Favourite God(are they on this list?) and what do you think about them?

Favourite God(are they on this list?) and what do you think about them?

Ra. Lucifer. Sydney. Fate. Jenova. Helba. CC. Zepf. (Other?). Satan.

The Christian god is a cool guy I guess.


Not sure.

Odin's pretty cool


My top 3:

But what about Ra? Cool God, huh? Second most powerful l33t right?

Any sexy Egyptian God will do me fine.

>Favorite God
Are you fucking retarded?





Toth is our guide and helper, any other god does not exist and is not worth the time

To Fulfill Fate's Birth do not outweigh in that would be heavier than the possibility of Predestination Fate

Nirvana: The God's comfort comes first. Elegency and Expedience in The God's comfort and shine of Godself through The Veil.

Anubis, easily, because of the history I have with him. I played a cleric of Anubis in a long-running D&D campaign in high school, which is how I actually ended up getting together with my first girlfriend (who was also one of the players).


respect fam

Let the cringefest commence

Do you disgusting heretics even praise Sagittarius-A?

The Titans(not technically gods..but) and The Oneiroi

Satan master race
left hand path forever

forget pic, sorry


The one true god. A reflection of the fact that the universe was not designed. It merely came to be. If the universe existed because of the words "let there be light," they were the ramblings of a madman. Azathoth is that madman.

The blind idiot god? The one who knew every thing and therefore can never act because the future is already known? The one who has held every thought and therefore can never create or dream? The one whose being is stretched so thin across the cosmos that were he to lift a finger, life would be unrecognizable after the time taken?

(not to mention that Azathoth is also a fictional character)

Tough one. I actually do like Kek to be honest I think he's an interesting example of postmodern occultism, really unknown armies

Apophis is a good villainous deity. I can vibe with Nemesis too.

Overall though I think Eris might be my favorite due to:

1. Fucking Everything Up with very little effort by preying on roastie vanity

2. The Dreamworks sinbad movie

My favorite rationalization is that Lovecraft was a subconscious prophet while believing he was writing fiction

That's generally how I fit him into my campaigns/stories

Yes. That one.

>Azathoth is also a fictional character
that's what Lovecraft wanted you to think