Hey /b user is turning 19 and getting ink

hey /b user is turning 19 and getting ink
trips decides only rules is no genitals (tits are fine) or loli

Hillary 2016


OP here alsomust be a photo or it will be a font of your choice and in whatever color


Dick whore in comic sans pink and purple

A swastika

C'mon trips

Get Madrinas boizz tattooed

Rolling for Madrinas boiz

OP wont deliver l0l

OP here with the final update. it will be put on place of choice except ass(hole), genitalia, head, neck, feet, or eyeballs


well winrar

op here it will be 3inches by 3 inches on anypart of body

im put it on your ass cheek

has to be VERY low quality like in the picture

not ass. as stated

it will be

OP here next dubs decides where it will be if it abides by rules stated

alright, bottom of your forearm

On your nose



