You cringe you lose

You cringe you lose

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>text me
This is just sad


Get rdy to puke

o shit

>menstrutal pancake


But why???
This doesn't make any sense. Why would you do this? This isn't even supporting feminism

Everyone who bought this

What the fuck
Is this a real thing?

CHECKED and yes it is.
It's not even the pancake. She is also did things like muffins, bread and stuff, i think



>menstrual pancake

its a tire bor!


Why even make this thread if we're all just going to lose right away?

Seems fake, or maybe it's a troll posting it.
Blood, especially menstrual blood becomes brown and congealed after just a few minutes of air exposure. The heat of the pan would also cause the blood in the batter to become brown. That's most likely red food colouring or beetjuice.

Why someone would go through so much effort to make such a shitty joke, I have no idea.

gr8 OP. u got me thar

at least they know their target audience




Not really cringe. It is a normie-tier joke, but not really cringe.

It's an obvious right winger trying to fuck the feminist movement.

check dat stache'
nothing cringy at all

Feminists are known to do retarded stuff like this to get attention. This one is letting everyone know she's upset about people who obsess over dicks or some drabble like that.


Would fucc that fine pucci

>people who obsess over dicks
because there's totally not loads of women who obsess over their cunts
and, of course, the classic:

This is actually pretty hilarious

Lol when you add blood to pancakes it turns brown. The same way a steak turns brown when you bake it.

I have cooked with blood before, the result is most often nearly black.
Pretty good if you add some cloves and serve it with an onion or bitter orange jam.


Here in South Italy we do the sanguinaccio, which is basically pig blood& chocolate. You wouldn't believe how good that shit is

why in the fuck have you cooked with blood before?

Im from europe too, somehow the thought of eating blood freaks Americans out.
Too bad because its really good.

>Mfw he looks exactly like my manager with darker skin.

We eat black pudding in the uk which is pig blood and spices. Sounds horrible is delicious.

Americucks will frown on stupid things like eating horses

Its a part of our culture.
The US has way weirder food. We just did not want to waste that part of the animal in past. Now we just eat it because its nice and rich in iron.

Have you guys ever tried cow's tongue? Most tender meat ever

we have blood sausages in germany

In Spain we have morcilla. It's typicaly made with rice and onions in it but you can also make it almonds and fruit.

I'm just gonna supply some more cringe here

blood sausage is pretty good, but I like it the most when it's warmed up. "tote oma" with sauerkraut is the best

If you consume blood you're sinning. Read your bibles some time

We have a German market in Manchester every year before Christmas. The beer is good but your sausages are shit.

Lincolnshire sausage, Cumberland sausage, real tasty sausages.

Don't come to England with your shit German sausages thinking you're all that cos I've got news for you, you ain't!

why are they using "le" instead of "the"?

Yup same with lobster and pig, deal with it jew.

Have had. Can confirm.
Had a mexican buddy that lived in Alaska for a while. He would ask the local butcher for beef tounge but since the americans never ate it the butcher just threw it out. When my friend started to ask for for the tounge the butcher would save it just for him. He woyld get it for free every week.

Nice thread, text me

because "memes"

Their language is diverging from ours. This will make it easier to round them up for relocation later.

they're french