I'm a Muslim ask me anything

I'm a Muslim ask me anything.

Don't forget we don't need to pray 24/7 to be Muslim the same way as Christians do not need to go to church 24/7 to be Christian.

I will answer to trolls within reason.

Let's try to avoid buzzwordy questions/statements they don't amount to anything of value.

Let's discuss the need for guns and the reason people supported Trump. I just don't get neither of their appeals.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why are you a Muslim?

I bet your name is Muhammad.

How many times have you blown yourself up?

Why are you following a religion controlled by the Jewish

what do you think about the way Islam is represented in western culture like the united states

Do You hate gays?

In general Abrahamic religions have a very interesting perspective on the struggle with the inner self. It states that humans have inert desires, these being detrimental (evil), in opposition it is our duty to do the hard thing and no succumb to these desires. To fight against these desires and urges to do the right things.
In day to day life. Immediate pleasures are easy to come by, however they are temporary and often leave you with more emptiness than well-being. Long term achievements and struggles are those you will be proud of, things that will bring you fulfillment. This is amplified in the Q'ran compared to the Torah and Bible, this is the concept of jihad.

Muslims then believe that the most important thing one can do in his life is the liberation of the mind from the body. To free your spirit from these worldly acts, to understand the potential of the human as a thinking being and not just a vessel moving through time.

Many other religions in the East address these issues as well. Jainism is very interesting and I have studied it. It is actually very similar to fundamental Sufi Islam.

They are not reasonable to follow in modern society, or in any society. They are idealized structured philosophies. Beautiful and I wish we could all be this pure, but the world is not so.

I can go on if you really care.


0 considering I am typing away.

I voted for Trump because I need my guns. Hillary hates 2nd Amendment.

Are you living in a white country? Of so, why don't you go back to your country of origin?

Have any pics of her?

>When you hear "allah akbhar" shouted in a public place do you run like fuck too, like the normal humans?

How do you think islam will evolve to survive in the 21st century?

do you acknowledge islam is to blame for isis, and other shit stains like it?

jew here, fuck you.

Religions are a personal thing that can only be controlled by the individual practicing that religion.

There's no Jews controlling me or my religion.

I think it is vilified heavily in the media and causing the people to be polarized on any issue pertaining to Islam. What is most unfortunate is that most people know very little about Islam. I think people need to be wiser and to question what they hear. They should be smarter than to simply listen to media channels looking for viewership and not for accuracy.

I think homosexuality, and general sexuality is problematic. Pursuing temporary highs is not beneficial to one’s life in the long term. It is better to build concrete relationships between individuals without these highs. Sex should be used as means to propagate the human species and not as a reward, a desire for short term highs.

However, people who wish to pursue empty sexual encounters, homosexual or heterosexual, should be free to do so. If it makes them happy and they can live good lives for themselves and their communities while being gay. That is their choice to do so. Let God be the one to judge them, if they lived good lives then perhaps God can overlook their sin (sodomy).

Let people live as they choose if they are not impeding on the lives of others.

What should I have for dinner?

god why are you so damn boring ever heard of short answer JESUS CHRIST

Do you celebrate 9/11 as an act of peacefull religious activity?
Pro Tipp: You do

whats the proof of god?

That's my question. Why do you need a gun?

I am currently living in Canada. Which is neither a white majority country nor a historically white country. Regardless, I am here because the government pays me handsomely for my work. I take it that they want me to stay. I intend to stay.

No who is this?

No, neither do I run away when someone says "thank god" in English.

Much like any other religion.

Stating that Islam is to blame for terrorism would mean that without Islam terrorism would not exist. This would also mean that terrorism is not possible without Islam. As history shows neither of these are true therefore Islam can hardly be the majority of the cause for why ISIS exists.

I think the human condition is to blame for ISIS, terrorists, armies, war, genocides, etc... We as humans thrive to own the most we possibly can even if we don't need it. Greed. As a result we are ready to commit heinous acts to acquire these material gains. That is the source of terrorism.

I can expand on this if you care.

What's the point of hating someone so arbitrarily?

Dubs. Kek prooves everything.

