I'm a first time dad, and I thought it wouldn't be so bad. Turns out I fucking hate being a dad...

I'm a first time dad, and I thought it wouldn't be so bad. Turns out I fucking hate being a dad. How does Sup Forums cope with not wanting to be a parent?

shameless self bamp

No one doe?

What don't you like about it?

How old are you?

grow the fuck up

I'm 23

Youre not my dad

Didnt answer first question sorry

I don't know, I'll try to explain. I just don't feel anything but annoyance for the baby. I hate spending time with it. I always heard people have this special connection, and I don't feel shit.

I don't have kids but I think they're a society's most valuable investment.
Btw, is it a boy or girl?

Find times and places to express the other parts of your personality that are being cramped by parenthood. Whatever it is, find an outlet for it.

It took me about 5 years to stop trying to parent like my own parents and to be myself. Still working on it, but way happier than I was at the start.

I just feel like I don't have an identity anymore. I lost my hobbies. I haven't found new hobbies. My only "me time" is when I get to smoke, the rest is with my wife and baby, or just baby.

Don't panic. If either of your parents are still alive, ask them for advice. Chances are, you were a scrambling little bag of worms to them, too.

It's hard at the beginning because there's so much hard work, with little reward. Ages 2-4 are critical you start training them to behave well. This stage determines if you're going to have little terrors or manageable kids. If you work hard and not give in to the crying and tantrums, by 5 they start being pretty cool and fun. They get interested in stuff and fun to teach. Just make sure you give them a lot of attention. They need it, even if you don't have any feelings, just make it a habit. Tl;dr hang in there if you work hard it gets better.

It's never too late for a late term abortion

Its never too late for an abortion as long as you know the right doctor

one with a claw hammer and a boat

You need to explain more of your situation.

How old's the baby?
Do you work full time?
Does your wife work?
Do you think she's not holding up her end of taking care of the baby?

You can always talk your bitch into putting the little bugger up for adoption. Failing that, paying child support sucks, but it's better than raising a little ingrate.

I cope with not wanting to be a parent by not having fucking kids, OP.

Now, 99% of women either have kids, or want kids. I have found one that doesn't. They are rare, but are out there.

Enjoy your 18+ years of misery, OP! It'll only get worse from here!

>Growing up means embracing the things that tire you out
I bet you're real fun at parties.

how old is the baby? they're all boring as listening to wet paint play baseball for the first 6 months or so.
referring to the child as a specific gender might help, too.
You fucked up royally by having kids before 25, so we all know you either make terrible decisions or your mormon or something.

baby is 3 months, I can't work, waiting on disability, wife works, she does great. Shes amazing.

It gets better when they get older.

Infants suck, nigga.

>I can't work, waiting on disability
you sound pathetic.
Try leaving the house once in a while without the kid. Send him/her off to gramma's house.

Grew up in mormon community, wife is mormon.

give it up for adoption to a family that is not full of faggots like you

Fucking called it.
9 cousins on my mom's side (all of them in the building right now, actually, which is why I'm on Sup Forums), all but 2 of them married before 25. Shitty little kids everyone. Spastic little fuckers running around and being loud and stupid with no supervision. Fuck.
My niece and nephew, by comparison, are great. They're laugh and play by themselves most of the time.
Anyway, find some stuff to distract your kid. I used to watch Good Eats and Star Trek with my niece when I watched her.

So are you taking care of the kid all day?

23's pretty young to be disabled.
What happened?

And I gotta tell you if you think being a cripple is the answer to to your monetary problems you're very wrong.
There's a whole slew of regulations that keep you poor.

>And I gotta tell you if you think being a cripple is the answer to to your monetary problems you're very wrong.
>There's a whole slew of regulations that keep you poor.
Not to mention all that boredom. I'd fucking kill myself if I didn't do something productive at least once or twice a week.

I'm a 23yo dad with a 4yo daughter. at first I hated it, cause all my friends were out partying and all that. But watching her grow up and reminding me of myself is priceless. (Although I wish I had a son) Your basically raising a mini you, so I strive to make sure she succeeds more than I did.

33rd trimester abortion

Yeah pretty much.

We haven't looked into it a whole lot. I pass out randomly, and have hella anxiety now because of it. Don't wanna go into it much.

Yeah I'm aware of the slew.

This very much. I've become a lot more suicidal since everything has happened.

So find a part time job and do it.
There's a reason women jumped at the chance to join the workforce after the '50s. Getting away from dick head kids while still having them.

Sounds like you've got Post Partum Depression.
Maybe you should see a Dr.

you just fell for the normietrap. you got b8'ed by a normiebiatch. if you get divorced ur stuck paying for ur little turd until it's 18. either way ur fucked. u can always kurt cobain urself

It takes a few weeks fam. I felt the same way until the kid could smile at me. You'll get there.

3 month olds are basically furniture that shits, eats, and gets loud for no reason sometimes. I found myself thinking that were I a monkey, I would just throw this fucking thing and be done with it. Sounds horrible, but it's normal. My wife and I would jokingly tell each other "don't shake the baaaaby!". Whatever you gotta say to get through the day will be forgiven later. The little lump won't remember it and you're not actually going to hurt it. Once it smiles at you and starts doing actual things like trying to become locomotive, then you start to respect it a little more. My little shit sat up on his own, crawled, and stood up with support of the table all in the same day. Watching him struggle and get frustrated while he was learning how to do it earned my respect. Little shit didn't give up ever, even though he cried the entire time he couldn't figure it out. He's 3 now, and he's still got that stubbornness about him, though in different ways. It's infuriating at times, but breaking him isn't really desirable either. At least he's not a passive sissy and he's been expressing himself accurately using sentences for some months now. I feel like a gorilla studying a chimp.

Is that anything like a 33rd degree Mason?

Also, I hear Mormons are into that.

go to the bar every night get a new girl and get a new wife.

Go the niggerway and just run away.
I mean, she could have swallowed, right?

Tell it you changed your mind..

>Diaper needs changed
OP has fainted and is on the floor in a fetal position twitching now.