Why is west trying to kill Ivans?

Why is west trying to kill Ivans?


Ivans are doing a great job killing themselves already, we don't need to do anything.

What a dishonest diagram.

If russia is the ball and economy is the balancing thing then what is the bear

da gobernment

gobearnment duh

the ball actually says russian

russkie mindset, sadly

The ball says "russian" not russia

because they can't stand the truth and justice that we bring to the world!

We are the only ones who can stop you.


Ohhhh, so a bear represents russia? Neat

>to be continued

Please think about your countrymen before you post dumb shit like that under this flag.

Bear = Russia
Bald Eagle = America
Golden Eagle = Germany
Kangaroo = Australia
Kiwi = New Zealand
Dragon = China
a prolapsed anus covered in pus-oozing sores: Canada

Any questions

cock = france

Lion = UK

Stupid image made by a historically and economically illiterate mouth breather

ivan pls, remove proxy


Russia is a double-headed eagle, actually.