Why do your people rape the euro countries?

actually canada is 80% white.

i was referring to islamic terrorism, throwing gay people off buildings for some bullshit holy agenda.

or hiding terrorists in your tight knit communities, and attacking police with rocks after they commit a crime.

nice dubs. I had grilled dijon chicken, nice and broiled. It was nice. Go for some fried chicken.

Real discussions do not emerge from short buzzwordy headers. They come from complete discourse where ideas can be properly explored and debated. We need some intellectual endurance to solve complex issues, not fun buzzwords.

No. 9/11 is a very sad day. Very much like the bombing of Japan. These are days that we must remember and thrive for these events to never happen again in the future.

It depends how you define God. Asking does God exist is a very Christian-centric debate and does not make much sense in a Islamic or Judaic framework.

As was told onto Moses, and which is written in the Torah, the Bible and the Q'ran. God is as he is, he is everything that is, has been and is not. Some Christians have misinterpreted this. However, it is all encompassing and should be all encompassing. A Jewish philosopher said that once you start to define God you have already placed too many boundaries onto the entirety of that which God is.

Using this definition my proof of God is as follows:

Set theory is useful to understand this.

First we must understand that the set, is everything that is, has been and is not. In essence the set is infinity.

S = {-inf, inf} in R^inf.

Now we can talk about subsets of what God is.

However we must understand that God is much more than this subset. He is the set, S. The subset, s, is only a part of the whole.

For example, if we talk about God's generosity.

s = {generosity}

By definition, generosity is in the set, S, we have defined which the infinite set is.

>That's my question. Why do you need a gun?
Because some people want to take them away. And because of niggers.

Why do Muslims have no sense of humor?

didnt finish your statement you could at least be a little less boring.

what do you think of people who draw muhammad

Do you belive that in kek, the spirit that powers this world, makes the lives of all of us worth living and hands out all the trips and quads to the boards to proclaim peace and equality among all races (except niggas and shitskins, kek kinda hates those people)

>However, people who wish to pursue empty sexual encounters, homosexual or heterosexual, should be free to do so. If it makes them happy and they can live good lives for themselves and their communities while being gay. That is their choice to do so. Let God be the one to judge them, if they lived good lives then perhaps God can overlook their sin (sodomy).

>Let people live as they choose if they are not impeding on the lives of others.

Is this a typical view of Islam? I don't know much about Islam, and am curious.

Who do you include when you say "your people"?

It depends how you define white. In the Canadian census which I participated in it is based on your outwardly appearance. This means white includes all people who have whitish skin, many of whom would not be considered white according to Social-Darwinists and Aryans. I for example put white as well due to my outward appearance.

I don't get what you are saying with the second and third line. Don't forget you're anonymous if you posted twice I would not be able to know.

Don't you think you're wasting lot of your time on something that is made up?

I mean when you die, you will rot like the rest. The only difference will be that you spent quite some time praying and reading stupid books and lived your life with stupid restrictions for no reason whatsoever.

Don't you think you should just enjoy life instead of wishing for an afterlife that you know doesn't exist?

>Why do you need a gun?

To protect myself from possible government tyranny. That's the actual reason for the 2nd amendment.

how does it feel that your entire civilization is killing themselves over the most retardes shit
> how does it feel to be the most regressive culture atm
>how does it feel to be the scum of society
>how much do you hate white people
>why did you leave your shit hole

so u swapped the word "everything" for "god". Rest is sophistry

well since your this dense, ill provide a video that will explain it more eloquently than i care too.


Israely here, Did you read the Quran and accept the doing done by muhhamad as righteous? And what are your thoughts over the way the majority of Muslim women are treated in the Quran, And in the majority of Muslim countries.

op here you are from israel you points are invalid infidel

That doesn't make any sense. So because someone might want to limit your access to something you need more of it?

They actually do considering Ahmed the dead terrorist is hot in Arabic countries and he fills up stadiums. Look it up.

What did I not finish?

