

Other urls found in this thread:


My bike.

A high point pistol, a pack of newport menthols, a bag of pork rinds, malt liquor, and everything else invented by the white man


Toilet paper

No dad

Fried chicken is too obvious. I'll say a smaller black chillun gaining social benefits.

A black person who hates this kind of fucking lameass thread.

(It's true)

Fried watermelm

my girl

welfare checks



container full of old grease

White girls

Grape drink

kool aid


My bike

eggo waffles

a lack of jobs


Rats in the front room, roaches in the back. Junkies in the alley with the baseball bat.

A bible

cocoa butter


That was literally the first reply you blind faggot


it's like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how i keep from going under

My bike

We got a poet

My bike


Yeah but there is going to be more than 1 bike

My bike.

A penis pump

somewhere there's always drugs
whether it's theirs or not
whether they know or not
there's always drugs

A blonde woman, steve

EBT card

chicken bones and unwanted chilfren

my crack

a pink tracksuit

I accept this retort

Two turn off notices

My Kike

1. Drugs (34)
2. Welfare Checks (26)
3. Stolen Guns (16)
4 Koolaid, Purple Drank (12)
5. Aids (10)
6. (OP)


The neighbors television

The warden


Being black and Growing up in the hood the number one thing I always see is a concentration of porcelain giraffes and vases with some pointy ass twigs.

Broken furniture and laminate floors.

My bicycle

Stolen goods


Black jesus

A picture/shrine of a dead relative.

A G.E.D diploma



food stamps

Shirts with Looney tunes characters on them. Why do fat black bitches love Looney tunes?

A member of the family that's accused of being "too white" for trying to make a better life.

A single mother

Probation violator

Great stuff b/, now name something that you find in ALL white peoples homes!

If the subject is male there are usually a set of rims laying around.

Paid bills in a file folder

my bike
work boots

Someone with a job

Ya. And a picture of black Jesus

A TV turned to "Family Feud".

Okay okay... legit answer...

Steve Harvey.

Trump voter


A functional member of society.

A white CO

fuck didnt see the 80 other replies for 'my bike'

something you find in a black person home

court summons that is overdue

Wrong thread, dumbass.




Wrong, I said ALL, not MOST.

White girl porn...


tough question but imma say, fire mix tape


why make fun of black poeple?
you guys are fucking racist.im black and i bet you guys are a bunch of white boys with computers. probably never met a black person in your life. blacks are actually the more porductive race, and have been oppressed by whites for centuries. there was democracy and peace in Africa before English, French, and Belgian conquerors came to divide our land. you have fucked us and now you sit back and laugh at us. thats just cruel.

4 children and no husband

A child size spider man backpack. the owner is a 26 yo male black



Yeah b/! This is not the old b at all. The old fags would be ashamed.



Found the nigger


Now that you think about it you will never find anything in a black persons house. They are black. Meaning they only rent and never actually own a house.

shaquile oneil

Eviction notices
