Hey guys...

Hey guys, I have to go get some cigarettes do you mind watching my delicious cold chocolate milk for me until I get back?

sure thing ok. chuck us a durry when u get back?

Yeah alright


I'll watch the milk, tho.

Sure will!


Oh shit guys...... oh shit....

Trips will protect it

that's clearly just a few ml of milk there is plenty left in the REAL glass

You a dead son of a bitch when OP comes back

What did you do?

Refill you fucking good-for-nothing assholes!

Do you think OP will notice? Its all i could find.


Lets hope OP is dumb

That's a safe bet on Sup Forums

Okay guys I'm back with smokes. Glad to see that my chocolate is o- wait a minute...

i just took a shit in it
its back to normal
we're ok now



your chocolate milk is safe with me

oh wait