The Q'ran is the message of God spoken through Mohammed. Mohammed and all other prophets are well respected, as well as all other humans. In Islam it is believed that the importance is not who or what the prophet looked like. This leads to idolatry. The important is the message of God the prophets have brought onto us. As a consequence we avoid drawing the prophet to keep the focus on his message and not his appearance.

I do not feel that seeing any prophet's image leads me towards idolatry because I am secure in my beliefs. They aren't superficial, they are well thought out. Therefore, it does not specifically offend me. This is the same as more than 99% of Muslims who just went on with the rest of their day when Charlie Hebdo happened. However, this may trigger one or two really unstable people and cause them to commit a heinous crime.

Is it right to purposely insight the weakest of a group to forge a reaction and then use it to discredit the entire group? No, I think Charlie Hebdo did an awful thing in their provocation.

Why can't we just respect each other? Instead of trying to offend the weakest in a group, why couldn't Charlie Hebdo not help them? Make them stronger and better?

Why? Because that doesn't sell paper. Greed always leads to negative impacts as we saw with Charlie Hebdo. I entirely condemn the killings that occurred, but we should be wiser than to attack the weak of mind.

Why is gold haram?


no, i didnt finish reading , forgot the comma.

nobody respects the so called prophets


There's a lot of religion philosophy in that.
Congrats OP, I'm proud of you.
I do not belong to any religion, but as you do, I try to keep myself in the understandement path.
Islam as Judaism seems to look for the same thing, following the Tree of Life way to know god himself...
Good job OP.

Plus; do you think we can really know god without faith?

hey guys, Sup Forums here, and im just here to say... fuck off you sandnigger we're gonna build the best fucking wall you've ever seen to keep your ass out of our country. After all we need to keep you aloha snackbar fucks from putting flouride in the water, which is turning our frogs gay.

so u agree your proof of god is bullshit.

It really depends on the level of education of an individual. People who believe in Islam in a very naive way will just say they hate gays, However, through even the slightest conversation you will see that they don't care.

For example, in our mosque I led a conversation about this topic. At first most people said no it's disgusting and wrong. Then after a bit of questioning, only 1 or 2 were still entirely opposed. Most people agreed that who cares what people do to be happy in the sanctity of their own homes. Moreover, all Muslims MUST believe that God is the only judge, not any other human, that is a sin.

That is a misconception. Islam doesn't have any limitations that prevent me from enjoying my life. I have a very fulfilled life, I ave traveled the world, I've lived in a Buddhist temple, I've been on pilgrimages in India, I am a researcher in many institutions. Life is good.

Moreover, religion can be very beneficial. Prayer is not a waste of time. Consider that every culture has some type of meditation. This is very powerful and beneficial. Prayer is a good part of the day. It is the Muslim synonym to meditation in Eastern religions. Meditation and regularity in human lives brings peace to the mind. This then helps people live better lives.

Religion is more of a complement to my life rather than a constraint. I chose Islam, if it bares too much weight on my life I can choose another religion.

But the government has heavy artillery, training, drones, nukes, etc.... Don't you think that law is heavily outdated.

who dis

>I chose Islam, if it bares too much weight on my life I can choose another religion.
Unless you have the misfortune of living in a real islamist country. This is what is wrong with 'moderate muslims'. You guys are enablers. You guys are the mass that give them validation to implement their rules.

I find it very sad that the Arabic culture has seen a very significant regression in recent times. However, I do not associate myself to groups arbitrarily based on my location of birth. I hold my own culture and achievements. I do not need to leech off the achievements of an arbitrarily chosen group.

I am not the scum of society.

I do not hate white people.

Morocco did not offer opportunities in the research that I was pursuing. I was hired to go work in China and then in Canada.

I don't think you understood what I wrote. Instead of telling me I am wrong. Tell me why I am wrong. That is more useful, be intellectual about your conversations rather than blockading.

Nice source lol. Have you ever written an academic article? We don't use videos from some basement dweller as sources.

Of course I have. I think the prophet's actions after finding enlightenment are righteous. However, I do not think he was the perfect human. He stated himself that he has done a lot of wrong in his past. That is why we worship God and not prophets. We share equal love for all prophets: Moses, Mohammed, Jesus... But they aren't who we worship. We worship God only.

