What's causing the decline of marriage?

what's causing the decline of marriage?





betas retreating to the basement for videogames and porn

idk like everyone i know is getting married

women always thinking they deserve better

People losing sight of what a marriage really is. A covenant between a man and a woman to remain together as husband and wife, no matter what the circumstances.
People just want to fuck, and do whatever they please, but they aren't wanting to stick with a commitment.
The worth of a marriage has been devalued over the years because people have become more selfish. "What can I get out" of it vs "What can I do for my spouse.'' It's become a self focused thing instead of a "we" focused thing. And it's caused the value of a marriage to break down to nothing more than a temporary contract between two individuals, instead of a life long commitment between what some consider one flesh.

Long story short, the sacredness of marriage has been lost.

Divide and Conquer performed by feminism to make the genders hate each other, cheapen the concept of monogamy, and turn everyone into hippie sluts at best and man slave sperm donors at worst.

marriage is an archaic tradition, its decline is welcomed with open arms

>No matter what the circumstances
I'm not disagreeing with you, but I'm just going to throw it out there that sometimes people don't just get a divorce when they really should. Sometimes people will think shit like "Oh well we'd better stick together for the kids," and cause everybody to experience a miserable home life with people who hate each other, and it would have been better to separate. Even for the kids it would sometimes be better, having separated parents is better than having two parents who live together but hate each other and fight all the time

The realization that we all live a lot longer than before, and divorce is a very ugly process. So it's far more profitable to not get married. Taxes are the only advantage now, and the difference doesn't make it worthwhile.


A compound of different problems.

1) People before used to do what was expected, not what they wanted.
2) Because of this they were more likely to suffer through bad times.
3) Sex wasn't a thing prior to marriage, and children prior to marriage was doom to a woman.

4) Now a days, people aren't doing what is expected.
5) They have no will to suffer through bad times. They want perfection and leave instantly if it's not perfect.
6) being pregnant or having sex outside marriage isn't a big deal.

All of these things lead to a lack of need for marriage. There is a decline in marriage, because we're finding out marriage is a stupid fucking useless religious bullshit term.

Women's rights and feeling independant.

>tips fedora

Fucking Step kids. They ruin everything.

The way society treats men, combined with new wave feminism. Also, women being stupid and having a child with the asshole, who they view as alpha etc etc, but because of this same "alphaness" will not stay and raise the child.

In a situation like that, especially if there's abuse, then hell yeah. Separate. BUT get help. Seriously get counselling. Give the abuser every chance to try and redeem themselves.
If you exhaust every single avenue, and they refrain from trying to deal, then that is the solution.
Divorce should be the absolute LAST mother fucking possible solution. If everything else has failed. Not because your wife painted her nails pink, or you woke up with the farts or whatever lame ass excuse you or her come up with.

The game.

>with people who hate each other
Why do they hate each other? Is there no way for them to try and get to the root of the problem and reconcile? Is it because one person wants their way and the other says no?

My parents were like this for many years, and one day in high school I sat them both down and asked them why the fuck they hated each other. Turns out it was some bullshit argument from before I was born. I told them it was stupid for them to hate each other for that, and they needed to work it out.
They demanded to know where I had heard such drivel, and I told them it was from them. I had some problems with some kids from school, and they told me the same thing. It hit them hard, they cried and shit, and decided to get help. They realized they had been selfish.
They stayed together untill my Pops died last year, and they were happier than they ever were.
So yeah, lave can overcome hate, once people look outside themselves.

Granted, that's a happy ending, and not every story has one, but it is possible.


>disposable society
>unrealistic expectations
>smarter men observing the raw deal they get
>stupid monetary decisions
>shitty economy and unemployment, along with rising cost of living and stagnant wages.

women being duped into believing that the role of wife/mother is something to be ashamed of. Feminists have convinced the world that the role of Mother is a terrible thing, when it's not.
They make claims that the Patriarch lords it over women, and that religion denies women thier rights, etc, and nothing is further from the truth.
The role of mother/wife has been exaulted in many of the world's religions.

Hell In Christianity alone , the church/believers have been described as the Bride of Christ. Something to be proud of. Something sacred. Men are commanded to love their wives and Christ loved the Church. Laying his life down for them. True Christianity places the role of Mother/Wife a helluva lot higher than the feminists want to admit. A household could nt functi9n wthut the Wife/Mother running it. They have a very sacred place in the marriage.