I need answers for a school project so be intelligent like I know a lot of you are Sup Forums

I need answers for a school project so be intelligent like I know a lot of you are Sup Forums.

Why do you enjoy looking at rekt threads and gore shit?

Becuase we're sick fucks who get off on images of death.

>Sup Forums intelligent?
>can't tell if newfag or oldfag

because Sup Forums is the only place were people like us,who are froned upon in society, can have hope and interact with each other without feeling regret or shame.


I like loli so I can conquer, but the project is more so about the appalling human nature can you be more specific on why you enjoy it?

It started out as morbid curiosity I can't quite say why I still do it

Sup Forums is the place where you can laugh about your own inner sickness and stupidity, because you dont have to reason yourself infront of others ;)

Seeing people die while I'm taking a shit is the highlight of my day.

Its just morbid curiosity, the desire to see something shocking, i watch gore/rekt for the same reasons people watch horror movies



well i don't personally enjoy it, i just like looking at it from time to time.
If it's there,you can't help but take a peek at it.

People like violence and gore because it makes them feel good, It is the sole reason why war will always exist.

People pick on others,look at other peoples misfortune and death as is distracts them from their mundane life that and some people are physically and mentally attracted to death and pain.

Because seeing people die in fucked up ways is something that doesn't happens everyday relative to the person who watches. They like the shock, and horror value.

Same here. I look at it and get disgusted, but I will always look at it again.
It's a fascination.



Well there's your report OP

Freudian Death Drive
look it up or I can tell you a little about it if you're lazy and interested

I'm curious.

Is it SFW?

Not OP, but I'm lazy and it sounds interesting. Would you mind sharing?

originally for the shock value. now it's just one of the types of threads I look at on here when I'm bored.

i dont really get phased by it, its kind of interests me, and who would pass up a rekt thread?

There's very little likelihood that I'll experience death or gore in my simple life. It none the less makes me feel uncomfortable, because it subconsciously reflects my own inevitable demise. So I view these videos and pictures to harden my sensation to it. Eventually this will dampen my fears of death, and I will become more in control of my own attitude towards things.

If you don't accept that answer, then you could also argue that the physics involved with people getting hurt is fascinating. Look at how much force that car needed to cause that guy's torso to split in two? Look at that man's face blow away when he got shot by that undercover cop behind him in the gas station he was trying to rob? That feels like justice! I hate robbers! Seeing justice makes me feel good.

I mean all of these seem adequate.

I've been a sadist from very early on in my life and it's just a sick satisfaction that comes with it. However, a friend of mine is a total empath and still sometimes looks at gore. For him, it's really just the shock factor or more of a challenge to look at it without being uncomfortable.
It depends, though. If it's about the torture and pain, I'm all for it and it satisfies my sadism. If it's really just a gore image or a video of an accident, I also see it as more of a challenge not to cringe.

Sure, SFW btw
So Freud has this basic idea that deep down we all want to die, kind of like a return to the void type of deal. this desire is unconscious so you're never aware of it. The reason we have this desire traces back to Oedipal urges of returning to the womb (see Freud: Uncanny). because the desire to die conflicts so heavily with our desire to live, it is repressed and then transformed into a deep and unexplained desire of watching death and suffering, this explains our fascination with violent video games, horror films, and for you real fucked up kids, rekt threads