Get on our level you backward plebs

Get on our level you backward plebs.

>easy access to contraceptions
>too dumb to even buy any
Really made me think

absolutely haram

implying this is bad at this stage of europe

one of there 1000 girls here was impregnated by me ;)

Yeah, kids having kids, totally a good thing!

before ww2 that was normal in the whole planet

We may have high access but there are fucking loads of teenage mothers

anglo spunk is toxic waste that goes through latex

>Increased contraception use has a coloration with submission to Islam and Globalism

That's right modern, liberal Westerners; don't reproduce. Let uncontrolled immigration replace your aging population hehehe...

In terms of the US that's all black and Latina girls.

Actually yesterday our government introduced prescriptions for those "day after pills", so it should be 35% max.

Also this picture clearly shows that so called "sex education" is worthless, ie. we don't have it at school and our teenage pregnancy rate is similar France, Spain or even lower than in the UK.

Why hasn't anyone killed him yet?

You wanna test this theory?

>in shitholes it's normal to have kids when you are 14
Wow, congratulations, you are dumb as fuck.

Not 14, but biologically speaking it better if mothers are between 18-25, definitely not after 30.

>must be always 14 y. olds
i hope you do understand how fucked shitmany is right now
even the most retarded subhumans get children and you krauts pay them monthly 200€+ for each child

>it better

This map is shit, it should show if the girl is married or not.


In some countries they don't marry anymore so your postulate is discriminatory towards people choosing alternative life styles. You should be ashamed.


>TEENAGE birth rate

eurostat 2014 or nearest year

Please, change this insensitive file name or I will be forced to report your post. Shame.

found the bastard

>teenage girls cannot marry
I don't know how it works in Italy, but here, after impregnating a girl you are moraly obligated to marry her and as far as I know marrying 16 old is completly legal.

>after impregnating a girl you are moraly obligated to marry her
>at 16
It still counts as being too stupid to use contraception methods.

user, I live in the south-eastern part of my country, we still burn heretics on stakes here. Only during weekends admittedly, but still.

>It still counts as being too stupid to use contraception methods.
But it's a sin.

a MORTAL sin

This doesn't really give the right idea for Iceland because only a minority of those born out of wedlock are born to separate parents
the large majority are born to people that have been together for years before having a child since here people usually get married after having a child, not the other way around

What do I need to do to get a waifu from based Podkarpacie? I am tired with those degenerated whores here in Wielkopolska, well at least I live in the most conservative part of it, so i don't to deal with sodomy daily, but it still makes me unsure about purity of the local girls.

enjoy the west

Come to Bieszczady, Panie Bracie.

and as you can see while we're not as stable as the third world shitholes our marriages are pretty stable by western standards

>s are pretty stable by western standards
even fucking syrias 9% are already too much

There are always some mismatched couples, but those Iberian, Czech and (this is surprising for me) Hungarian rates are insane, this basically means than monogamous families are socially irrelevant and their civilisational paradigm shifted towards serial monogamy or even worse.