I think I'm depressed, Sup Forums

I think I'm depressed, Sup Forums

I deleted my Facebook about a month ago, because I didn't talk to anyone and no one talked to me

I haven't had a cell phone in four years, because I didn't talk to anyone and no one talked to me

I go to work and don't talk to anyone, because I think my opinions don't matter, and no one attempts conversation with me

My family hasn't tried to contact me for thanksgiving (I live half an hour away), so I'm eating alone, for the third year in a row

You are all my family. Can we get a feels thread, Sup Forums?

make an effort


>I think I'm depressed
you think? you fucking think?

your family didn't contact you, but why din't you contact them?

love is overrrated

Why care about anyone aside yourself?
Genuinely asking.

Dude, smoke a joint and make some friends.
Not having anyone is on you, but it's not that hard, nor too late to fix that. No feels for you, go feel happy, not sad. Otherwise you're wallowing in self pity, and that'll be worse.

these two are related

200% dis
You only get one boat in your life, and you have to keep it afloat. Don't float someone else's boat unless they're giving you another boat, which they're not.
Float your own boat, whatever floats your boat.

boo hoo. man up fag

hey man, you just need to apply yourself a little more.

just find something your good at or passionate about and get good at it. maybe you'll find like minded individuals and get the ball rolling from there

if you really dont think theres anything you should try initiating contact, most people dont randomly message people or go out of their way to interact with them on face book unless they're close
Above all, exercise.

It went to voicemail, and I left a message. called this morning, no answer, no message.

muh feels though

I do make an effort, or at least I did. I became the "weird guy" at work, they only talk to me when they have a problem that needs solving. No one messaged me on social media unless it was to find drugs. When I messaged them, it was a shitty casual small talk convo with no plans.

I've tried, but end up giving up.

Yeah it sucks doesn't it.
This is why whiskey was invented.

Ann Hiro

Deleting facebook is a good start. Being alone isn't a bad thing. Only when you become content with being alone, when you stop caring about people being interested in you, when you become interested in other people, will things start to turn around.

Also, America is full of lonely people, so if your lonely its because you find other lonely people intolerable.

Don't be the weird guy. First of all, that's all in your head. Yeah, I can tell you need some lonely times, and then you'll figure your shit out. Don't come to any quick easy conclusions, because the only truly easy quick conclusion is death.

Smoke some weed, watch an episode of Wilfred, get yourself a nice lunch, smoke another bowl of weed, go for a nice walk, consider getting a pet, if you're going to a bar, smoke a *little* weed beforehand

I know the feeling OP, It seems i don't deserve love or appreciation. I'm a fun guy to hang out with but still people don't want to know anything about me.

I tend to think people don't like my face, or how I look. Still, I look like the typical german guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, not much wrong with me besides from looking alot younger than I actually am.

Sometimes I think I just didn't earn the appreciation or love. Other people seem so confident and happy about themselves. They get to have friendships, relationships, fuckbuddies etc. I try to fake confidence but still nothing.

I go to a random group of girls with a couple of friends? Whenever I say something trying to act nice and fun they tell me to "fuck off" or "go away" because they don't like me.

I'm not doing anything wrong and still people despise me for no single reason.

This has been happening for the past 5 years and i'm slowly starting to lose it. I can't keep this up much longer, as if i'm cursed.

rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby

I feel therefore I am.
You feel differently therefore you are.
Let's fight with axes.

That's one hell of a Non Sequitur... but it works fer me, bwa.

I have an idea of what you're feeling. It's a pretty rough thing, as it's a deteriorating feeling. It's like, you hit a slippery slope and by the time you realize it, you've already fallen so far down you don't know how to get back up. I've never had any social media because I never had a reason to. But I also know that the reason I probably have such a "light" social life is because of that.

I'll give you my take on it. You start off with a few bad events and you get stuck in a hole. You can get yourself out, but maybe you just haven't yet for one reason or another. Then as time goes on, more things happen and you start to become self-destructive because you figure "why bother?". Talk to people less, keep to yourself more, less active, and negative thoughts swirl around in your head like a hurricane you can't escape.