Women are held at a much higher regard in the Q'ran than they are in many Muslim majority countries. This is unfortunate. Women need to find their civil liberties in those countries, hard as this may be.

Not OP.

Why are you in such need of proving you're different? Dont you get enough attention from your peers? I bet they secretly dislike you because youre incredibly arrogant. You must be interrupting them all the time

What do you do to help your community?

What do you think of women?

>ppl who believe religion in very naive way
do u know the mature approach to religion makes it very secular?
>they dont rly care
polls taken among muslims, where vast majority wants sharia, death sentences and jihad

watch the video, and try looking into what he says, instead of. wait your already a muslim NVM just end your existence.

i stated why u r wrong. U swapped "god" for "everything" and since everything that exists - exists, god exists

what are the gender relations like? are women supposed to enjoy sex? anything thats taboo cuz of your beliefs?

What do you think the punishment for apostasy should be?

Hey user, I'm not OP but let me question you:
Have you ever been in a philosphy class?
Do you understand that truth is tied to perception?

Have you ever studied religion (any of them) without an arbitrary attitude?

Do you know what Islam, Judais, Christianism, etc. researchers/students are looking for?

Ppl all appeal to different things. I personally am not religious because I don't see the APPEAL. Understand now? Good luck in your answer quest.

It's not.

Then go back to Fox News.

Not sure what you are getting at.

All prophets: Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Abraham, Adam etc. are all equal in the Q'ran. They are simply prophets. Muslims are not allowed to idolize them. We cannot worship them.

Planning to come to USA this weekend for Black Friday.

I am not sure that God is the ultimate goal to a fulfilled life.


What rules though? The fact that we can't drink or eat pork? That's not a big deal whatsoever. And surprise surprise, much like American kids smoke weed, Muslim countries have a black market for alcohol. Most young people drink alcohol and party.

Think about it. People are humans do you think a strange law will stop them from doing what they want to.

>What rules though?
- women getting punished for being raped
- women not allowed to drive cars
- gays being killed for being gays
- apostates being killed for not believing in your stupid fairy tales
- so on and so fucking on

Islam is a fucking barbaric piece of crap religion and the world would be a better place without it.

If I paid you $1,000,000 would you renounce your faith?

What are u thinking about atheist?
I dont even think about my religion
But i heard in Islam people are like:
Atheist < dog < any religion person

Go back where you came from


Abrahamic religions are a scourge on the earth and I welcome your dissolution with an open heart and open arms. Cheers!


Most of my peers don't know I am Muslim. I also do not practice my religion in any outwardly way.

Significant amounts of good I hope. I am not ready to spill my CV on Sup Forums. My most proud charitable work was to open up a soup kitchen specifically for Thanksgiving last year. I got our mosque (its a huge community) to get together and fundraise and organize a huge dinner that was available in a city hall for anyone that couldnt afford their thanksgiving dinner. We had a huge turnout, it was really great.

Be more precise. What are you talking about?

Not interested in low-tier rants.

No lol that was not a full proof of the existence of God. It was a definition. That definition is what Muslims and Jews believe. I think that God is the word that we use to describe the definition I provided. Do you understand?

Lol yes most women enjoy sex. There's a lot of taboos: pork, alcohol, drugs, pre-marrital sex, ... etc..

You can live a moral life without religion. It’s entirely possible. But you must admit there must be some knowledge buried in thousands of years of religious practice. There is much good that can be brought with religion. Some even scientifically backed. I can elaborate on this as I did a neuro study pertaining to this.

He hasn't. He just hates because people tell him to hate.

Refer to the reply in this post about atheists. If you don't need it. Then that's good on you. Power to you.

Why was Muhammad such a shit smearing, child raping, goat fucking piece of shit and why do you follow him?

that definition is wrong. Everything is everything. God is god.

You didn't answer my question even vaguely.

What do you think the punishment for apostasy should be?

im talkin bout how being true to religion u follow is shunned by even the ppl who r in this religion and how muslims do care and do want to force others to think like they think

Lol yes of course women being forbidden to drive cars is in the Q'ran written 1400 years ago. Common man. Those are laws in a country to oppress women.


