Question to germans:

Question to germans:
So for what I know telling the truth about the holocaust in Germany it's considered a crime, what happens if you're actually a jew talking about red pilled stuff? Do they consider that "anti-semitic speech" too?

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No Jews get a "special treatment" if you know what I mean

>telling the truth about the holocaust in Germany it's considered a crime


Nevermind goy

Stay in your containment board please

Sorry, but i'd rather eat shit than going to that JIDF board sucking israel's dick 24/7

Holocaust deniers are rare here, it's mostly an American thing.

Truth is it never happened

Yeah but it did though

Even as a jew I can tell you must be fucking retarded to believe in the holocaust.


That's inaccurate, something later dubbed "the Holocaust" happened - and was blown out of proportion.
The notion that it "didn't happen" is basically the state punishing you for being an idiot.
Which shouldn't happen.

Jews are not excluded from the law. Since it is a offense only persecuted if
a) being in the public interest
b) when reported to the police

The former usually doesn't happen, the latter is usually not done due to noone wanting to report the offense if the perpetrator is jewish.

To conclude: jews are not exempt from the law, but civilians might be less inclined to report the offense.

It was pretty much drilled into our heads that we're evil and what those people back then apparently did reflects all of us. this guy is telling the truth, a Jewish person could easily scream "antisemitic" at the slightest thing. A lot like feminists do

>what happens if you're actually a jew talking about red pilled stuff?

you get silenced by your fellow jews quicker than you can say hannukkah.

why don't anybody stand up for your country? everybody is tired of it i promise. if my 60 year old grandmother is tired of feminists then i'd bet that the majority of Germans are hiding the fact that they are sic of being blamed for something they did not do. the guilty people got tortured and killed while the civilian German people got raped multiple times a day when the war was over. YOU ARE NOT GUILTY OF SHIT. i hope Germany realizes this one day.

>everybody is tired of it i promise.

not really. only right wing extremists care about it.

life moves on, dont get stuck.

The holocaust never has happened in the form the media tells it. If you try to talk about it it is considered a crime.

>The holocaust never has happened in the form my chosen media tells it.

We wouldn't know, because this has never happened.

Gas chambers are bullshit.
Israël is a cool country and palestinians are terrorists and settlers is bullshit.
Weapons of mass destruction in iraq are bullshit.
Jews are liers. Professionals in lying.
The holocaust as described in the medias is total bullshit.
In fact jews were treated well in concentration camps. They had cinemas, sometimes swimming pools, and always hospitals. I think what they hate the most is the "work makes you free" part. Just imagine how Soros and Rotschild would hate to work like a goy.
Their propaganda against Germany and Palestine is full of bullshit. The truth is that they were parasites in Germany, and they are stealing the homeland of palestinians.

By the way, they are today parasites in the USA. Jews of Wallstreet deserve to be sent to camps where they will work for real instead of speculating.
And jewish settlers of palestine deserve to be exterminated for having destroyed the life of... 6 millions palestinians.

OK, enough internet for today, lol.

Looks like a Butthurt kike.

it were work camps. rothschilds supported the nazi camps.


>red pilled
haha you're an idiot m8


Even as an aryan I can tell you that you must be fucking retarded to believe the holocaust is fake.


Yes it were work camps.
No jewish banksters were in a total war against Germany. As an example, they called to boycott products made in Germany. AS A RESPONSE, Germany called to boycott jewish stores. But in the History books the propaganda is "Hitler is antisemistic he called to boycott jews". It's exactly the same with palestinians who are called terrorists, but what the corrupted jewish medias dont stay is that there are 6 millions palestinians refugees who have no choice but to defend themselves against jewish tyrany.

Dann right

Its like believing Chemtrails are real and Kennedy was killed by Oswald

It happend fags
skip first 6 minutes
best story

You can always tell who drank the fascist kool-aid when they use words and phrases like

>mfw you fell for the nazi meme in fucking 2016


Last years americans understood that their medias are corrupted by jewish banksters and that they are liers. The propaganda about israel, banks, 11 9 and concentration camps is stronger than the propaganda in North Corea.





This is so much bullshit, Freedom of speech (not hatred speech) should be a Basic right in any "democracy"

Don't make us use our meme magic against you kike


none of you shitwads these days deserve "free speech". you don't have worthwhile things to say.

But the Holocaust happened. Most of the remaining Jews fled to the Americas or Israel afterwards and bred like rabbits but compared to the growth of other immigrant communities such as the Irish... 2 percent of the united States population, which houses what 40 percent of the Jewish population of earth? Yeah, I'd say the nazis were effective. Then you have the fact that a lot of Russian immigrants lied about being Jewish in order to get into the states. Subtract those guys and its not even 2 fucking percent.

