Whats the point in life if you can't enjoy it? All it is is wake up, eat, work, eat sleep...

Whats the point in life if you can't enjoy it? All it is is wake up, eat, work, eat sleep, repeat; there is no time to enjoy anything anymore, everything costs a fuckton of money to buy, everyone around you is a fucking retard, nobody likes you, no matter how much you be a nice, polite, and caring person, you're gonna get shit on by even the pussyest pussies; but if you even fucking attempt to get frustrated at the littlest tiny fucking thing imaginable, you're the biggest sack of shit the world has ever known; whats the point? Wheres the enjoyment in wanting to die day by day?

Other urls found in this thread:


Learn to not give a fuck. Do what makes you happy. It's alright to be mad. Just because people dislike it, feel emotions. Who cares what someone says? Fuck them. Just DO IT.

I try to not give a fuck, I try to not care about what other people say; but it kinda wears down on you when you haven't had social contact in 6 years straight, hate everyone you meet, and constantly thing about jumping off a bridge head first; the "do your own thing!" thing doesn't really work when you literally fucking cant; life has stopped having a point for a long time ago.

You've got a victim attitude, don't. Why can't you do your own thing? I draw. People have tried to make me stop my crappy shit, I keep on drawing anyway. Life has no point other than what you make it. Right now, I see your dubs higher than me, so check it. That's life right now.

One off, fuck it. I can let it get to me that I didn't get dubs, or I can post again. It's insane, but sometimes that's what you've gotta do.

I want to travel the world, hear the sounds of the birds, hear the night crawlers munching on the leaves at night, I want to see beautiful rivers flowing, trees swaying in a gentle breeze, I want to find love, it doesn't even have to be true, I want to not have to worry about not being able to pay rent for a shitty house that should have been demolished years before I moved into it, I don't want to live in a shitty desert filled with 'crackheads as trees in a forest, I don't want to cry myself to bed knowing that I'll never even hold hands with a girl that even just likes me; but can I actually get to do those things? No. I've been trying for years, where does it get me? Nowhere.

Start doing it, then.

How? I have no work experience, no friends, no money, nothing; its easy to say you're gonna do something, but its harder to actually to do.

The secret is that it's all illusion. Smoke and mirrors. Life gives you something to chase after, but if you ever obtain anything you quickly realize it's no longer worth what you thought it was.

But since everything is like this, you can learn to enjoy anything. You have to learn to see what's behind these illusions. It's all just a reflection.

On a more basic level, you have to realize most others are only operating on a non-conscious level. They seem happy because they aren't aware of what they're really doing. They're like animals, only reacting to outside stimuli.

Pic related, it's you.

I'll be your friend, user. That's a start.
Life is a bitch. If it was a slut it'd be easy.
Start out easy. Get up, walk outside. I'll do it with you.

I never chased after anything, I just walked in a direction; I've never been aware of what I was doing either, all I was trying to do was be happy.

Thanks for being there; I walk outside, but there's nothing of I want out there,you could say I'm being picky, but its like eating only one food for all you life, you sometimes don't want a hamburger, but a hotdog.

Do it!

This is me

Wow, thats pretty surprising, when I started the thread I didn't expect to get replies, let alone get this! I don't know what to say accept thank you.

It's raining, and I just walked to the library in flip flops and shorts. It's a beautiful day, op.

>Pic related

Cool pic, is there a bigger version? Is it a wizard or what?

hello Moto

I wish I was as lucky as you today; the weather where I am is cold, and dusty.

Sounds like a good day to me.

Not for hiking in the desert; letalone the random loose dogs that want you dead.

It's the Hermit card from a tarot deck.

OP has seen something, (the way life is) and seeing this will separate him from others. He will never be finished until he gains some knowledge or justifies this difference between the way life is and how it should be.

Once he does this, hell have a choice, to either share this knowledge with others, or keep it to himself.

Just a possible path.

Bring a knife. Walk around for a few minutes.

sweater and bandanna weather, so cozy

where do you live, Barstow? Riverside? Mojave? VictorVILE?

Knife can't do anything against 7 dogs...

I'm happy with it now but I can see my lack of conversational skills being a huge problem in the future

Fight or flight, best start working your legs, out run them. Or, avoid them altogether. Start small, go check the mail.

Barstow! don't come here, its not a good place, lived here my whole life, when you're either going to Bakersfield, Vegas, or L.A., this is the place you stop to take a shit at.

What do you work in op?

