

I feel ya. Both are great in there own ways

INGEN CEO HERE, you sound perfect for the job! Due to an unfortunate animal/employee interaction we currently have an opening!

If you would like to apply to our new park please visit www. INGEN.com

Jurassic bump