Too late m8

Meine Meme Magic iz of activated

Sieg Heil

Actor is jewish






There wasn't a cinema or pool for the Jews. You're thinking of war camps for prisoners of war. Two different places.



Sup Forums Headquarters online

How may I help u ?


but can you prove it's not real
just playing nigger here dont mind me


>stealing the homeland of palestinians
that's a good one user


better than any dating site! a lot of horny german girls of your city on


Actually, we do. The notion that we're a nation of guilt is some claim that some people still use, and others agree and carry it on, but it doesn't have any basis in reality anymore. Yes, there's an extensive amount of school lessons about the Third Reich and how it all happened, but none of them are in terms of "Feel guilty for what your grandparents did", but rather "Watch out, this is how it happened, please try to prevent it happening again". And that's it.

There is no collective guilt anymore, not even politicians or publicists claim that anymore. There's only a bunch of people who claim that everybody claims that we have to feel guilty about it, but there are actually hardly any people in the latter group.

huge bullshit
lies everywhere


I actually overheard the sentence "Yeah, and everybody tells us to feel guilty" quite a couple of times, and every fucking time I asked them "Who told you?", they couldn't name any single person who actually said that..




Ever notice how it's only the weirdo neo-nazis who go through the mental gymnastics necessary to believe this bullshit?


Neonazis are a product of zionism, anti-zionist people don't have to be nazi at all, sorry that you bought that jewish propaganda.

fake and gay


I used to try to show videos like these to my parents, too bad they were brainwashed by the zionist media and tell my things like "denying the holocaust? you realize you sound like a nazi"

they don't care wether you are a jew. When you deny the holocaust in Germany you will have to pay for that.



and who modified/destroyed Buchenwald?

The Shower room in Buchenwald was modified by American special propaganda unit. They clamied gassings happened. Later and till now its nown that there never happened any gassings.

Because many of the claims in these videos are either fake or can easily be debunked
But I guess that a lot of reports and storys from holocaust 'survivors' are also fake



they built the major deathcamps in the conquered territories to prevent the polulation in Germany to find out about the dimension of what they were doing. Also: Way greater concentration of Jews were present in the slav countries like Poland, so it was also easier to kill them there.
Fuck off dreg and pic related

The problem with holocaust denial is that not even literal, actual Nazis on trial afterwards did so. Not one. They all said variations on a theme: that they were just following orders, that they were not there, that they were actually someone else, etc. None the people who were actually there stood up and went: "This is wrong! No Jews were killed -- I am being framed!". Instead, they all tried to minimise their own *personal* involvement in something they absolutely acknowledged was true.

To say that the holocaust never happened is just really fucking stupid.

here is one of your extermination camp gas chamber in poland. Oh yes the camps that was the biggest one.


What's this?

hitler isnt dead he is in argentinia

it's a bill about the "death-gas" zyklon B for auschwitz. obviously fake.

I really want to believe that the holocaust didn't happen. But imagine how crazy that is:
Every jewish survivor had to tell the same story of torture and executions and stuff.
Every KZ had to be renovated (i.e. installing the showers) afterwards.
Tons of documents had to be faked.
Generations of people living close to a KZ had to be convinced that they lived near a slaughter house.
Tourguides at the KZ would constantly lie about the places.
Documentaries and wikipedia articles had to be made up.
Someone has to make sure that there's no anti-holocaust propaganda.
How the fuck do you plan and execute such a large and long term conspiracy?

this shows, that a "extermination camp" got delivered the same amount of cyclon B as a labour camp.

why is it fake?

it's the jews trickery
sadly this article only exists in German, maybe a look on the pictures may help you.
The thing is, that they did not have this single crematorium, they had a few. And when these were on their maximum kapacity they burned the corpse in holes outside

>Every jewish survivor had to tell the same story
There are thousands of survivors telling different stories.

To me the biggest thing is this: the idea that even the Nazis who were actually there all accepted that the conditions were horrible and that Jews were killed cements it.


there was torture, there were executionsw
everybody saw a gassing is a liar.
there were normal showers - that were claimed to be gassing rooms. Also they smashed holes in the ceiling of some delousing chambers or like in Auschwitz into the air raid shelter for that claim (and also build a not connected chimmney)
In most European countries its against the law denying the Holocaust - its the ONLY Historical happing that needs to be guided by a Law