Can my teeth be saved??

Can my teeth be saved??

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I thought those were your bottom teeth and was wondering what the hell your nose was.


once they all get pulled, or eventually fall out, you can put them in a container and have them for the rest of your life

well its just looks like u had a crwon there and it fell out . hard to say whitout xray

Hahaha just don't smile.

Most of them yes, but that one on the back, gesus man, seek medical attention. Cavities if untreated like that can cause setticemy which leads to death.

I went 35 years without going to a dentist until I broke a tooth. Went in, they capped it then did cleanings weeks apart(bottom then top). You'll be find. just go man.


Yeah. They'll soon use stem cells to regrow your teeth. Just be very rich which might be tough for you seeing as how bad your teeth really are. Yikes.

you better go fast... you can get very serious infection of the sinus maxillaris chamber through exactly that rotten tooth.... I speak of painful experience...

Nah, murica doesn't get that kind of socialist disease. Get your facts right. Soda in reality heals your teeth

Man up and go to the dentist.

And this is why I'm glad that I'm not British.

Damn I came in here to post this, should I post the articles I found? I too need a new set of teeth and follow any updates on this

have fun with your meningitis

I'm afraid they're terminally British.



Their dental is covered under their public health care.
Enjoy paying out the ass yank


I saved them as a future meme. No worries.

go to the dentist and then practice hygeine

Having something paid for doesn't mean you get it done in a timely fashion. Having dental care covered by the government doesn't mean shit when you have to wait for an appointment while your teeth literally rot out of your head.

Stupid fucking liberal.

I had the same problem but with three teeth I got lucky and the nerve wasn't kill so they gave me a root canal and filled them, crowned it, the other is a bridge. It can be saved if the nerve isn't dead


yah they prob only need to pull 1

Right of pic: Second molar, first molar, central incisor all fucked.
Left: Second and first molar and second premolar look fucked.

Absolutely, looks like a few restorations on your anterior teeth and an extraction/implant on that 2nd molar. You should go see a dentist or look for a dental school for lower cost treatment in your area.

Gums look healthy, no recession and nice color from the pic.

Sure. Not all of them, but root canal work will do wonders. Rest is like Ist class preparation, nothing fancy, some IIIrd class on the incisors. Yeah. Don't know where you're from and how much you pay for dental work, but this is easy.

>Enjoy paying out the ass yank
I have a good job with insurance europoor. Enjoy your high taxes and long ass wait times

You have five teeth that will not survive without serious, professional intervention. You have two more teeth that need attention, but not as serious.

But you are fucked. Not brushing your teeth daily is probably going to cost you $5000.

Damn burgers. My dental hygiene is abysmall, but at least I visit the dentist twice a year to get my teeth augmented for free.


Dentalfag here, of fucking course, this is light damage with some treatment and some obturations they'll be as good as new. We can rebuild him, we have the technology.

have you ever seen any of these in your life?
do you even know what they're used for?

Yes. I was in a similar situation. Just do all white fillings in that bitch. The rotten tooth will have to be pulled and the wisdom can also be pulled to save you some money. Overall. I think this is 1k+ project.

Nice trips

Implants, seriously? Why the fuck would he do that? It's clear that he has a wisdom tooth just waiting to be realigned. Also you don't even have to do that, just do a root canal, stuff a couple of screws in there, rebuild the crown around those and call it a day.

Hey OP, I got like two pounds of taffy someone in my office gave me for secret santa, it's too much for me, you want to split it ?

I brush everyday and floss everyday but this single gum is receding. No dental or health insurance, is there anything i can do besides dental work?

Knowing and using are two different things.

suck fewer dicks

Depends on how deep that decay goes, core build up might not be a good longterm solution. If he can afford it, implant and extraction on those 3rd molars I think would be best.

Yeah, that would be true, if you would have to ask for your dental appointment.
But you are oblidged to go to your dentist every year and during that examination you get all necessary treatment, or you have to pay for your treatment all by yourself.

Fucking muricans

doctor here: thats ass aids

rinse with chlorhexidine

yes, stop eating anything containing acids, including drinks, drink tea to simulate tooth growth, brush your teeth twice a day, and in a year to two years it will be fully healed.

Comes to Sup Forums for dental advice. Your teeth look like the end result of low calcium and bad hygiene. But could just be bad teeth run in your family. And what could anyone here do to make you go to the dentist? It will eventually become septic, and probably kill you. Go Ffs. You have insane pitting on your teeth. Like little holes all over the place.

NHS says otherwise, nigger.

Sounds like there's a wait.

