How long have you been a NEET?

how long have you been a NEET?

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Don't blame me, Just got off of the night shift. Double time on Sundays

Never was a neet, am disabled now though, headinjury fag. After 2 decades on the work force am now a neet I guess, since the injury, about two years ago. Isn't too bad, spend a lot of time with family, travel. Would still rather be working though if it meant it could regain the function loss I experienced.

Since 1999.
In my defense, I've been a single father raising two daughters by myself this whole time. Also home school.
Need new ways to make money.
Now that weed is legal it's putting a hitch in my giddyup.
>training my chickens for the coming civil war is the highlight of my day.

I like you. Best of luck to you in your ventures and with your daughters, sir.

Make sure you do everything to keep yourself safe and in their lives.

I want in on this.

I'm not a neet I'm just waiting for my co-worker to die so I can have his shifts and work regular hours like a normal person

Thank you.

>I want in on this.
How so?
Could currently use some help training rabbits for food requisition.

I've been retired since '14. Feels good to be done at 30.

Thank you for making my day.
>my fucking sides!

because i took this week off. had vacation days to use...if i don't use 'em, i lose 'em

going on my 3rd year. Depression (i know im a faggot, both literally and metaphorically) kept me from being a decent member of society. B-b-b-b-but I'm looking to r-r-r-reintegrate into society. Just thought id use my post in this thread as a moment of "gtfo you faggot"


How 2 neet bux?

dont need one
my plan is to meme myself into, make a wish foundation with the wish to wear sophie turners ass as a hat

This is a good idea.
I also want to wear Sophie Turner's ass as a hat. I'm sure there is a way we can make money off this.

Did someone say Sophie Turner thread?

trump wont cut off white males from southern and mid west states, he needs our votes, livin large on the blue states dime

I think so, double dubs.

since the dawn of time

>blue states:
Paper pushers. Living large off the red states' dime.
>red states:
Actual workers. Produce everything blue states consume.

yeah how do we trick the cancer loving kikes into this

cant we trump the contest and rig it, so we can blow coke up her ass and fuck it like i was 1978

2 years so far due to a major depression

Scary pic is scary

recently got a job a month ago. feelsweirdman

I have something wrong with my guts that's making me vomit blood and get the shits whenever I eat. I've lost upwards of 50 lbs in about two or so months. On a plus side, I look fucking hot now.

Night shift is best shift

At least where I work night shift has the most competent people to work with. Morning shift people are bitchy because they're up so early and afternoon shift is all the lazy ones.

Any job for a neet who never had a job before?

This is now a shit thread.

that depends, do you have 3+ years experience in any field and a degree

Can't work cause MyPers is down atm

I got 2 and a half years of NEET experience

On and off NEET here... going on 5 consecutive years now.


Get a job at a fast food place, slave away and try to get into a management position. Then leave that shitty place and use your "experience" to get a better management job.

However, make sure to do as many drugs as possible, that way you won't care about being a shitty employee making 10 bucks an hour.

Pizza delivery. Its not much but it is something to help ease you into the concept of working and dealing w people

We should chat: add me on kik 'dawnappears' :~>

since last march, i was terminated from a job i worked at for almost a year because a fat gnome that hated my guts told a story that happened on the jobsite that was complete bullshit to my bosses purposely to get me fired... I was 18 at the time (him being 30+) so when i tried to tell them it was a lie and he wanted this to happen they obvi didnt believe me. Really broke me down considering that job gave me a purpose and honestly it was a shitty commercial cleaner/labor but i was proud of the hard work i put into it... to just be disposed of like it was nothing was a slap in the face to how companies don't give a shit if you:
> invest 45- 55 hours a week,
>chose to work weekends during a New England based winter
>one of the only fuckers that can legally drive (45 -2 hours away) the company vans because so many god damn illegals worked there
>invest in equipment for work better
>work your ass off from 5:45 am - 3:30 pm (not to mention the drive time)

sorry for the pity party Sup Forums but fuck the real world sucks, although im only 19 so idk how some fucker manage to say NEET for so long without offing themselves. At this stage in the neet life style im already looking up 'how to make a noose' vids.
Give a lurker so guidance?

I wish I could be a NEET again. Life was so simple back then. I could never readjust to it again even if I had a place to stay though.

