Past a certain age a man without a family can be a bad thing

>Past a certain age a man without a family can be a bad thing

What did he mean by this?

men get lonely, can exaggerate mental issues, etc.

studies tend to find men get more mental benefit out of being married than their wives do

reminder that the fact you're using this board means 80% of you will find out firsthand what he meant

He doesn't trust the permavirgin wizards that post on Sup Forums

Yeah it worked out pretty great for Marty

>reminder that the fact you're using this board means 80% of you will find out firsthand what he meant
Reading that gave me a small stroke

100% true.

>tfw part of the 20% that got married. it really does calm a man down.

>tfw 25 and haven't even lost my handhold virginity

He's not wrong.

>I like fucking MY wife

What did he mean by this?

no social contract=bad

I wholeheartedly agree with him.

woody cuck
need I say more?

What the fuck was his problem?

How will a fucking WOMAN help me? It's gotta be a joke. The sex is a good relief but outside the bed women are nightmare.

Addicted to crazy pussy

Because a man without something to tie him down is a pretty dangerous force. The early colonies in America saw multiple revolts because there just wasn't enough women around for the young men to get some.

that shit was hundred years ago. things change


Comes to a point where people realize something is wrong with you.

It's not about you, it's about how others perceive you.

he meant that you're totally not autistic by posting the same thing every day.

>100 years ago human nature was fundamentally different

Why do retards believe this?

yes it's much better if you have something wrong with you that people not realize.

it means you have to be 18 to use this site, kid

Elliot Rodgers is a great example of how it hasn't.

Well yeah.

Well a hundred years or so ago there wasn't really anything to do for entertainment but drink, gamble, and fuck. Maybe reading if you were literate.
So if you couldn't get any pussy, your options were drinking and gambling, both of which lead to trouble.

Now men have videogames and internet porn to occupy them, which are still vices, but it's better than drinking and gambling.

>video games
Seriously, video games aren't something that you use to cope with being single, they're the reason you're single. Stop telling yourself otherwise.

>not knowing how to have a relationship with a woman means i'm more of a man than you losers
t. quietly dying inside

>but it's better


Not really, if anything they are more debilitating.

>trips of truth
>trips of truth confirming trips of truth
what the fuck is going on here

A small selection of the entertainment available to the average person a hundred years ago (bearing in ming that the majority of people were literate):

You could draw, paint, sculpt, write novels, read novels, write poetry, read poetry, play and/or listen to music, act in and/or watch plays, operas and pantomimes, you could collect fossils or historical artifacts, you could invent things, you could perform scientific experiments, you could fish, you could sail boats, you could ride a horse, you could go for a hike, you could box, you could fence, you could shoot targets, you could hunt, you could ski, you could swim, you could play darts.

All these options are still available, too, as are drinking and gambling.

Technology and medicine may have come a huge distance in 100 years, but the entertainment options available to young men have not, nor have the tendencies of young men to become rowdy, violent and a potential public threat if they go too long without a woman.

reminder that when you do have a stroke when you're older no one will be around to call the cops on you

Why would I need to be arrested if I'm having a stroke? Fucking Euros...

My grandpa always said "if you don't find a gf before you turn 20 you'll end up going crazy".
he was right

Having a stroke is actually illegal in a lot of Middle Eastern countries. It's forbidden in the Quran as well as the Bible.

Your grandpa sounds like a faggot. He probably ran to Canada to dodge the draft like a weak wristed sissy.

>teenage girlfriend sliced me up with a knife

I went crazy anyways


Sex is nessesary for 100% psychological health

Good thing virtual POV porn and masturbation are perfect substitutes.

>citation needed

>studies tend to find

A study. That everyone quotes. Which is flawed.
It basically looked at crazy people and saw that most arent married.
This could mean crazy people have trouble getting married, but WAIT! It could also mean that unmarried people get crazy! Publish that shit!!!!!!!

They're not.

Health benefits of sex actually aren't found in men who only masturbate

>post says studies
>thinks it means one study
less Sup Forums, more /lit/

>What did he mean by this?

