Why are Men's Rights Activists seen as the bad guys?

Why are Men's Rights Activists seen as the bad guys?

So it's okay for women for take up arms and rally for their empowerment against social standards, but when a male does it then it's sexist, and stupid?

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Because women are the root of all evil.

No one is currently threatening and/or undermining men's rights, therefore their cause is a farce. Also, dudes affiliated with these groups/movements tend to be assholes motivated more by a hatred of women who won't give them the time of day.

Exhibit A: OP's photo

What about the social stigma revolving around men being near children?

What about men being raped and told to blow it off?

What about the abuse that males have to suffer from their partners but are told to deal with it simply because they are men, and should be able to handle it?

Oh shut the fuck up faggot cunt, mens rights are constantly being shit on

major issues gaining custody rights from a biased family court system would be one problem. though yea these guys are dicks

>No one is currently threatening and/or undermining men's rights
>That is exactly what modern feminism is doing
>being this much of a cuck

These are not widespread issues at all, a "movement" isn't needed to deal with isolated cases of men being giant whiny pussies.


Agreed, this is a legitimate cause and concern from what I've read. It won't be helped by angry dudes with tiny dicks screaming through loudspeakers though

So provide a source? Being angry about your tiny dick and not being able to get a girlfriend doesn't equal a giant conspiracy to undermine and take away your access to porn

Also, if you use the word "cuck", that tells me and anyone else listening everything they need to know about you.

Are you male?

Do you not care about your rights? Will you go back on your stupid views when something happens to you and you can't do shit about it because of your gender?

>"XD I know I used cuck a year ago, but now that is is normie there is no way you'll catch me saying THAT WORD LOL" -you

According to Germany's basic law, "Every person shall have the right to life and physical integrity" and "inviolable and inalienable human rights".
But some time ago there was an article added to the BGB (Civil Code) that circumvents both and allows male circumcision while outlawing female circumcision in any case:

Section 1631d
Circumcision of the male child

(1) The care for the person of the child includes the right to give consent to the medically unnecessary circumcision of a male child who is not capable of reasoning and forming a judgment, if this is to be carried out in accordance with the rules of medical practice. This does not apply if the circumcision, even considering its purpose, jeopardises the best interests of the child.

(2) In the first six months after the child is born, circumcision may also be performed pursuant to subsection (1) by persons designated by a religious group to perform this procedure if these persons are specially trained to do so and, without being a physician, are comparably qualified to perform circumcisions.
How the fuck do you justify our basic human rights and the constitution being kicked in the face like that?
FUCK THEM. If you want shit like that, go to the middle east and get your dick chopped.

You even sound fat

Of course I'm a dude and I have literally no fear of this happening because it's made up, overblown bullshit that primarily exists only in places like Sup Forums (a Hungarian image-based forum dedicated primarily to discussing the nuances of deontological constructivism).

Also, I'm a normal dude that has well adjusted, normal relationships with women and doesn't hate them based on their gender. There is literally no scenario in which gender based discrimination could or would undermine my rights. You fucking dong, go outside and talk to someone

I don't give a shit about circumcision. My dick works great, is good sized and doesn't look like it's wearing a cheesy turtle neck

Isn't gender based discrimination already undermining rights?

because they are just copy cats of modern feminists who are also pretty dumb. it's like seeing a chinese hoverboard go up in flames. every single MRA is a fucking loser.

It's not about cut vs. uncut.
It's about a conflict with the basic law and human rights.

I'm not saying you should hate females.

But imagine a situation where you have drunk sex with a girl, and then she regrets it and then goes and claims that you raped her.

There's no one to back you up. It's her word against hers.

What are the chances that the law will go with you over the poor helpless girl who who was drunk?

But since I'm not, and am probably much more active, attractive, and fit than the majority of this board, I don't feel compelled to really contend this. Also, if I was fat, it would have no bearing on my position nor would it undermine it. Point still stands. I have yet to see a source from anyone for their grievances...

men have all the rights, there's nothing left for them to fight over. it's just disrespectful

Mostly for chicks bro

I always thought the root of all evil is the love of money.

*your word against hers


Bahaha, fat indeed

Sure that's fucked up, and my response would be the same to those dudes as it is from every guy here when a chick gets assaulted: why did you put yourself in that situation? Take better precaution next time and don't leave yourself exposed to that sort of risk

how retarded could you be that you can't defend yourself from a baseless rape claim? it's 5000X more likely that a real rape doesn't get investigated at all than a dude gets falsely accused and put in jail. what's wrong with you bud?

shut it, fattie

Whatever makes you feel better man ha


There it is. That's exactly what I'm talking about.