You can save them, if you have $7000 to spend on them.

Those wisdom teeth gotta go with that molar on the right side

typical brit teeth

brushing too hard can cause gums to recede like that, brush softer in a circle motion.

Oil pulling. An ancient oral health practice. Buy some organic Coconut Oil, take a spoonful and swish it around in your mouth for about 15 minutes and then spit it out into the sink. Also, instead of using normal toothpaste to brush your teeth, use a mixture of half a teaspoon of Bicarbonate of Soda (This is Baking Soda, NOT baking powder) and half a teaspoon of coconut oil.

You are expecting an ambulant treatment for teeth? Really? You only get ambulant treatment, if it is life threatening. And believe me, I once had a splintered tooth and it was 9 months, before the root started to hurt. (was in China, but my Doc said, I would have had an appointment in 2 weeks) So in OPs image, he probably didn't go to a dentist in the last 3 years.

If you say socialism is bad for tooth care, you may as well pull every tooth for the lower and middle class, because they could never aford an appointment

You just embarrassed yourself. Look up stats. British dental care and hygiene is better than US, plus it doesn't cost anywhere near as much.

Well, that option would save the taxpayers a fortune.

Embarrased? My mouth is not the one full of rotten teeth.

I am just slightly curious. How long did you wait for that image to be relevant?

Patience is a virtue.

do you throw up alot?
looks like you had alot of acid errosion so youre bulemic or drink fuck tons of soda.
that molar at the back is pretty fucked. if you wanna pay you could maybe get it root trated and crowned but i doubt theres enough tosave it so it s more likely getting pulled before you get a massive abcess.
youre front two centrals need filling, should be able to have white fillings as long as no pulp involvement, right central looks like it could need filling the other side too as well as youre lateral, again white filling should do it.
left 2nd premolar and both 1st molars look like they could need fillings in the fissures.
and brush youre teeth for fucks sake

that coconut oil shit is amazing, I swill it round my mouth while i browse Sup Forums before bed because I can't be arsed brushing and then just chew gum whenever I have to go to work or talk with people. Dentist can't tell the fucking difference either.

MFW uk teeth are on average better than usa.
but its post truth now so fuck facts lets just assume shit


This guy knows his onions.

I recently started oil pulling. I haven't noticed a difference but my teeth are fucked and i was advised to do this.
Don't spit it out in your sink. The oil hardens and can clog your shit. Spit it ijna garbage can. In ten minutes, it'll be hardened.
Anyone else w any info on it?

Bullshit it doesn't cost near as much. My teeth were SERIOUSLY fucked up. Just because the I didn't have an overbite I had to fork out £2000 for braces

I have like, 2 teeth that have completely rotted out and 3 more that are going.

and by completely rotted out I mean it's juts gum there. The ones going are just splinters.

I feel I should be in more pain. Wishful thinking has me believe I just got use to it after the first one, which nearly caused me to faint.

Could be worse. I was born with NO enamel on my baby teeth.

>leads to death.

enjoy your coconut smelling rotten teeth!

had to find what you really could use, a surplus ole time dentist drill with rotary brushes.
cucks in the oral appliance industry
sell rinkydinky plastic vibrating thingies that break after a couple months, get a box of borax,spray some fungus killing bathroom disinfectant onto the white powder, floss,using thrift shop black thread spools,, divide the threads if the thread is too large to slide out from tooth spaces, do not go crazy with brushing till your gums bleed,if they do,rinse with salt water,pretty hot saltwater,plus the spray, leave it in for about a half hour,gradually the stuck calculus & yellow will turn a more spiffy & white,,if the stains are because of dope,stop the damn dope,if you use tabacky,the stains are consequence of that,the borax and stiff brush out to minimize it

dont have to, i dont live it the usa, enjoy your wall.

Hi OP! Absolutely your teeth can be saved just consult your local priest because gawd damn that is unholy dude wtf

it's bullshit. just because it's an "ancient practice" people think its a good idea.
swill some leaches around your mouth, it'll do about as much good stopping youre teeth falling out.
flouride toothpaste works, just use that.
or do you use black salve too? in that case just carry on as you are, youre already beyond help.


uk braces dont cost 2k on the nhs. if you paid that it was private or you got fucked.

Looking forward to it. Hopefully it will keep the world's trash out.

blood poisoning tends to kill if you just ignore it. but feel free to try it

Yeah I was 16 when I went in on the nhs but the cunts denied me even the my teeth clearly needed braces. Whats worse was seeing other kids getting braces when their teeth had no problems, simply getting them because everyone did.