That he has to exaggerate his characters so the imbecile viewer can "get it".

My post clearly corrects yours, since you are wrong. It is one study, that gets quoted and recreated all the time, despite it being flawed.
There is no large scale study looking at healthy young men, and following them for the next 40 years, seeing any potential difference between those that get married and those that don't.
Its always just talking about crazy people being unmarried more often than normal people.

Less Sup Forums, more common sense.

Your post is clearly a load of shit, since there are multiple studies which confirm this with different methodologies.

You see how easy making claims on the internet is?

>you are wrong
>let me replace your baseless claim with my own to explain why
wow nice argument

Post these studies ;-)

>Among the 20% who get married, 50% will bed JUSTed
>Only 10% of us are gonna make it

maybe you shouldn't have cheated on your wife

the statement is supposed to be taken ironically as marty is living proof family doesn't magically give a man purpose.

Why the fuck would i waste time searching for these studies online to please some permavirgin? You think normal people have a folder or some shit with links to all these stats so they know where to go to win online arguments and feel good about themselves?

You're not on reddit, I don't come here to debate with psych 101 students and post competing sources, I come here to declare I'm right and belittle fags who disagree with me.

>why should i prove my claims when i can instead get mad when challenged?

You sound unmarried. Take your crazy pills.

>I'm just here to creampie your wife, Marty. Then she'll divorce you and I'll marry her, and we'll have another baby who will be more successful than your daughter thanks to my superior genetics. I'll eventually be promoted to your position and you'll work at the supermarket until you die. We're cool though right?

i'm not mad, i'm just not doing your googling for you

you want to find out if something's true or not go look it up yourself

I did, and its not true. There is a single, bad and flawed, and heavily criticized, study being repeated and quoted by various pop science media.
If there are more, post them. Protip: there aren't. You are wrong. Go be wrong somewhere else.

>it's bad and flawed because user says so and we should all believe him

A Mike Rutherford reaction pic. What a time to be alive.


i hate this new rise of scientism. people seem to worship science and constantly appeal to authority when they can't adequately argue their point.

the irony is most of these people have probably never read a single scientific study in their lifetime, most of their knowledge of 'studies' is largely hearsay. if they had read any of these 'studies', they would probably understand that there's a study to """prove""" almost anything. just because 1 or 2 studies exist, doesn't necessarily mean it's conclusive evidence. this is especially true of the social sciences and psychology.


psychology is the worst for this btw

not even a real science

buttmad christian detected

go read this book called "the god delusion" by richard dawkins and educate yourself

You are aware that your post is basically arguing for the opposite of the person you quote, right?

Yeah, listen to the abusive intolerable alcoholic adulterer.

Marriage is a simple indicator that a person won't do something reckless and stupid i.e. won't fuck with the current state of affairs, however fucked it is, because he has something to lose.

Your aware that your post is basically arguing for the opposite of the person you quote, right?

I disagree with the marriage thing. But if you haven't had a gf or close relationship with a female then it'll take a toll on your self esteem and depression will get worse.
Sucks worse when everyone's done it and you're in your mid 20s clueless to it all


it's not arguing for either since both are just posting random shit

>go read Richard Dawkins book the god delusion and educate yourself

holy fuck

What benefits are those exactly?

cute pic

I think I could get pretty fat and be fine with that, but how do you have that neckfat and not immediately hate yourself and use that hatred to spur a radical change in diet and lifestyle?

I guess I underestimate the addictive quality of food.

You get to a point where you say to yourself "I just don't give a fuck anymore" and accept that you're the fat guy

>what is google

>but how do you have that neckfat and not immediately hate yourself and use that hatred to spur a radical change in diet and lifestyle?

Because all his internet friends tell him he's good looking and that beauty standards are problematic

"educate yourself shitlord"

how is he ok with being a walking stereotype

or maybe he has a wheelchair at that weight, idk

fuck dude if these are both you i don't know what you're doing asking people for sources and shit

like you do know where you are, right? a dude posts some shit and then another dude disagreed and posted some other shit, but in case you think anyone's going to engage you in intellectual wankery, you're not going to get it