With all of the Scientific evidence can you prove that Evolution is correct?

With all of the Scientific evidence can you prove that Evolution is correct?

More intelligent life forms evolve from lesser ones, so clearly rocks are descended from OP.

Are fossils real or not?








You can see so many examples in nature already.
Whales for example. Unlike fish their fins on the back move up and down if they swim. Fish move from side to side. Thats bc whales still have hip bones bc they used to be land living mammals. Its clearly nothing they need anymore its just something that remained due to the process of evolution. Also its noticeable that whales are actually mammals too. Every water living mammal has several clear signs of evolving from a land living animal. Also .. have you ever seen a fossil? What more evidence do you need?




If evolution is real and race is a social construct.. then why do black people exist?




Explain to me, or cite anyone who has ever been able to explain, the scientific process behind macro-evolution. This process is the cornerstone of evolution. It has never been explained, and is the only definitive reason anyone can logically oppose evolution.


