Russian fag here

Russian fag here.

Why are Americans so fat?

I can't get over the fact that, that manchilds thigh is probably wider than my torso.

Obviously they eat a fuck load....

keep being jelly poorfag


The U.S. isnt sanctioned to fuck and we dont spend all our cash on vodka

barbarian diet
lotsa red meat, cheese, and butter

also: corn syrup directly injected into the veins

we have nothing left to conquer

We don't work out and pay insane amounts of money to cram our fat asses into stadiums to watch black people do extraordinary things with their bodies.

Why are russians fags?

I'm not. Pussy.

They're not, they stone fags to deaf


>they stone fags to deaf
Well then OP needs to stone himself.

The US is highly agrarian and abundant on excess food that exports at least more than 20 million tons of chicken alone to other nations each year. The US government pays farmers to stop producing and overabundance of milk. Fast food restaurants give sodas and all beverages for free so long as you buy the cup, whereas other countries you buy the quantity of the drink. There is little to no industrial work, so labor intensive jobs are not common.

Do the math.

If you want a real answer, this can be traced back to the when the phrase "Fat Free" was coined. We didn't know back then that the human body thought it was still taking in fat and adjusted itself accordingly. Stuff marked as "Fat Free" and an assortment of other buzz words will make you fatter than the normal version. This includes soda. It's a bait and switch that kicked off the obesity epidemic in America.

At this point, though, it's the fact that you can get 5 cheese burgers for the price of 3 salads in the US. Give or take. Our vegetables are expensive and our junk food is dirt cheap. We pay 4x more for vegetables than they do in mexico, but we can get all our assorted HFCS snacks for a 1/4 the price of Mexico.

Our lazy ass lifestyles wouldn't matter nearly as much if our government did encourage the production and distribution of so much terrible food instead of focusing on food that is real and healthy.

Most of our agricultural subsidies go into corn. Do you know where most of our corn goes? High fructose corn syrup. What doesn't go into that, goes into biodiesel and shit. We are literally destroying food to run our cars. Because the government didn't earmark those subsidies for actual fucking corn you eat.

nah, they just hit people with rocks till they cant hear anymore

american here, why is russia such a depressing shithole that nobody ever wants to visit?


>implying there aren't pretty girls from every nation

there are cheap alternatives to fast food.
Education needs to play a big role in getting the US away from fast food.