Communism did and does work

Communism did and does work
>Industrialized more than 1/3 of the planet's surface in a fraction of the time, human, and environmental cost of the capitalist industrial revolution, improving the lives of more than a billion people with modern medical care, garaunteed housing, free education, etc. Compare the standard of living of the average Chinese or Cuban citizen to most of the Third World - there is a drastic difference. Of course First World nations have higher standarda of living, but they have been plundering the Third World for 500 years. Pretty good head start.
>Took Russia and China from peasant nations to major world powers in a matter of decades
>USSR played the primary role in defeating Nazi Germany
>USSR did not experience the Great Depression - had economic growth, and even a labor shortage, during this period
>USSR put the first satellite, and the first human, into space
>Cuba's public health and literacy indicators are on par with the First World, despite being resource poor and subject to a blockade from the largest economy in the world. Compare Cuba to other Third World countries, and you'll see the power of socialism
>The most recent hurricane in the Carribean killed over 800 people in Haiti, while only 1 person died in Cuba, due to a coordinated system of organized evacuation and resource mobilization
>Vietnam gave the United States it's first military defeat
>Cuba has long been the most 'green' nation in terms of environmental impact - but recently China has emerged as the leader among large nations in terms of acting against climate change
>The future of Earth is either destruction through nuclear war/climate change, or global communism that can respond to climate change rationally in a planned and coordinated way, not based on the fucking profit motive that disregards all factors external to the market
It's either socialism, or barbarism, comrades.

PS rip commandante fidel alejandro castro ruz

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Shit bait is shit.

Fuck off ruski nigger

that book is shit, not taken seriously by anyone who understands the basic requirements for historical proof and argument. statistics are falsified, and can all be traced back to Robert Conquest, a CIA shill academic who was paid to fabricate this nonsense

Problem is, it can never "work" (of course, parameters of what is a healthy society, at least in realistic terms (idealism aside), vary from people to people) without an opressive dictatorial regime.

you have to choose one or the other my friend



>Communism works
>USSR Collapses and China is poverty land
Well sheeeeeeeit

Do you think that capitalism can "work" without the same? The United States has more prisoners per capita than any other country in the world.

What's that suppose to mean? Are you saying that America is the only Capitilist society? You know China has the most executions in the world and they claim to be Communists.

>That book is shit
>Reads DAS Kapital and Communist manifesto

Those events occured; the death tolls are inflated dramatically. People die during every societal transition. The US killed 3 million people in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia by its own estimates. Do you think millions didn't starve over the course of the Industrial Revolution?

It was actually 1 million in Vietnam and it was during a war. Are you saying The soviets were at war with its self?

Most of the mass deaths in the USSR were due to extreme conditions produced by WWI and the war right after the revolution. Did you know 11 European nations sent armed forced into Russia after the revolution to fight on the side of the civil war that wanted to restore the monarchy? Mass deaths under Stalin numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Terrible, but not "50 million!!!111 victims of communism!!"

>Read it

have you read the communist manifesto? its great

Capitalism is not a political system, it's an economic system. Socialists-communists countries never had that many prisoners, because they were better off dead.

To the average communist under the age of 16 I would imagine it's a great read.

Most deaths were caused by Stalin who didn't come to power until after the revolution.

Now Sup Forums!

The capitalists of most countries decide their common affairs through a parliament, true

Communism did and does work

>expropriate most assets in a proto-industrial economy
>reorganize small farms into agricultural conglomerates
>deficit spend on infrastructure
>deficit spend on industrial subsidies and investment
>mobilize forced labor to wherever it is most useful

No shit, communism works, comrade! The capitalists tried it too with some success, but their slaves revolted, whereas the international revolutionaries knew you just need to disarm and re-educate them periodically.

Piss off you guys make your people poor as shit, communism is trash. Communism fell after cold war, all communist countries turned into capitalists. You half wits have a free market now like US, that means capitolism you fucking retard it's the same shit whatever you want to call it. Socialism is the sad leftover of what capitalists did to communism.

my comrade

Can you account for the failed 5 year plans that so fucked up agricultural labor that millions died of starvation?

>Communism works
>Is demonstrably inferior to capitalism in every way.

>Didn't even exist when most of the process of industrialisation was being conceived in Europe.
>Caused Russia and China to lag behind capitalist nations for decades despite their great potential.
>The USSR made Nazi Germany look relatively innocuous in terms of totalitarianism
>Satellite states deprived to the point of cannibalism during this time
>Despite many of their top designers being repeatedly locked or executed up by Stalin because he was paranoid about their loyalty. This has more to do with Russian ability than Communism.
>And yet many people would rather attempt to flee from this utopia on tyre tubes through shark infested waters.
>[Citation Needed]
>Communist forces lost every major battle in the entire war and never gained control of the country until after the US withdrew.
>Cuba is a small nation with barely any infrastructure due to trade embargoes. Not hard to be green when you produce no energy. As for climate change. paying scientists to pedal lies isn't a very significant achievement.
>The future of Earth depends upon progress outstripping over-population. Something that will never happen under a regressive totalitarian system.

Communism is a bicycle with square wheels, only a retard would want to ride on it.

which 5yr plan was that? citation plz

Thank you

It is well known that state investment can fail disastrously when run incompetently. This has been demonstrated in capitalist, communist, and fascist states.

My point is that fascists and communists tend to be better at it, because they seize assets to pay for the investment. Whether the investment plan is bad or not, the government is not likely to topple when it is spending someone else's money.

capitalism is a bicycle that is going to destroy all human life

Such a hodgepodge of ad hoc shit in here that I don't wan to waste the 10 years it would take to give your thick skull the obvious education that it lacks.

Forcing everyone to live the way a small segment of the population decides without the legal of cultural ability to break away from said tyranny is wrong, period, end of story. You need to convince me some fucking random asshart is qualified to make economic and cultural decisions on behalf of hundreds of mullions or even billions of people at the point of a gun. You ignorant shithead. "Communism" is just tyrannical dictatorship packaged with a pro working class spin you ignorant fucktard.

You say that but you lack something very important

The tiny capitalist class makes economic and cultural decisions for you right now, friendo

Communism, the meme tier political ideology for sociopaths and people who think sucking up to ham-beast feminists will get them laid.

If communism is so great, then how come Castro is dead?

Capitalists 1
Communists 0

The proof is that the United States, an enormous economy and a decisive factor in the success of any attempt to stop climate change, has been unable to do anything substantial, because it would harm various sectors of industry. Trump doesn't belive in climate change. The titanic is sinking and the captain, the US, can't stop jerking off in it's cabin

This game is the only reason why we have "communists" in the western world


fucking disgusting human beings. Trying to fucking change people's minds not because they think it's a good idea but because it would help spread their shit ideas. Fuck people like that.

2 soon
at least he got his 90th bday cake tho. pic related

>Lived till 90 surviving over 650 assassination attempts while ruling for 49 years

I think he won pretty damn hard buddy.


You're confusing communism with ingenuity

you're missing all the fails of communism
(if this isn't bait)
Communism is like Objectivism, Anarchism or Libertarianism...great ideas for idealist teens that NEVER work in the real world.
Only naive kids still follow any of them.

>Paying of scientists
So the governments of the world, who all hate each other, seemingly all work together to pay off 98% of climatologists for their world wide conspiracy, while the gas and oil industry, as innocent as they are, don't pay anyone anything and just want the best for the field of science and the world?

Wake up sheeple, you are living in a dream.

they're just like Christians
always trying to convert and evangelize their shitty beliefs