Write me a simple program in java and I'll dump her nudes

Write me a simple program in java and I'll dump her nudes.

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public class HelloWorld {

public static void main(String [] args) {

System.out.println("hello world");
//where's my nudes bitch

What, like... Hello World, or do you have something you're after?

public class Tester{
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println("Never said how simple faggot");

I like your style

What's the bet OP doesn't come through?


It has to be according to directions

Peep the blanket i got like 12 more

Spent the whole semester docking around

So basically, don't want to do your homework, so you're dumping nudes of a random camwhore? That about the $Sum of it?

Yep, in a nutshell.

Fair enough

Does anyone care enough to write the program for the nudes? If so I'll try to write it.

Cost/benefit ratio is fucked.

Meh... an hour ago maybe. Now? I've got to be up in 6 hours, so probably not going to take the time

OP will deliver
Dont try to make it more elegant though i just need the step by step

Heres one

public class javaShit {

public static void main(String [] args) {



public void getNudes() {

for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {

System.out.println("Nude " + i + " :");

I mean I'd write it. I don't care about writing a program. I'm just wondering if anyone cares for the nudes.

Gonna need one with full body and face as proof

I dunno... It's a real simple program. Anyone with a shred of programming background can crank it out in like 5 minutes. But i don't have an IDE on this thing and it's too late to muck about with installing one and writing it. I'm only hanging out long enough to see if someone posts their solve here in the next couple minutes

Yes give nudes

Can somebody do this, if not for OP, for my stupid ass? I have a strong Python background and am starting a Java-heavy position where the PM assured me that "I would pick it up, no problem"... but I'm looking at Java stuff and this is the worst language I've ever seen.

I literally think I have this exact program in my drive from back when I took java classes in high school, hold up.

Cost: minutes of work.
Benefit: nudes.

Google nudes.
Cost: seconds of work.
Benefit: nudes.

>have underclassmen do my program assignments in high school
>have friend do my programming homework in college
>always told me I'd regret it someday, laughed at his fat ass
>this thread happens
He was right

public class Numbers {

public int sum;
public int count;

public Numbers(){
this.sum = 0;
this.count = 0;

public int getSum(){
return this.sum;

public int getCount(){
return this.count ;

public void addNumber(int param){
this.sum += param;


public class TryNumbers{

public static void main(String [] args){

Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
Numbers even = new Numbers();
Numbers odd = new Numbers();

int i = sc.nextInt();

while( i != -1){
if((i%2) == 0{

if(even.getCount() > 0){
System.out.println("even avg: " + Double.toString(even.getSum()/even.getCount()));

if(odd.getCount() > 0){
System.out.println("odd avg: " + Double.toString(odd.getSum()/even.getCount()));
i = sc.nextInt();


TryNumbers.java pastebin com/3ivfaakz

Numbers.java pastebin com/eikfU2Bj

coming from a python background maybe. python is all "brackets? fuck those things. Structure? who the fuck needs it. everything is implicit motherfuckers!!" java isn't bad at all. just... more structured

This... is not so hard (I'm the Python guy). Why is it that whenever I look at an actual Java class my eyes glaze over? They just seem like they're full of so much cruft :(

Yah definitely, help the poor kid ace his homework too

yeah, but there's the suspense of the payoff. that's what OP is banking on here

Actually maybe what's throwing me is there seem to be a ton of libraries that are included by default? Or something? Like, wtf is a Scanner? Where is that even documented?

checking it myself.

Also I do get a lot of that stuff because I do a lot of functional JS work too... Java just seems like.. idk, it's like how I imagine fortran or cobol or something, just super needlessly verbose and stuff.

Because Java has a bunch of code bloat as a side-effect of the massive libraries that come bundled with it. There are certain things that are implicit in other languages that must be explicit in Java because the basic functionality is buried in libraries of libraries

i hear that. but that's just true of any language when it is new, i think. i mean, scripting languages are just a different beast. i spend most of my time in bash, for fucks sake... but structured languages all have their "mysteries" that, when you get right down to it, don't end up being all that mysterious after all

OP here, testing these

don't forget that the same functionality can be found in like 12 different libraries for any given thing ;)

OP, you just don't want to do your homework do you?