Refer to: Refer to: I'll choose to stay.

lol you're an idiot

Do you have any objective proof for the existence of God?

Too many buzzwords in one comment. Muslims use the life of Mohammed as example but do not follow him. Muslims worship God not Mohammed.

I will assume you have not taken much math at a university level.

What is a word?

Words are the means with which we express high-dimensional meanings. This limits the set of which are included based on the word being used. So imagine you have the infinite set. Then when I say house, your brain sets up a subset inside the infinite set for all things that constitute as a house.

So when we use a word like God we must be clear about what this subset is. Muslims and Jews state that God is not a subset. He is the entirety of the infinite set.

Everything is not even enough to describe God. God's set is larger than the set of everything.

DO you understand?

Well if I respect their choice then obviously I would support them in their decision. To be VERY clear. No punishment. But instead support and care for that person. Let him live happily, if he can do so without Islam that is great. As long as he lives happily and well.

Everyone interprets the religion differently.

>Lol yes of course women being forbidden to drive cars is in the Q'ran written 1400 years ago. Common man. Those are laws in a country to oppress women.
Good job of ignoring the following:
- death penalty for apostates
- death penalty for gay people
- punishment for women for getting raped

Congratulations on also focusing exclusively the least damning thing on the provided list. I guess you agree with everything else on that list then.

While driving isn't mentioned in your fairy tale book (because an all knowing God couldn't foresee people will have cars one day - obviously), the decision to forbid women to drive is based in islam.

In a religious question asked to Abdul-Aziz Abdullah Ibn Baz on the ruling of women driving, he stated, "there is no doubt that it is not permissible, because women driving will cause much corruption, and according to Islamic law we should prevent corruption."Muhammad Ibn Salehul Athimeen in this regard has also stated that, "It is not permissible because it will cause a lot of corruption."

The reason he considered driving to be haram for women is that he saw many intangible corruptions with the driving of women. These are some of the things he recognized as corruptions: taking off hijab, loss of modesty, leaving the house too much, streets becoming overcrowded, going against and defying her husband, and depriving some of the youth from driving.

So, nice going, please try again, and stop focusing on women drivers and start focusing on death penalties for stupid stuff that is based on your archaic fairy tale instead.

You have zero proof anything in any of those books are for real. Therefore you take everything written hundreds of years ago as truth just because someone told you to take it as truth and then people like you are killing other people because the book tells them to do so.

If there would be no islam, the world would be a better place.

Thanks. That was such an insightful reply.

It depends how you define God. Asking does God exist is a very Christian-centric debate and does not make much sense in a Islamic or Judaic framework.

As was told onto Moses, and which is written in the Torah, the Bible and the Q'ran. God is as he is, he is everything that is, has been and is not. Some Christians have misinterpreted this. However, it is all encompassing and should be all encompassing. A Jewish philosopher said that once you start to define God you have already placed too many boundaries onto the entirety of that which God is.

Using this definition my proof of God is as follows:

Set theory is useful to understand this.

First we must understand that the set, is everything that is, has been and is not. In essence the set is infinity.

S = {-inf, inf} in R^inf.

Now we can talk about subsets of what God is.

However we must understand that God is much more than this subset. He is the set, S. The subset, s, is only a part of the whole.

For example, if we talk about God's generosity.

s = {generosity}

By definition, generosity is in the set, S, we have defined which the infinite set is.

Ok everyone that's enough. I am going to spell this out for those of you that are not savvy enough to see what's taking place here. Op generated this thread as propaganda much like any other controversial subject. Oooh, propaganda you say? Please note the following...
1. Enters into this arena with a "so called" acceptance of others ideals.
i.e. I don't see the appeal- This is merely for lack of better words, a fuck you to all who aren't Muslim.
2. Op then answers questions juxtaposed as to make the author of the question, question their question. All successful propagandists are extremely adept at this.
3. Op then places his own personal righteousness, at the forefront of his agenda by attempting to justify his ideals as better than yours.
4. This is how ALL religions/political movements operate in order to infiltrate. Look back at history.
5. Op will repudiate this entire post however, look at history. Look all around you. All the answers are there.

