Bored as fuck

Bored as fuck
Ask a guy who's fucked 30+ different girls anything

y so little

How fast are you going to blow your load when you actually have sex for the first time

>only 30

Wow dude girls fuck on the first date everytime now...

Sup Forums is so bitter and cynical anymore
Do you guys need a hug or something?

Which score was the ugliest and which score was the prettiest from a scale of 1/10

Eh, I've had girls I think of as 10/10 and girls I think of as 1/10
But the thing about it is any girl seems like the hottest chick in the world when your dick's in her

>trying to seem like a le cool guy on the interwebs
>mad when people tell him to fuck off

kill yourself fam


>implying you were trolling, or trolled me

grow up kid

Whats your favorite mario kart race track?

No trolling here
Just you guys upset for some reason

Fuck it's been years
I really liked the one that was western-themed? It had really comfy music and neat mesas and shit

I'm glad to see your family reunion went so well.

I lol'd

30 cum buckets over what period of time???

5 years

How many girls did you love ?

Shit bro you're gonna get me in my feelings
Like 3?
I dunno. What even is love?
Like I sure do love sticking my dick in them. Does that count?
Love is weird. I don't understand it.
This thread was supposed to be about sexy bragging why did you have to give me these feels

How are you enjoying the 7th grade?

3 is already something user.

No, see, if you're gonna call me a liar, you gotta do funny shit like this guy Is 3 something? I dunno. Love is stupid. Fucking is more fun. Less stress.