Then you have the flip side, where you'll see someone charismatic, charming, confident, looks at least decent, and overall is living an okay life. It attracts people, so they naturally make friends. They captivate interest. They have motivation to do things.

I'm going to assume you live in the United States. Our country doesn't provide much of any opportunity for people to do what they love or excel in. It's a very greedy and narcissistic country. Not everyone is bad, by any means. There are a lot of good people out there, but they're living their own lives and struggles. They're less vocal and their actions don't draw the attention you might expect.

TL;DR In the end, it doesn't even matter(JK).
In the end, you gotta do what you need to for yourself. Do you like games? Do you like going outside and doing stuff? Do you want to do more with family? Go outside, do what you want, live the way you want. Society is so judgmental that anything that isn't what they want is considered weird and shit. That you should conform to their standards. Fuck that 18th century bullshit. People are weird. So just do you.

>I think I'm depressed, Sup Forums

Yes, you are. Go to a doctor, sooner than later. It saved my career and probably my life.

But is that a good thing though? If your dead then you don't need to deal with anything ever again

Both are good. Either way you're either cured and happy or dead and no worries. Look on the bright side. It doesn't really what you do then does it? Your fate is sealed.

I've never been happy with/in life. No reason not to be just never been happy

If your family is anything like my own, then I might have an idea. My family is pretty selfish and spiteful at times. They care about each other in their own ways, but they're pretty bad at showing it. It isn't until it's too late that it all comes out. I believe that most people need to be raised in their specific ways and loved in their own ways. My parents had taken some archaic way of thinking and child-raising and used it to try and raise me. It didn't work. I was too intelligent and empathetic for it. As you might realize, they used abusive methods to try and "raise" me. After all those years, at least my old man has realized some of his wrong-doings. He's trying, but my hatred and resentment from all those years sunk deep. It was then I learned that it's a two way street. He's trying hard to make amends for something he can never amend. But I know that I need to try too, as my feelings from that time subconsciously come out on their own. It's reactive. It's gotten a lot better over time. Point is, if you don't try to do anything or talk to your family(like opening up), then they'll never try for you. At least my family won't. Realistically, what do you have to lose? You've already hit the bottom. Go out and try. Be active, better yourself for yourself, no one else. I think things will start to fall into place after that and you'll feel better. Depression is a mental thing, so remember that. Fight those negative thoughts. You can do it user. Just gotta believe in yourself.

do you have any passions ?

Well I supose that being moslested and abused as a child is a good reason as well as my dad dying a month before my first birthday is also a good reason, but what ever

When you aren't depressed your values change. Life stops being so goddamn miserable and hard. As in you automatically start looking forward to certain things. For me things changed much for the better.

It doesn't really matter, I was planning on becoming an hero once my grandparents die

That was my problem. My passions stopped being passions. John Stuart Mill wrote about this:

In this frame of mind it occurred to me to put the question directly to myself, 'Suppose that all your objects in life were realized; that all the changes in institutions and opinions which you are looking forward to, could be completely effected at this very instant: would this be a great joy and happiness to you?' And an irrepressible self consciousness distinctly answered, 'No!' At this my heart sank within me: the whole foundation on which my life was constructed fell down. All my happiness was to have been found in the continual pursuit of this end. The end had ceased to charm, and how could there ever again be any interest in the means? I seemed to have nothing left to live for.

I think society likes to make us believe that "not being happy" isn't normal. Like happiness is this 24/7 feeling we should be feeling. It's pretty idiotic, really. You're not going to be happy all the time. Like a lot of emotions, it's a fleeting thing. Not being happy is okay and completely normal. Being depressed all the time is not. A doctor may or may not help(and they're also not cheap), but maybe just getting an anti-depressant that works for you might help. Look up depression on google and see how it works. It's a nasty thing.

I don't care enough to go to a doctor

So go to the doctor before then and see what happens. It's not like you have anything to lose. You won't believe or feel like it will make any difference, or you'll believe you don't care if it does and that's fine. But intellectually you can at least understand that you aren't relevantly different from other people who have suffered depression like you and who now want to be alive instead of dead.

but what if the juice just isn't there

If you don't care and are going to an hero anyways, may as well do it anyways, yeah? Fuck it. See what happens.