But I'm not. I'm currently working. Yet I browse fourchan 4 hours/day. One of the perk of being sysadmin I guess.

i just quit a good job because...well its a long story...but i'm am applying to at least 1 job a day before the onset of agoraphobia and neetism (although i can only afford to be a neet for like 1.5 months)

life's only simple as a neet if
> born with a silver spoon
> somehow obtains silver spoon with little effort
> has friends/pets

I wasn't born with a silver spoon but I had friends and a mom who let me inhabit her basement for way longer than she should have. Guess that's close enough.

Never, after high school I went to college, and now I sudy and work, I'd love to know what It feels like to be a neet

about a year and a few months, got fired from a fulltime nightshift job stocking shelves at a grocery store, their excuse, "you're not enthusiastic enough" shit really got to me, they had no real reason to fire me, i was pissed, tried to apply for other jobs, because i got fired from this pos store, other places wont hire me, fuck it right? so i decided to just stay at home and collect disability until something falls in to my lap
cant say i havent tried because i have
tomorrow some lady from some place that helps people get jobs wants to meet with me, i'll give it a shot, no guarantees tho
100$ says i'll get fired from where ever this lady thinks she can put me because of lack of enthusiasm or you dont smile enough, or some other such nonsense

same situation minus the friends, they went to college, now im just a sad girl who currently is basement dwelling and looking for a shitty job

because I'm not a little bitch like you

it's not like you worked at chucky cheese ffs. i can't fake a smile 24/7 either especially if im trying to force at the task at hand. i mean its different if your specific position requires you to be fruity aka being a sales associate but a nightshift at a market? id spit in their face for that

this is true. i was a neet literally until the money ran out. been working for years now and still resent it

Same here

>currently 26
>time of employment amounts to roughly 10 months total, divided in two jobs
>make some money on the side working independent
>I don't buy stuff, my clothes are old as shit and my monthly spending never exceeds 30 bucks
>rest of the time I just exercise, eat fruit and think about stuff

Us NEETS only gotta hold out for another few years and watch all the new batch of former wage cucks and debt ridden professionals join our ranks, when automation takes all their work. Their jew bosses replaced them with machines and self service and drones.

Fingers crossed for Universal Basic Income, and NEET life becoming fully acceptable in society.

My fucking man. I just got home from my 12 hour night shift, working like an actual man. Fuck these neet faggots. Why does over half my paycheck go to supporting deadbeats?

i secretly hope for this too. i'm honestly never happier than when i can wake up each morning without a plan for the day

I am working faggot, and in fact I don't have time for your shit right now.


I worked both Friday and Saturday calm down.

the people i hate the most are the college students my age that complain every second of the day about fucking memorizing shit that will expand their mind and further themselves into "success" *hands you a grain of salt* i want to punch them so fucking hard for bitching about fucking tests and claiming they want to drop out/ would be better dropping out and start working at mcdonalds. sure they have a shit ton of student loans that will be paid off in increments for the rest of their lives but they don't realize how easy and relaxing schooling is verses busting ass all day for a job you really dont enjoy doing and hardly profit off of.

Who vacation all week?

then gtfo REEEEEE

>Their jew bosses replaced them with machines and self service and drones.
>Fingers crossed for Universal Basic Income, and NEET life becoming fully acceptable in society.

user, this is unlikely to happen. Learn computer programming, make something worthwhile. It's not that hard. If you can read instructions, you can program.

Took a sick day

2 weeks from now marks a year.

I'm at work right now. 8hr shifts, 5 days a week. State job motherfucker.

I don't need to, got enough on my bank account to get around without having to do a shitty job and be around shitty people all day

agreed, neet styled jobs are meant for teens and drug addicts, not someone perfectly capable of taking up a trade of interest
>even cosmetology
whatever suits their fancy

> has job
> *clicks* on neet thread at said job
> triggers galore
your boss must be pretty cool if he lets you wear a dress on the job... now get the fuck off this board normalfag

Oh you think I don't belong here? Just wait till Xmas. I'm going with my dad and stepmom, to spend it with my step-sister in Idaho. Upper middle class hell. That's where I'm not going to fucking fit in. Ill probably end up being too big of a pussy to try and smuggle any drugs on the plane too, so its going to be a long fucking week.

