So I cut my thumb and pretty sure it's got infected, wat do?

So I cut my thumb and pretty sure it's got infected, wat do?

looks fine to me

antibacterial cream and put bandaid over it after shower every day for about a week or until it's better

Drain it on video.Ought to be gross.

Splooge on it

Remove it, it's a lost cause. Will end up costing you more money and grief in the long run trying to save it. Plus, it's a vestigial appendage, so it's not like you actually need it for anything.

Pick at it until you think you picked all the puss out

Get a clean knife, sterilize that sit with peroxide or alcohol if you have to.
Cut that fucking gross ass shit open. Don't be a little pussy.
Pour some more peroxide on the infected area. It's going to hurt like a bitch. It's your own fucking fault.

Jesus, how the fuck do you people function if you can't keep a little cut on your thumb from getting infected?

This seems like the best idea so far, then start with the

Pick at it until something comes out and then lick it for good measure

salty water

stick it up your butt

you're a fucking pussy. It will be fine.

> go to hospital
> pay $25 500 cause murrica

drain it out on video, then pick the scab off

amputation is your best option

Cut off your entire arm with a butterknife before you get gangrene in your finger.

if dubs you cut your thumb off.

this is happening

Peroxide. ..and get rid of the dead skin. ..keep it clean...if the scab gets dirty and nasty rip that nasty shit off...keep it perfume soap...keep it covered and clean it multiple times daily...peroxide is your friend..and polysporine? Tattoo goo works best...invest in a first aid kit...ya big woos

He'll get thumbbuttitis. ..nobody wants that!

Photo update,OP? Get rid of the dead skin...clean yourself up.. ya pussy!

Saline solution

Drain the puss by squeezing it out. Optionally lance it first with a needle or something.
Clean it very thoroughly witth running hot water.
Apply some disinfectant and hold it in place for a couple of minutes with a tissue.
After that, DON'T cover it up or bandage it. Leave it room to breath and periodically drain puss/clean it.
Should be fine in a couple of days.