A wise china man once said when the river runs red take the muddy path

a wise china man once said when the river runs red take the muddy path


That's the japanese flag

what flag its a dot

>being this stupid

Ching chong bing bong

Pic related?
A used sanitary pad wat

It's a dirty tampon you virgins.

Qí zìxíngchē tàbǎn pìgu de nǚhái zài chéngzhèn - Confusious

Ching Chong go to swim

what does that say? asorgih gtiugnsre aiugden?

I dont get it, you should elaborate on this user what does it mean?

Period => Anal.

Why am I speaking with a kid again ?

a wise china man once said only when a mosquito lands on your testical do you realise not everything can be solved with violence

It's "when the river runs red take the dirt track instead" M8

That's a Japanese flag you faggot

whats "=>"?


No it's not. It's the Nissan hamburger.

Would you mind writing that in proper Chinese so its fucking legible? Classical Chinese in pinyin? I mean, just, what the fuck, man...

a wise china man once said "that's the japanese flag, not the chinese one, fucktard."


Not really sure how to write "fucktard" in Classical Chinese. We need a new character, I think.

and a ching chong nip nong to you too

That's chong ching, not ching chong, roundeye!

Bunch of grammar-ignorant illiterates around here, I swear to god...

Something with riding a bike, a butt and a girl. Instead of posting pinyin, why don't you post the characters, fucking cunt.