Who in Sup Forums uses the quadratic formula at least once a month

who in Sup Forums uses the quadratic formula at least once a month

I use it several times weekly

OP is underage

I use it almost every day. On the days I'm not using it, I'm alone, drunk and crying into to a pillow.

>the life of a Physics grad student.

This is something i got to learn in the first classes of Highschool, never got to use it outside of it.

In what workfield does one use this?

Everything that even smells of STEM.

Im learning how to use it right now

ya but still curious, i like learning about maths

in business and economics when you are introduced to the law of diminishing return.
also in chemistry and medicine for half life.
and in many physics applications.

Every few hours on average

that explains it. I study App. Psych haha

Everything involving chemistry, physics and mathematics.

women's studies major confirmed.

thanks for the answers :)

me I am in algebra 2 as a senior.

Does that mean applied psychology? Well, then you will need statistics for evaluating studies. I'd like to hear you whine about quadratic formula when you'll have to deal with at least 3 different types of correlation coefficients.

Or are you that kind applied psychologist who doesn't have a clue what they're talking about and doesn't substantiate any of his claims with a shred of evidence?

Been a mechanical designer in composites since 1992.
Never used it once.

same, in algebra 2 but am a sophomore

I'm a first year, I've already had my first class (semester?) of Statistics. But not yet formulas. That will come soon.

SPSS is next ! starts tomorrow. Really curious.

I don't know all the exact English college terms, sorry

use it almost every day.

electrical engineer here.


is it fun?, how much actual soldering and building do you actually do

Used it today, bitches ain't shit

Fuck this quadratic shit, I hate all of it!

Underage b&


Dude, this thread is about quadratic formula being hard. Everyone here and their dog is underage.

Except me, of course.

Why use stupid quadratic noob rule when you can gauss jordan?!

This man knows his linear algebra

its not about it being hard, its not hard, just tedious, its about who actually uses it

> some stupid fuck so desperate to feel important he brags about using an equation from algebra I
> this is the derivative fallout of a society that coddles those that love identity politics

My point is that only children would complain about this.

I am developer (for 20y) and I never needed this bullshit (or most of other higher math shit)

You probably only need this kind of math if you want to become a math teacher.

I use everyday in class, im a math teacher xD

read nigga

im not complaining


Quite right.

You teach Quadratics everyday?

only in prototyping. most of the time i am shouting at idiots on the phone and doing the math

everyday you teach that ?
retarded students

Yes when i work in dimension 2
but most of time i work in dimension n