>neet styled jobs are meant for teens and drug addicts, not someone perfectly capable of taking up a trade of interest
Work ethic-fag detected. What are your opinions on welfare, user? I think there should be unemployment for a time, and stipends for the disabled or sick, but not much else. The lack of willingness to work/produce meaningful things is a perspective I just don't understand.

3rd shift is where the magic happens

i don't believe in welfare for properly functioning humans who can be independent, also my bad id like to add in disabled/ mentally sick into the neet styled jobs (not really around low functioning humans)
i think its fine to work at low tier jobs if you are trying to save money for something that will progress you further and give you a more sustainable job.

I am working. But I'm fucking around on Sup Forums using my phone, not the company provided computer.

Couple of months but im looking. So fuck you op


>and drug addicts,

Drug addicts are perfectly capable of working a trade. I'd just as soon be at work as anywhere else.

6 years

dont take it lightly when i say drug addicts. i love a variety of drugs myself but i dont think a coke/meth/heroine head should be wiring building. maybe if they can control their addiction not to get fucked up on the job but ive known several that have been fired for being high and fucking something up at a job. not saying they cant do a trade job but they are more likely to fuck up on the job and be a liability

36 years old never worked never will
get money from gov

Everything? A lot of stuff is imported. Mostly from East Asia..

been inside since march
got diagnosed with delusional disorder so cant go out much. ama

What's the matter with people on welfare anyway? We literally consume the least out of everyone in the society. What do we ask for ? A place to sleep and something that resembles food. If I want extra I go without the latter. Leave us alone for gods sake we probably have a carbon footprint the size of a letter box. We take so very little, there are people pretending to work performing beurocratic functions living in decadence and we're the problem. Buh, Capitalists.

>I'd just as soon be at work as anywhere else.
get a load of this unimaginative zilch lmao @ ur "life" bub, hope you get killed in a car "accident" today

>he fell for the carbon meme

>save money for something that will progress you further and give you a more sustainable job
I think this concept is the clencher. So many poor people don't have any concept of future planning. It's all consume, consume, consume.

ban water

>be at work
You can still be an addict with a job. You don't HAVE to be on the stuff on the job. Just look at alcoholics. They maintain until quittin' time.

ok you want to take tax payers money and do as little as possible for it because you hate the systems you were born into
here is some advice
>take lazy ass into the forest off the grid
>earn your meat with bare hands
>build a house with bare hands
>feel accomplished

>The lack of willingness to work/produce meaningful things is a perspective I just don't understand.
Is it really though? Getting up 5 days a week and going off to do irrelevant shit that you hate, just so you can afford to get up and do the same thing the next week, for the next forty years, and then you retire and die, having spent nearly all your time on Earth on that.

Or better yet, take that ass to the library. Plenty of training materials on whatever you'd like to learn. No flint-chipping required. Hell, there's probably a book on forensic anthropology there that will show you the flint-chipping bit.

>irrelevant shit that you hate
No. I actually really enjoy my work. Write software that helps people do their shit better. It's tremendously satisfying.

I'm the personal pilot for a billionaire. I only work 200 hours a year. Salaried too, so the cheques come in every two weeks no matter what.

bout 4 years now

i have an excuse though

Since the Nov. 8th. I was running an election office for around 3 months and now that its all over and done with I'm sitting back enjoying my loot, alternatively relaxing and partying. I'll probably start looking for a new gig after New Years.

ever had an oh shit moment or bad turbulence where everyone spilled their drinks/cocaine/hookers?

you don't do shit and get to live for free. If you can beg for money you can ask me if I want fries with that.

fed up with losers like you taking tax payer money.

Food literally grows on trees, we've built enough space to house everyone we literally just leave some homes empty so they'll be worth more later. The things I'm asking of this society are plentiful, they should be given freely to anyone it shouldn't even be a matter of the tax-payers money.

u mad because you feel trapped? the people who work the most and make the lleast moneys always more angry. who cares about tax payer money? only those who pay them

Nope, we fly up much higher than larger commercial jets so we tend to get less turbulence. Normally in the area of 41k-47k feet.

Sometimes turbulence around storms and stuff but the billionaire guy I fly is really chill, not a party animal and most of the time it's just him on board.

My previous job was flying in the Canadian bus and that was another story lol!

You, read this.