He's not talking about bringing a ginsu knife

Dogs are smart, they follow you for miles sometimes, and while doing it they know to stay behind hills to not get caught, fast fuckers too.

Alright, no walks then. How about this, drink some tea.

Right now I don't have a job, the job market is prolly the worst its been in the high desert in nearing 30 decades.

yep all four of those places are only good for dropping a load of salsa...and moving quickly on.

I actually own a sword, and tons of other melee weapons too, can't have them outside though, I'd get arrested; people have started to carry baseball bats to defend themselves against the dogs here.

I'd drink tea but I drank all I did have, and have no money right now to buy some; just tap water, its ok stuffy to drink though, I like to pretend its fresh.

Did you atleast go to a college?

Bring a couple of friends with you, Smith and Wesson ...

Trump University, majored in shit posting

No money to try, even if I did, I'd fail; I have something wrong in my head when ever it comes to math, I struggle with basic math; I excel with paleontology though!

Why would i shower in the evening?


Don't have the physical friends to do that, I'd love to get a gun, but money is nowhere; cali has been trying to kill all guns too, and that doesn't help.

Move to Nevada, shit's cash

Not autismo enough for there sadly, just shit at math...

I'd love to just get out of the desert entirely, it would be amazing to get to the south, no money for Nevada or the south either though.

how old are you?

23 I was raised to be a working man, but theres no place to work...

last night i really wanted to go out and do something. i was bored as shit. call 10 fucking people who are supposed to be friends of mine. only three of them ever replied, one was already busy, one was working, and one didnt feel like it. the other 7 didnt even bother calling back or saying "whats up" or fucking anything at all. that sums up my existence. when i get a call from a friend, i call back. doesnt mean i want to hang out, im just replying out of curiosity. maybe they need something, maybe they just wanted to tell me something, maybe they wanted to make future plans. how fucking hard would it be to simply text back "sup" or some shit? fuck those niggers.

I try to reply to every message I would get, but then I would never get any messages; I'm not the kinda person to try hitting up people for things either; still never got how people can ignore a message.

OP here, sorry but I got to go, It was amazing talking to you guys, good luck on everything!

That's all good man, same here. DnD last night, ever since these furry homebrew players showed up, they've edged all of the people who disliked their shit out. Last night they didn't even bother contacting me- Fuck them, you don't need them. Today, I've set up a game with all of the old players, and we're gonna play the fuck outta some DnD.
Deep breaths and small steps, and don't forget, FUCKING DO IT.

sabio.la has programming classes, they just got funding for people in your age range. Its in culver city, tho. But if you can swing it for 12 weeks they have a good sucess rate.

If you do this, do the pre-work for html, javascript

i actually dont play DnD and neither do any of my friends, we're not faggots.

You sound like a faggot

you play DnD. faggot.

OP here, but for a second: Programming seems amazing, but I can't wrap my mind around any of it sadly, just like math.



OP, you act like there is purpose. There is none. Do what you love right now, not for down the road. Life has no meaning, accept it, and take advantage of it.


Page reloaded after my comment, is a faggot.

same. also, nobody will hit me up if i dont contact them first. i would like to die.

>eat work sleep repeat
Just like billions like you

>everything cost a fuckton of money
You can actually control this by bargain hunting or compromising

>you're going to get shit on
Yep, fuck em

No fucks given is a good guide in life

I'm 24 and have all of these things And more. It was a lot of hardwork

this i don't have any real social life, but i make time to make my shitty little songs between the daily monotonous sleep eat work eat sleep routine.


it won't get me anywhere and nothing of value will come from it beyond the satisfaction i get from it being one of the little things i enjoy doing for me. that is where happiness exists.


Well, after accepting that nothing has meaning and death is just an end to a small existence that in the long run will have little to no impact on the universe, I do whatever I damn well please. I have no reason to try anything, to enjoy anything, to hate anything, to love anything. I have no reason for anything, and therefore, I am nothing.

are you a wizard (30+) or an Archmage? (40+)


OP again for the last time, almost late for a thing but I have a second left for this: I've had this in my possession for a while, I don't know if it means anything to have it.

These are good



Nice stuff btw.



Life is an incremental game

You are depressed and it's not your fault

Stuff some user said:

>It is useful to know the basic mechanisms for perceiving well being/happiness.

>You have to make the effort to enjoy things, enjoyment isn't intrinsic to an action. Make the effort to enjoy a taste/smell/anus/feeling/sound. Appreciation comes with practice, love must be learned. A new piece of music may not sound good until you are familiar with it, so don't dismiss things after trying them once.

