Why do some West Europeans look down on Eastern Europeans?

Why do some West Europeans look down on Eastern Europeans?

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Because they're Asians in White skin.

Britain looks down on all Europeans not just the eastern ones to be fair.

because those who are poor or downtrodden and pretend that makes them morally superior deserve to be looked down upon

>Eastern Europeans
They're Koreans who adopted Indo-European languages.

Since when?

t. european in black skin

if you are poor, you arent white


They're seen as violent, slovenly, poor, stupidly nationalistic, stealing jobs, welfare drains, a burden on the EU, culturally distant and untrustworthy.

Because they are butthurt subhuman pussies and corrupt hypocrites.


>if you are poor, you arent white

It's interesting how tied up race and class are

Originally the poor in colonial America weren't considered white. They only became white when their rulers granted them special privileges.

>welfare drains

Yes but they're better than Turks aka Greeks.

I was talking about perception, not reality, as your image shows

Autistic shut in neets hardly pass as better to excrements.

yeah, "white" people's hypocrisy is hilarious, or at least, the american hypocrisy
>the irish were quite literally niggers less than 70-80 years ago
>now they are the whitest people around there

Somalian VS Turk. Place your bets people

The Irish are still niggers
It's just that there are more niggerly niggers to deal with

t. Tyrone Sanchez

Nice try, but your logic has one fatal flaw. Blacks can neither read nor afford the internet

You are here


>"West" in 2017

Hmm... Maybe I shouldn't have used an argument about being able to afford things on a Greek...

Say that to my face you fat mulatto fucker

>Blacks can neither read nor afford the internet

makes sense that your country was ran by an illiterate dude without an internet access for the last 8 years then

Like what? Chewing gum?

Europeans, especially Germans, have always looked down on Slavs
t. History pro

In his defense he was half white. So that meant he could kinda read and could afford internet, but only really, really shitty internet

No, things that I buy with my own money and not money borrowed from some turk from the north

You're not fooling anyone, you have no money.

That's because they're forced to live next to them.

Finally someone understands it.

Im so sick of people from the other side of the world who act like "Slavs are so badass" while never having to deal with them. Especially Americans who then cry about Mexicans even though they are basically brown Slavs.

Tbh we are look down at western europeans too

For examle germans are viewed as stupid, sheeps and naive

Maybe the G*rmans should all just die then?

t. Bruce Koslowski

Indians in the UK are generally middle class and are more than likely to be in professional jobs than any other ethnic minority. Their poverty rates are also low. Pakis on the other hand....

One can steal from and influence the other. Guess which.

t. Faruk Ozil


>t. Prajeet


All I type are facts m8.

Yeah meanwhile the article I referenced explicitly mentioned Indians as a net drain.


I'm afraid you're wrong where Indians are concerned.

I keep saying Indians are terrible frauds.

Well what do you want m8? There are 1.5 million Indians in the UK, not every single one will be middle class and affulent. On the whole Indians at least contribute a great deal to the UK. This is not the case with Pakistanis and certain other ethnic minorities.

And yet the article I referenced specifically names Indians as a community as a net drain.

If they're putting Indians in with Pakis then yeah the figures might be like that.

You're proof this map is correct.


They should put test subjects in cubicles and not allow any materials from outside.

western euros are jews
worse actually
merchants, all that matters for them is money
they will sell their mother if it makes a profit, currently they are selling their countries to buy cheap goods, see how it works out for them

maybe frogs are an exception but the rest are utter trash
i unironically have some respect left for frogs despite trianon