Whenever a country turns to atheism, it becomes a brutal dictatorship

Whenever a country turns to atheism, it becomes a brutal dictatorship.

Look at
>North Korea

The biggest mass murderers in the world were atheists.

Daily reminder that atheists are the worst people on the planet.

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great arguments

more a suggestion than an argument

this is logical, seeing that all religion forced upon the western world is from the same israeli arab region, "medina forming christianity" and all of the 3 faith arriving from the region speak about the wrath of god and his will of equality, his open borders and virtue of acceptance, conversion to the rightous dollar in a jar path.

meanwhile the first world, renowned engineers and traders. is stuck with uneducated equals arriving without consent marching on and on about liberty and equality and oppertunity and blasheming all leaders of industry finance and agriculture into bankrupty by placing their apostles in courts that bow to unevident claims by the thousandfold and allow themselves no blames through suposssed kosherness and by importing radical necrophile arsonists as a destgraction. just like every time the middle east arrived the first world will bankrupt into economic distress as the middle east builds of a cultural habits of imposing on other nations. and world war 3 will follow.

this is logical, seeing that all religion forced upon the western world is from the same israeli arab region, "medina forming christianity" and all of the 3 faith arriving from the region speak about the wrath of god and his will of equality, his open borders and virtue of acceptance, conversion to the rightous dollar in a jar path.

meanwhile the first world, renowned engineers and traders. is stuck with uneducated equals arriving without consent marching on and on about liberty and equality and oppertunity and blasheming all leaders of industry finance and agriculture into bankrupty by placing their apostles in courts that bow to unevident claims by the thousandfold and allow themselves no blames through suposssed kosherness and by importing radical necrophile arsonists as a destgraction. just like every time the middle east arrived the first world will bankrupt into economic distress as the middle east builds of a cultural habits of imposing on other nations. and world war 3 will follow. as expected


They were turned forcibly and only in name atheist, kind of like the opposite of theocratic dictatorships like Iran and Saudi.
Only in most progressive and democratic countries you find true "atheists".

God is the unique answer

what is this thing autism?


Define "God"


>tfw it's Sunday, but you're not sitting in church listening to lies



Looking for valid arguments from Sup Forums get a fucking life you asperger.

I know this is terrible bait, but none of those countries you listed are secular countries. Secular means the State is neither for, nor against, religion. It means that the people are free to choose what they believe, or not believe anything at all. China and Soviet Union and their satellite states had state-sponsored atheism, true, but only because religion was the only thing that could compete with the Cult of Personality necessary to maintain a communist dictatorship. They were NOT secular states. Stalin WAS God, Mao WAS God. These states were just as bad as any Theocracy when it came to controlling the beliefs of their citizenry.


Roll Trips or you will remain as an Atheist forever! But be warned, should you roll singles, your mom earns 1000 dollars.

this nigger only posts so people hate religions
dont be b8d b

whenever a society looses religion, it begins a slippery slope towards annihilation. the isn't a single society in history that managed to survive atheism

This is because as soon as people believe there are no repercussions of their actions in the afterlife (or that there is no afterlife) they tend to do whatever they want without any thought for the feelings of others. There is literally no reason for them to care


they're going down slowly...

And yet, China's the only one actually trying to do something about pollution and climate change. Unlike the U.S. who just (s)elected someone who thinks it's wiser to revert to coal and oil in the 21st Century. This century will belong to the Chinese.




they are not going down, they are probably going to be the next superpower especially since trump and his conservational politics are elected.
and even if they were going down, that would be despite being an atheist, not as a result of

they're going downhill culturally, financially successful or not. and culture is what matters in the long run.
>america is no different. "land of the free" is dying

>they're going downhill culturally
Yeah, no. Chinese culture is as strong as ever, having rebound from the dark times of the "Cultural Revolution." If anything, Chinese culture is receiving a 'revival' as more people become interested in and educated about it, both pre-Mao and post.

If there were really any threat to Chinese culture, it came with the Opium Wars brought by the Christian Europeans invading and carving up China like a Thanksgiving turkey during the Qing. Yet still, China continues to rise while the former imperialist invaders buckle under the weight of their own decadence and blind dogmatism.

Who the fuck is that in OP? I swear I see it on every single one of these atheist bait threads.

lol China has over 5,000 years of culture to draw from. They'll be fine.

you sound like a smelly slant eyed slope faced dirty yello nigger
Asian men are like black women, it's just a really undesirable mix of race and gender. Asian men are also just really fucking annoying, they're either total nerds with autistic social skills and no awareness or they're basically niggers.
Chinese Culture is pure cancer, Spitting on the ground, Spitting on your shoes, Chinese stare and are not ashamed of anything, They pee & shit everywhere , and i mean everywhere , streets , elevator your local store whatever , they just pee & shit fcking everywhere, Girls are fucking retarded , like seriously undereducated .. Food is meh , highly overrated ( 2 times food poisoning in 4 months )Traffic is fucking chaos and deadly

Fuck you that's why

It's from a movie called The Neverending Shitpost"

I'm going to dip my toe in to this bait. it's not really fair to draw a correlation between the two because they are fairly unrelated (unlike religion). BTW China isn't a brutal dictatorship. The few countries you named (3, in my case two) Are like that not because of the religious standards but because of their political ideology. Communism can easily turn a man into a dictator (power corrupts and abosolute power, corrupts absolutley), and North Korea is shit because the people don't choose the leaders, and no one can stop that fat fuck because if they try china will rape them or they will get blown to shreds. Plus if we look at countries that have accepted religion completely we see a bunch of goat fuckers and terrorists.