Bacon taped to Cat's thread. I'll start

Bacon taped to Cat's thread. I'll start




the grease from bacon fat can get trapped inside the fur of cats and irritate the skin. you're committing abuse and i demand you turn yourself over to the proper authorities.

>TFW not sure if delicious.

Bacon taped to muslims instead. Go!

underrated post

Why is this a thing

420/10 I'm proud


Op here. I'm enthralled by this

OP here... Kill yourself with hot bacon grease.



That's no cat.
That's a bird.

That's not bacon

All I have is bacon taped to pit bulls

your caet has autism

what kind of doggo is that?

Cute Turtle!

OP HERE does anybody else have more pics? I'm trying to build my folder

>tfw when you been smoking for the past 10 hours and Sup Forums starts posting pictures of meat taped to pets

I kinda want a cat sandwich... Hagahaha


I'm triggered because noone yet taped bacon to a pig.



Wow OP your not alone


It's gone... :(


lol nggers


thats not even tape
thts lint roller paper


Looks like masking tape to me