Hey Sup Forumsrothers, wife and I just decided to get a divorce

Hey Sup Forumsrothers, wife and I just decided to get a divorce.

Keep your money to yourself, hire a lawyer, don't be a rush to settle things on the typically insane terms guys get shafted with during a divorce. Resist the urge to beat her half to death. DO fuck her sister, however. And her mom.

I'm honestly not sure what the legal repercussions for that are, but.

Dump nudes

Her sister only fucking niggers, mom is just as much of a raging can't as her.

Great idea, but no money. Mostly why this is happening.

Trust me, you don't want them

Horrible nudes? Meh could be my jam for tonight

Hey, man, I went through a divorce a few years ago and I can honestly say the best advice is don't be a dick. Of you can keep it civil, it will be a lot easier for you to make sure you're not getting screwed over. If emotions are running high, people get mean, vindictive, and forgetful. Just stay calm, work through the steps, and then make a clean break.

I feel you bro. My wife moved out on Thanksgiving and took the kids. You are not alone. Have a pic of her

I'm about as level headed as they come, so no problem there. Definitely a problem for her (bipolar disorder).

That blows man, hope it works out for ya

It will. She fucked her underage step bro two years ago. He's 17 now. It's about to get real for her

I get it, man. Same for me. I am super even keeled, but my ex was manic depressive and had an anxiety disorder. That just means you, like me, will have to remain the voice of reason. Good luck, man. I mean it.

Shit, that's just fucked.

I hoping she will be reasonable throughout this. Unfortunately when you get on her shit-list, she does anything possible to fuck with you

Could you give some advice to an 18 year old?

I met this girl who's honestly the greatest thing that has ever happened, but also causes me the most heartbreak

>a real 9/10
>perfect face
>nice tight ass & perky tits
>open-closed relationship (open on my end)
>can have MFF 3ways
>will let me treat her however I want, & stay


>last male in my bloodline
>no brothers
>no male cousins
>i live very "foolishly" & constantly put my life on edge
>if I die before returning home to her she will take my sperm & impergnante her self & take my last name

now you might be asking yourself, how is this bad?

she was raped a year ago & for some reason this hurts my pride. I constantly think about it, constantly think about the two other people she was with before me. she didnt even love the two people before me, she just wanted to see what the big deal was about sex, she fucked them both once & never again yet I feel like she's a whore or something because she did that.

I know I'm nowhere near the age of getting married yet, & that if I want to take this girl seriously; she'll have to maintain this mindset for much much longer. (we're going on 2 years now as "friends")

whats your take on this?

Destroy your saved sperm and kill yourself, your blood line needs to end.

yes, my narcisstic attitude is quite rare from the rest of my family & is quite a let down to say the least but I promised my father I wouldn't let that happen.


Why did you become husband and wife?

OP here. All I can say is that people do change, for better or worse. Don't try to rush anything, get squared away financial before even considering marriage or children. Bust most of all you both have to be willing to put in the effort to make it work.

But what do I know.... I'm the one getting divorced

Married 5 years, together for 10

Gf left me not to long ago.
Not sharing nudes cause you fucks are probably why she hates me now.

change is a choice, who changed? You or her?
you fell in love for a reason, the reason is still there buried deep, just forgotten. If you two met today as strangers, you'd fall in love again. To love or not to love is a choice, one of you changed and needs to change back.

Did she find your trap folder?

Honestly how fucking retarded are you? She allows you to have an open relationship, but because of two instances in the past you think she's a whore. Go fucking die you piece of shit.

ego & hypocrisy go hand in hand

this isn't to say that I haven't told her to leave me before.

She didn't find shit and that's why I'm upset, I did nothing but treat her like the Queen of my world.

We both changed. Her attitude just go more and more negative about everything. She's completely unable to find joy in anything. Complains that I don't buy her random gifts and flowers when our bank account is in the red. After a while it starts to make you not give a fucking either