They should both work, but I'd advise going ahead and properly indenting them due to Sup Forums's boards fucking the indentation up. Might save you a docked point or two

This has already been established


Simple shit

Is there a good reference, whether online or even paper? I believe a good dev can code anything in any language as long as they have a good way to look up how to do whatever they might want to do.

I guess that's a big part of it... I'm self taught, originally a web dev, so I never did a tour of duty in c++ or whatever, I don't know shit about memory management or this or that, I only know design patterns because I've been doing this for 15 years and you pick stuff up eventually.

I need a "Java for devs who thought Python and JS and bash and regex were all they needed until they started working for enterprise clients" or something.

Java's basically just piss really, but if you don't mind the pain, it makes rapid development a breeze

Java is a good educational language to learn the basics of coding, but complete apps done in this fuckery are just a sin to all programming, they are so tedious to write and you end giving up if your teacher or mentor is not a good one.


Nah, so who is this bitch for reals though? Pretty tight little ass

I'm actually ok with this. keep posting.

user delivered cough up nudes



Oracle lists everything in its base api here

I used to work in a factory that ran its entire database through Java, and I swear 50% of the time I spent on that job was waiting for a button I pressed to respond or a search to return results. They could have literally doubled the factory's overall productivity if they had used any other language (efficiently), because the computers always became a massive bottleneck.


Thanks! I guess oracle would be an obvious resource :P but yeah, I was not expecting to get help with my job when I came onto b tonight.

Is that Dania Russo in her early days???


>hangs around shit thread for an hour
>OP doesn't deliver
Not unusual I guess


Yep op Sucks

OP didn't deliver but Java bros did! Thanks from Python guy... I would post stuff but I guarantee people coming for regular nudes don't want the stuff I'm in to :P

OP here, I've tried your code.
What the fuck do I enter in here to test the program. I am using bluej




At this point I'm thinking that OP is just using Java fags to get free homework, and won't deliver shit, post whatever you like.

Try me m8 unless they're fat, or over 70 I'm game

I'm in to extreme cbt... is that really the road people want this thread to go down?

Someone answer my fucking question

An implementation.







I don't know why you wanted such a simple program, just do it yourself if its elementary like this...

What's your code for the gui?


So underrated! I was literally laughing on the floor and rolling. Like OMG


is this op

oh god your print statements are fucked. Why would you use Double.toString() instead of printf?

System.out.printf("even avg: %f\n", even.getAverage());
System.out.printf("odd avg: %f\n", odd.getAverage());

you clearly didn't see my print statements

tf do you mean, I read your entire program. I used getAverage() instead of getSum()/getCount() but thats the only thing I didnt mention. Either way, Double.toString() is not the way to go

No, I'm just holding out for them nudes. That girl is perfect imo

easy there m8.
that what was is called a "self-deprecating statement".

my print statements where fucked. getAverage() is definitely better.



She's fucking hot. I can't contribute cause I can't use Java at all.

holy fuck, all it takes to get help programming is a couple screenshots of nudes? if i had known that i would have never failed college and would have a extremely exploitable girlfriend

OP here, assuming you used the right method names, how do I call the methods from Numbers to test the code


are you trying to make unit tests, or just run the program?

run it

or at least test if it works

console.log("Give Nudes);

from the command line:

-make sure the .java files are in the cmd directory

>javac Numbers.java

>javac TryNumbers.java

>java TryNumbers

this is assuming you have java on your path

you can also use Eclipse or

the online thing is probably the easiest, if you dont have an IDE like eclipse.

my prof. has us using fucking bluej as an IDE

yea i know of it m8, just make new classes and copy the code, then right click TryNumbers, and click ok on the prompt, it should run

you want to just run the main, that should run everything

>right click TryNumbers

yea hit ok

the braces represent the string array that you can pass to a main, in this case you dont want to pass anything so you just click ok.