Got a friend to take this pic of my back. what the fuck is wrong with it?

got a friend to take this pic of my back. what the fuck is wrong with it?

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Your blood is delicious.

They look like bug bites. Do nothing rhey will go away

Those are hives. Looks like you're allergic to something. If that's your only symptom, try not to irritate them and they'll go away. If you get any other symptoms, go to urgent care.

For starters, it's attached to a fatso

Hives. Allergic rxn to something. Should probably stop injecting yourself with cat urine.

go buy a benadryl, take 2x 25 mg. go see a doctor and tell them you had an allergic reaction

Also, moderate your butthole. That pubic outgrowth is not spec.

Never seen anyone before with ass hair that creeps all the way up lower back...

You out in the sun today

It has a crack

Hey OP, could you show butt? You look quite a cutie


You're having an allergic reaction to bed bug bites.

Jk Rowling username : merkabahwaltz


Have you tried scratching it?

bed bugs

burn your apartment and all your belongings


Check your pets for fleas.

dude you've got the AIDS. like, all of them.
quit being so stingy or there won't be enough for those south african newborns.

allergic reaction to something. wash it then apply hydrocortizone and take a benydril

those are bedbug bites OP. We lived in an apartment and one of the new neighbors introduced them into the buolding and before long our aprtment was infested along with other peoples apartments. we were getting eaten alive by those fucking things. the pattern of the bites is a dead giveaway and the way they swell. you need to inform your landlord if youre in an apartment, or if you own your home you need to call an exterminator ASAP or those things will completely fuck your life up

The bitch about bed bugs is you will have to get rid of so much of your personal belongings because they hide fucking everywhere

Literally endgame syphilis how the fuck did you manage that? gg no re

Could be hives or insects as others have said. Doesn't seem likely that it's food based though (did you eat anything you don't usually eat?), looks more like you rubbed your back on something your skin didn't like. If you have any Benadryl or anything like aloe vera lotion, those would help. Doesn't look too severe though.

Bed bug bites. You have to heat treat everything in your house or they won't go away

Bed bugs you nasty fuck.

Those are hives. It's an allergic reaction to something you ate or came in contact with. I just had the same thing.