Do ppl get married earlier cuz they wanna have sex? Any way to get sex before marriage besides hookers? Do women give and get oral? Do they swallow? Any chance of having threesomes or multiple partner sex with women ?

Brilliant. So God is everything that exist. Which means God is earth and all humans too. Which means God couldn't create any of that because all of that is just him. Therefore God didn't create the universe and is a pointless undefined entity.

Here is a question for you: What makes you think that there is an infinite entity that exists? Imagine there are no "holy books", and ignore everything written in those. What do you have left that points to the existence of any such entity?

Now if you manage to prove that an entity exist, you also need to prove it cares about what you do which is another giant leap.

>god is more than everything
and u took math at any level? There isnt more, than everything. If hes more, than everything, what else, than everything is it? And how do u know hes more, than everything?
Id like to remind u religious crybabies said god is only as powerful, as logically possible, so its not wrong, that he cant create a stone he cant lift. And :more than everything" is equally illogical. Saying that is sophistry, not arguments

You have stated women are held in high regard in the Quoran. Please show a few quotes to prove it.

Also. Finding enlightment doesnt erase your past deeds. The prophets of the Quran are horrible people. The laws of the Quran are horrible. The prophets your god chose arent saints who prevent wars and advocate for freedom food for those in need or much good in general. Why do you follow a god who chose such people for prophits. And did not punish his belivers for doing what many today would consider horrors?

Do you want penut butter or Nutella?

I ignored your comment on the most part because I thought you just came in threw your buzzwords onto the thread and left, much like others do. I don't want to waste time on those people. If you want to discuss this then we can.

Let's be clear, we need to stick to one issue at a time and not bounce all over the walls.

Let's discuss the car issue because from it you will see exactly how the same arguments can be used for all your other points.

Women can drive in almost every single Muslim country. Something causing corruption does not make it un-Islamic. The two guys who made those statements have obvious biases and other interests. In my country women can and do drive. Why do you use the misaction of one country to discredit all individuals that share that religion? Doesn't make sense.

They fucked little kids.

is it difficult to repress the fact that Muhammed was genuinely crazy?

how can u interpret the religion differently, if its divine, correct and unchanging word of all-knowing, unchanging god? And how can u interpret differently the rules, that will grant u heaven? Theres a set of instructions to follow to not go to hell and u cherry-picking some, expecting different outcome. U r not gonna end up with cake, if u start "interpreting differently" the recepie, taking more egs, less flour, skipping sugar and only keeping the cocoa amount the same.
And if ppl interpret religion differently, whos right? How does the reality actually look like? Which tribe has to kill every1 else, cuz others r the infidels?

Is pic OP

Are you allowed to celebrate Halloween

Why is it ok to fuck little kids?

Because by glorifying the religion you validate people who impose those rules. They can now say we have 2 billion people who agree with us.

The death penalties are far more serious and far more common in muslim countries and they come directly from the religion. A religion that has zero proof of credibility but imposes silly rules on people anyway.

Don't you people realize that fucking your cousins results in genetically fucked retards?

Muslim refugees

No they don't because they fuck little kids. They also think it's ok to fuck goats.

I'm same fagging because it's true.

>712433471 (OP) #
Ok everyone that's enough. I am going to spell this out for those of you that are not savvy enough to see what's taking place here. Op generated this thread as propaganda much like any other controversial subject. Oooh, propaganda you say? Please note the following...
1. Enters into this arena with a "so called" acceptance of others ideals.
i.e. I don't see the appeal- This is merely for lack of better words, a fuck you to all who aren't Muslim.
2. Op then answers questions juxtaposed as to make the author of the question, question their question. All successful propagandists are extremely adept at this.
3. Op then places his own personal righteousness, at the forefront of his agenda by attempting to justify his ideals as better than yours.
4. This is how ALL religions/political movements operate in order to infiltrate. Look back at history.
5. Op will repudiate this entire post however, look at history. Look all around you. All the answers are there.