I work at a pizza place. Dubs decides the joke

I work at a pizza place. Dubs decides the joke.

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Nice dubs yourself, mister.
Anyway, just write "YOUR LIFE" on the box.


By the time Sup Forums tells a joke, the pizza will be cold and late.

"The amount you payed for this shitty pizza is a joke"


"My sex life."

Pepperoni is made out of pig rectum

Don't forget 9/11 did the Jews

Women's rights.

What's the difference between a pizza and a Jew?

A pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven.

Just make sure it's racist as Hell.

Give them link to this thread.

why is black humour like food?
Not everyone gets it.

Should spoil an appetite or two

ding ding ding

Depends on how fresh it is and what ingredients you are using. Fresh lobster pizza screams when you stick it in.

Could have been better

There you go

You stick it in lobster? Fucking perv

Could have been, but wasn't. And honestly, this is Sup Forums: could not have been.

Lobsters don't have vocal chords so they can't scream. That's steam escaping from cooking the lobster, you fag.

OP here. Was looking for something funnier. But the gods have spoken. Or some shit.

Don't do it.

So we'll have to teach lobsters the alphabet if we ever want to communicate with them. That complicates things.

Dude, I've worked on a fishing boat for almost 25 years. You have no idea of what sea creatures can do.
I have heard the screams of lobsters and fish when you drag them up to face their doom
I'd imagine these bastards would howl if you try to cook them as well.

tape a small mirror inside box


should have just put "my job"
self deprecating humor always works
but is fine too

Black Lives Matter

that pizza looks disgusting from what I can see - kill yourself OP!

Today OP was a good guy guise.

i"ve been silent-- for*a while^^
IT feel~s so good tO be free::
no%one will s(top m) e
Love.the::::::::Sup Forums
Love.the::::::::Sup Forums

.the /surgeon\ Has [returned]. . . . . . . .

0/10 bait

No. U.

"I work at this pizza place because I couldn't get a job at the hotdog stand. When I filled out the application my penis was sticking out"



Yarrrrr salty they be

Salty and stale.

What do you five black guys having an orgy?
A threesome

Pizza joke on a pizza Sounds good to me

I guess you could say... These jokes are a little.... CHEEZY! But let's not get to CRUSTy. I'm olive getting started! Man, pass the SAUCE if you know what I mean. You only need to suck the TIP. Man, pepperoni sure is Bologna. If you know what I mean. But these jokes are really GREASY, but at YEAST give me a break.
