I'm currently in a mental institution

I'm currently in a mental institution.

Ask me anything.

What made you loony?

I don't know. I've been here for about a week. My mom convinced me to check in because I was refusing to drink water.

Why the fuck you lyin

they wouldn't let you have internet, you lying faggot

>mfw i took the bait

Oh fuck...
Your mum seems like she belongs in a loony bin.

I'm not.

Where are you currently?

Where are you staying?

That's what I was thinking! I keep telling her that the water will rot her pineal gland, and she still drinks it.

Glad you're here but Sup Forums is not a mental institution.

They don't let us have the internet or any electronic devices. (Besides the xbox in the recreational room)

then how u on 4chin niggaaaa

I was first admitted to "Mendota", but I think they moved me while I was asleep.

How long has it been since you last drank water?

wtf ive been in a legitimate mental institution. They give you water whenever you ask. (am not op)


you're a fucking moron. not even worth a response


This is retarded. Abandon thread

Nigger, read up. He said he's in the Loony because he refuses to drink water.

your paranoia is hilarious to me

Also you're a lying faggot

I haven't. They inject me twice a day with something to keep me "hydrated".
I don't trust anyone here. They are working for the government.


I thought people here would understand. I need to stop being so trusting.

They're injecting you with a inactive version of the disease Aids.

Refuse to be injected from this point on. They're trying to kill you... Not save you

Are you actually me from a week ago? I just got out today and it sure would be cool if I managed to travel time and post to myself.

You are another narrow minded sheep.

Madison Wisconsin. I've been in there.... I met some dude in the common room who was also a Sup Forumstard. Small world m8

What is the safety object? If you are me, you will know.

Aids? No. I'm certain that it is a chemical concoction to stop my premonitions.

That is the place I am suppose to be at, but I think I am somewhere else now. Is the person you met still here?

Shhh don't listen to these people... they are ALL government AI programmed to lull you into a false sense of security so they can find your secrets!

Which people?

I was in the loony bin as well dude. Trust me. These "Doctors" are out to hurt you. You've been put in a loony bin because you're too smart to be in the real world.

You've gotta escape. I was told that I was brought into this world for a reason. Helping you IS MY REASON.


No you aren't they wouldn't let you near a computer let alone on something as well known for seedy shit as Sup Forums. Kill yourself liar.

The blue stress balls Amy kept throwing at me?

I know I need to get out. How did you escape?


Shows what you know. I definitely saw a woman complaining about the massive manchild army boy dropout in front of us browsing Sup Forums a few days ago at I'm assuming a different psych ward.

I need to go, now. I've stayed in this state for too long and now the Mara have found me. I have to get back to the surface. Wish me luck. Open your minds.

>Holy shit, everyone Abandon thread. The FBI is actually watching this thread through AI's. This murderer escaped from a mental hospital and the FBI are looking for him.

root@fbi:~# start s21.py -a 80

[*] Scanning AI
[*] All systems UP
[*] Security System ACTIVE
[*] Scanning URL "

I can't tell you how... But remember this....

"When the blue bird sings, all will be free, all will come alive."

Good luck my friend


where is the rubber room

What does that mean

You're not in a mental institution. Go to bed.

Thread needs to be pruned already. OP abandoned thread an hour ago


Kanye? How are ya?

When the giant worm devours your left eye and offers you a role on Sandford and Sons will you follow the up or down paths?


the up paths
always take the ups
never take the downs.


mental institutions do not allow cellphones n shit.
op is a faggot

Do you smoke weed m8

Tell the walls