Okay, Sup Forums, it's Matrix time!

Okay, Sup Forums, it's Matrix time!

In this scene in the movie, what was it illustrating?

Notice that, all of the screens display Neo, in the room, at that exact time, yet all are different representations of his "self."

Is the movie saying that, regardless of Neo's personality traits, all events leading up to the scene were the same, leading him to be in that room with the Architect, and nothing was capable of happening differently?

To be more clear: if each TV represents a different "choice" of how to react within a given situation, does that mean that all of each of Neo's representative "self's" made the same choice that led up to that meeting, or was the meeting between him and the Architect inevitable, regardless of his personality?

If so, does that relate to us? Will our lives inevitably repeat the exact same scenarios, only with different versions of ourselves, or do we really have the "choice" to make our lives what we want them to be (as Neo did)?

What say ye, red-pillers?


If your interpretation is correct, then this scenario seems to imply fatalism - the notion that a certain future event (his meeting with the architect) is predetermined yet all antecedent events are not fixed.

However, if you're asking about our lives, determinism is true of the macro world (up to the level of ion channels and the synapses of our brains) whereby free will is illusory and our 'choices' are merely the causal bi-product of the laws of physics (biology, chemistry etc.)

I don't know OP.
I just get dubs

Do you have a better one, because that is what this scene seems to illustrate, at least, from my limited perspective?

Most importantly however you are forgetting about the one thing that set him apart from all of his predecessors LOVE love created a fate driven by passion and thoughtlessness forgoing biological chemistry.

To add, I'm not stating that all antecedent events are not fixed.

I'm asking if it is possible for them to be fixed, regardless of the person in question, or, are there simply an infinite number of possibilities for each event occurring, and outcome thereafter.

I believe that the beauty of this scene illustrates how someone can live a thousand lifetimes without finding true love. And that true love is boundless and transcends all space and time. Its the only relevance to the human existence.

Yes, I am aware of that playing a part in his actions at the conclusion of meeting the Architect, but what about the events leading up to the meeting? Was it inevitable that he met with the Architect, or was that a one-in-infinite possibility chance that the meeting occurred?

With this particular scene, the movie was attempting ot illustrate that really, the Wachowskis should have stopped with just one Matrix movie.

Love that is independent of biological chemistry? I suppose this is a film, after all.


I'm not sure how to respond.

Love is best explained in the movie: the chemical precursors released by the brain. That is what (most) people call "love."

The second is the "ease of togetherness" that some people share. The easier it is to be together, the more they "love" each other.

The third is a "willing to be together," which opposes the second, and is probably closer to the first. "We may fight. We may cause each other to bleed, sweat, and cry, but I want to be with you more than anyone else in the world, because I "love" you."

Does all of this sound familiar? Please, inform me if I missed any of them.

As the Architect said, love is also an illusion; "humanities greatest strength, and, also, it's greatest weakness."


Thanks for the laugh. Really, though, this Trilogy was one of the most thought-provoking movies ever to leave Hollywood.

Maybe your waiting for something. Maybe the next life.

god damn it user, it's over 10 years old now. let it go!

it was inevitable due to the fact of it taking place in a closed system it was exactly the same every time except the time he found true love. He was always the contingent affirmation a remainder in an unsolved equation. After all everyone in the matrix was simply formed from machine code using DNA helix

So what? It is still relevant.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Plato, Aristotle and Neitzche still studied? They are far older than this movie.

You're all wrong.

The set up of all the monitors is interior and orb like. All of the different screens and angles of Neo represent the 3 dimensional plane symbolically to show that no matter where he looks in the room, or in essence, space time, and no matter what angle it is viewed from, you're still a faggot obsessed with a mediocre movie and it's terrible sequels stolen from a comic book


We'll wait for you to come up with your own philosophy and strike a deal with some big name film company to channel it into the next greatest movie.

Tick-tock, Sup Forumstard.

But, what are you talking about guys? they did everything the oracle said, and she told them to find the keymaker. Ergo neo MUST meet the architec en every version of the matrix.

And the matrix is a simulation, yes the tv screens may show differents "choises".

i think neo would go to the source and put his code despites trinity, he said to morpheus that he believed what the architec told him, but neo´s dream about the current wires, and the machine city, made him think about other choice.

The relevance that this movie has relates to us in the fact that for the act of love we push and drive ourselves to create life saving medicine and science the very same science that may some day rule over us cold and calculating never understanding love because a machine cannot understand love its something that cant be measured by anything a machine could ever possess.

A. Didn't come up with their own philosophy.

2. Big film companies produce garbage mediocre entertainment for mindless masses. If you want a good story, I suggest you look at real artists. Like the ones the wachowskis ripped off.

z. Stop crying cuz your movie sucks. If you knew anything about computers other than how to find photos of traps to spank it to, you'd realize this movie and it's concepts are simple blockbuster entertainment full of gaping holes. ..like your mom

The Oracle was opposite part of the equation. She even said it herself. Her "purpose" was to "unbalance it." This part of the movie caused a duality conflict between The Oracle, and The Architect. The Keymaker did not have as large a role. His purpose was to unlock the door, similar to finding something in your life, whether it be a person, an object, or information, will unlock a door to another place.
If Neo "went to the Source," that is the same as "dying," in which the system would be rebooted, and everything would start over again. He knew that he had to do something else, because repeating the sequence does nothing. Plus, he knew what was happening to Trinity at that moment, and his love for her affected his decision at that point as well.

To answer your question until something like true love comes along in one of our life times we may continue on the same path over and over until we find it.

1. Didn't say that they did. I'm saying that if you want to bash, surely it's because you have something better or "higher" than that which you are bashing. If not, you're wasting your time posting. Go troll a shitpost.

2. You take what you choose to take, or are able to take, from what you are given. There are messages in nearly all movies, though they range from simple-minded, to more profound.

3. Stop projecting your trap fetish onto me. The only gaping holes I'm trying to fill are fresh vaginas. I'll wait for you to come out with your philosophy that fills the gaping holes in our understanding of the universe.

Don't keep us waiting.

I am trolling a shitpost

Its also a reference to the bible God is love his ways are much higher than ours and as the great Buddha said you must attain enlightenment many people will spend many life times searching.

The guy he was talking to was obviously inspired by Norbert Weiner, not that you ignorant fucks would pick up on that.

Hmmm.. Interesting.

What happens after that, do you think?

Btw keep trying to fill those vaginas. Might get one some day

Funny. If you want to get technical, the only shit-posts here are yours, so you're actually trolling yourself.

Have fun with that.

forgive me, you're right