Post the dystopias you would not mind living in

post the dystopias you would not mind living in.
mine's the grid

rectify ill meet you there. Together we will build the perfect system.

that's my nigga



thread derailed


i could get you in?

I'm already in mine.

sure, why not?

Brave New World. We are practically living in it anyway.


35th floor.

>the one where Hitler won

tower of god?



I own a toy model of the Encom 786 First Gen Light Bike. It's honestly a very amazing concept.
>End Of Line

Mad Max, ofc.

Other end of the spectrum, being middle class and sub-110 iq in 1984 would be the most comfy way to live.

In fallout there's medicine that can super heal you and rad-ass technology and shit.

I would be able to survive and do some cool shit

In reality you're one of those skeletons found in raider camps because you get shot in the leg and then mauled to death while scouting for medicine.

No offence.

That impossibly large city from the blame! Manga.