>Happiness is relative. Things seem good until you see something better, so try to only compare yourself/situation to worse. Schadenfreude is important in maintaining continued happiness. Don't expect to be happy for long after obtaining what you wanted. Even lottery winners and people that become crippled end up at an average level of well being after a few months as humans are designed to become accustomed to things. It's the positive CHANGE that makes us happy, the sense of progress. Always learning something new is a good way to sustain this feeling of progress. A memorable high peak in happiness will make later experiences seem diminished in comparison. Forgetfulness has it's perks. If you achieve your goals too early in life you can become depressed unless you start aiming for something else.

>A negative experience is always more memorable than a positive. Try and be objective regarding your own misfortunes, and again, think of those that you are lucky not to be. It's easy to focus on a single positive or negative aspect of a memory or an imagined future. Idealising the past or future can make your current situation seem worse by comparison or lead to disappointment when you achieve what you wanted. Likewise, the anticipation of upcoming unpleasantness is often worse than the thing you were dreading. If you feel you have to do something unpleasant, don't dwell on how awful it will be, just get it over with quickly without thought.



>A negative experience is always more memorable than a positive. Try and be objective regarding your own misfortunes, and again, think of those that you are lucky not to be. It's easy to focus on a single positive or negative aspect of a memory or an imagined future. Idealising the past or future can make your current situation seem worse by comparison or lead to disappointment when you achieve what you wanted. Likewise, the anticipation of upcoming unpleasantness is often worse than the thing you were dreading. If you feel you have to do something unpleasant, don't dwell on how awful it will be, just get it over with quickly without thought.

>There is no value in life unless you give it value (or just adopt the values of others like most people do).

OR don't worry about life because we all die and nothing we do or any of this matters because when you die it's all gone. Deal with it.

Have you ever considered living in the desert?


Does everyone shower at 7pm?

I shower when i wake up

Nobody likes you when you're TWEN-TYTHREE! My friends say I should act my age. What's my age again!? What's my age again!?

depends. if i sweat alot or get covered in fluids (motor oil, brake fluid, gasoline) in a given day, i will shower after work.

an evening shower is very refreshing.

if nothing else though, i will wash my face just to keep it exfoliated.

what is green in the second and sixth frames?

>Whats the point in life if you can't enjoy it?
The point in life isn't to enjoy it.
Where the fuck did anyone ever get that idea?!?

but what if work is... enjoiyable

user - seriously, I thought this way too, until I started keeping a closer watch on my time and found I was wasting a lot of it.

>on Sup Forums

green beans.

I am with you. Never get invited, always have to do everything by myself, rarely somebody follows.

Oh really? What's the point then?

youre nt gonna live to be 100.

Then go out by yourselves you shy faggots.

I understand how you feel, OP.

I try to look at things with an outsiders perspective. (If I wasn't from around here, what's new in this city that I'd enjoy?)

Where I live is pretty bland unless you like to go to clubs and have a very social night life. I enjoy the night and would love to explore the city but there are some pretty shady areas; places where even cabs wont go due to muggings.

I want to find people similar to you and myself but I don't know how to go about doing it. I want to find people who just want to enjoy life and have a good time but most people I know are dickheads and party animals.

>be me
>working in the military
>love my job but hate my shop
>find out I'm getting deployed
>nobody but my mom gives a fuck
>get fucked out of taking leave
>takes 3 weeks for a single person to ask how I'm doing
>spend my days watching people die
>have literally seen hundreds of people die maybe even over a thousand since
>best friend and the girl that got away gets married
>ex girlfriend's pictures show up on my fagbook
>it's her birthday
>haven't exercised in 5 months
>PT test in a month
>spend my days staring at my laptop cursing the shit internet and trying to remember what moment or event it was that led me to embrace hatred
>want to make changes
>go out/make friends/stop watching porn/do some college/etc
>no motivation
>female coworker is living in my house back home cooking me dinner for when I get back
>plans on moving in with me to split rent
>good 7/10 body but 4/10 face
>want to try a relationship but afraid it might be considered fraternization if I get promoted
>doesn't share similar values and doesn't want kids which is already deal breakers
>so desperate for even a drop of love debating on just fucking doing it

I'm a fucking mess and the only thing I'm capable of feeling anymore is numb and hatred
I wasn't like this when I was a kid... what the fuck happened to me?