So they introduce this giant mothership only to have it do nothing...

So they introduce this giant mothership only to have it do nothing, then fuck off when one of its tiny ships get blown up and then the movie just fucking stops? This is what passes for mediocre these days?

When did we forget how to make movies, Sup Forums?

The part that gets me is when earth's circular orbital defense guns are all destroyed at once, even though (1) the alien ship was at the moon at the time and (2) the guns encircled the earth, meaning half if not most would not be visible when it shot.

Also, what happened to the Saturn moon team? Or were they stolen by the space gypsies to build weapons for them (thus we'll see them in the third movie)?

>epic final boss simply runs away at the end of the movie
>we'll get him in the sequel boys!
>sequel never gets made

real tired of this shit

> then fuck off when one of its tiny ships get blown up

To be honest, I was hoping that it would stay. The humans could wage a massive war against the hivetrash to take over the ship to reverse engineer more technology and that could be the start of the third movie.

Once that's done, move it to the moon or something.

> What the hell happened

Easy plot to describe...

> Earth 20 years after invasion
> Humans have reverse engineered alien tech, used it to build weapons to prepare for return
> Introduced to main characters, who blah blah backstory
> Main char 1 & 2 are working to put weapons on moon, have to use alien hyper boost to save moon base from a collapsing huge gun
> Golddollaz and old tail go to Afrikaa to discover black people who have visions and what not. Also, aliens were drilling
> Alien gypsy teleports to moon; humans shoot it down after realizing saturn moon base has gone dark
> Goldbluff and fiends get picked up to check out wreckage, find alive gypsy. Take it to area 51 when
> Aliens come back, now 100x larger than before!
> Earf defenses torn apart instantly, moon base wiped out. Alien ship lands on earth, starts drilling
> Earth rally at area 51, plan offensive move. Massive air battle, "drones take out shield"
> Massive failure, 97% of air force wiped out
> A few main characters inside ship
> Hope lost, alien destroys all sattelites and comms. World leaders found then executed
> Gypsy discovered in sphere at Area 51, tells about intergalactic war. They've been enslaving other civies to build weapons for them to fight aliens. Lets off signals just because
> Queen herself decides to get sphero in her own flying saycer; massive attack flying to Area 51
> Humans reproduce signals that attract queen, lead queen ship to American salt flats. Turn up a shield, blow up queen ship
> Main characters inside main ship steal plans
> Oh no, queen turns out to be massive and have her own shield! Gets out of wreckage, moves back towards Area 51 to get real sphearbear
> Remaining forces try to take her out; get blown up. Chick pilot destroys its shield before being taken out. Shes the only one who ejected, though
> Main characters from main ship bring alien ships to attack queen from front.

> Doesn't work, her plot armor is too thick
> Telepathically order fleet (and hero's alien ships) to encircle her protecting her while she gets VR cube from area 51
> She does it
> Main characters in alien ships use hyper drive to regain control of their ships
> Rape queen from behind, just like the black man said
> Yay, they did it!
> Huge massive alien ship stops digging a hole in Ocean (it's mantle deep, at the core)
> Beta white guy gets Chinese to go on date

And that's basically it.

Oh yea, there was an old pedo driving a bunch of school aged kids around in a school bus. He convinces a few of them to live in his house at the end.

I honestly liked it while I was in the theater aside from the awful sequel setup, but now that I get to think about it the disaster porn isn't enough to look the other way.

Wouldn't a core-deep hole in the planet cause apocalyptic water displacement and evaporation? There's also the obvious appeal to Chinese markets, but they still show monks as if shooting themselves in the foot both ways.

I figured the Saturn moon team was destroyed by the harvester aliens that surprise-attacked them with a FTL jump then cruised on over to Earth cloaked up.

That would have been cool, hell fuck the moon, use it to establish a Mars colony or something. They probably figured it was too troublesome though because something that big would screw with the Earth's tides and kill off sea life by blocking out the sun or something so wrote it out of the script.

Everyone would have just been totally fucked had the queen just sat on her ass the whole time. How goddamn convenient.

So we can all agree this was the worst film of the year?

A month ago I was convinced that Warcraft would suck and IDR was going to be one of the best films of the year.

Now that I've seen them both, it's the other way around.

I liked the part where the UK told the EU to GTFO

>I figured the Saturn moon team was destroyed by the harvester aliens that surprise-attacked them with a FTL jump then cruised on over to Earth cloaked up.

No way dude, the Saturn moonbase was dark when the robot butt bead telesquatted to the moon. The harvester attacked much later. The Titan team are definitely chumming it up with other beta alien civs making guns for the AI robot overlords.


Either that, or they're a dropped plot point, even though they're the whole reason humans decided to shoot.

>> 71307242
> Wouldn't a core-deep hole in the planet cause apocalyptic water displacement and evaporation?

The mantle moves, so presumably the mantle + pressure would fill in the hole. Earth's crust is 18 miles, though, and I don't think the crust moves as much as the mantle. So, what did they say, a one mile diameter hole was being drilled... V = (((pi * r) squared) * h) so V = (((pi * .5mi)squared) * 18mi) = 44.41 cubic miles of water would be displaced. There's 332,519,000 cubic miles of water on the surface. No biggy.

> Everyone would have just been totally fucked had the queen just sat on her ass the whole time. How goddamn convenient.


so I take it it's not worth seeing then.

Not even as a "big dumb fun" blockbuster.

fuckin' Emmerich. He used to be so good. Day After Tomorrow is still the shit.

It was so, so predictable and normal hollywood hand wavy stuff happened but I liked it. Worth the $15.

Everyone is making it out to be the this absolute trainwreck horrible thing but it isn't. It's solid. It does have hollywood cum breath on its mouth though. The acting wasn't atrocious like you see with these kinds of cash-in movies.

The AI ball was qt, anyone else thought the same?

That was the hole in Africa iirc. They didn't say how big the second was, just that it was much bigger.

>tfw they kill the lady president
I wasn't expecting that

yes, she was a PG-13 Eva

Who's idea was it to make the main command bunker easily accessible?

This movie is 17 years too late.

20 times bigger said Jeff Goldblum

>Wouldn't a core-deep hole in the planet cause apocalyptic water displacement and evaporation?
It would collapse immediately due to pressure

Nah it's boring. Plus I had to watch it in shitty 3D with stupid dark glasses

So they all they did to prepare was build a bunch of aircraft and space cannons?

They couldn't make their own shields or anything?

>The black stripper single mother from the first movie is now a doctor

>go to see movie with friend
>he complains about liberal plot

>black warrior fighting to avenge brother
> dead female president
>male president who saves the day
>Jew being Jewish
>White girl with white boy
>yellow fever


They made their own shield and didn't bother using it until the very end for a trap only.

I would that ball

The whole plot would have been averted if the guy just let the weapon crush the moon base at the start. I think that bugs me more than anything. Could've gone straight into the sequel's retaliation plot.

who is this i need to know


Late to the prosecutie party my friend

ah yeh knew she was familiar, crimea boss right?

She's the follower you unlock after advancing the Soviet questline far enough.