You're telling the guy to blow it off. To act like a man. To not make the mistake that wasn't his fault in the first place.

You don't even think to defend him against something that he's not guilty of.

What would you say to the girl? That it's not her fault. That it's the guy's responsibility to not take advantage of a drunk girl?

No, I fully believe that this is a bigger issue than it gets credit for. I don't believe the MRA way is the solution, I believe in broader sexual education at an earlier age and teaching both genders about consent and making responsible choices. I believe in lowering the drinking age so kids don't binge their fucking brains out in college now that taboo "alcohol" is available to them. I believe the answer is education and I don't believe it's an issue that needs to be resolved in gender specific terms

That's something poor people tell themselves


>So it's okay for women for take up arms and rally for their empowerment against social standards, but when a male does it then it's sexist, and stupid?
It's not okay when anyone does it.
That's why people dislike both groups.

Keying off this guy: Men's Rights simply aren't as threatened or undermined as Female Rights. However, there are still issues that should be addressed. Like other people saying in the thread, there's a lot of anti-masculine ideas going around these days that are just awful.

The problem is that whenever you take an unthreatened group, like whites or men, and make a group that does things specifically for them... you tend to create a magnet for the worst that the group has to offer.

Anything about white people rights and culture turns into the fucking KKK and Nazis. Look at any Alternative Right page right now, and see how thin the veneer is. Sometimes, they say "Democrats" or "Liberals", but it's very clear they want to say "Niggers" and "Spics". Sometimes they don't bother with the niceties. I've seen shit from an Alt. Right page that sounded like it came out of the fingers of Mr. Candy from Django Unchained... Talking about their intelligence being naturally lower than whites- and how some of them are smarter because they "bred" with whites. It's so fucked.

But I digress...

In this case, when you make a Men's Rights group- you wanted to have a nice conversation about how men aren't trusted around children, or how men usually get screwed by divorce laws. Instead, you get a bunch of fuckwads who hate women, literally call them the inferior sex, and literally think they only thing they're good for is sex - because they're backstabbing whores... or something.

It's not that the idea of Men's Rights is bad, it's just that the fanbase is human refuse.

Accusations ruin entire lives and reputations even when proven false, you goddamn moron. There are still people who believe that the UVA frat raped that Jackie cunt even when an investigation cleared them.

Can y'all please explain to me what's up with all these dichotomies? This splitting of every fucking issue in 125121241132 different ones that are somehow mutually exclusive?

Women have a hard time living in our society. Men have a hard time living in our society. The mentally-ill of Tumblr have a hard time living in our society.
Everybody does and if we'd just stop for a moment from arguing who's the most special snowflake, we, maybe, just maybe, could start focusing on real shit.
To answer op's question: Because it's trendy to hate on men.

I'm the guy you added on to and i pretty much completely agree

You seem like a smart guy- someone who knows about privilege and shit, right?

You might want to take a look at the "Women are Wonderful" effect. There's a priviledge on the side of women.

Also, if you ever see a reddit-thread about being a father on a playground, you'll find that, widespread, people do not trust men around children. This even spreads to home life - there's a very pervasive cultural perception that the woman raises the children and the man is just along for the ride.

When she's home with the kids, it's this big, praisable effort- she's raising her children! When he is, it's babysitting.

I'm not saying these are really big issues- not as big as the ones that women face- but although Feminism is supposed to deal with this, it has bigger fish to fry.

That's why MRA was made. Unfortunately, MRA got swamped with real woman haters, users, and abusers. Anyone who is serious about the issue is labeled like one of those twats, and anything they say is disregarded.

Oh! Good!

It's a real shame, tbh. I wish I could be for Men's Rights, because I think those issues are kind of important... but without this long, drawn out explanation about this shit- I can't just say that. People will think I'm one of *them*.

Implying women are in any way tougher than men?

>issues are not widespread at all

Its ok to joke about men getting raped in prison, while suggesting that a woman wearing a skirt that barely qualifies as a thong, and drinking to the point of blacking out has even the remotest responsibility for getting raped makes you a social pariah

My ex has two felony drug charges, a child endangerment charge for being passed out in the car with my two sons in the heat of summer from a heroine overdose, and three times convicted for being a prostitute... and the best I can do is 25% custody.

I don't disagree that these are bad things. I have had numerous conversations with some of my more outspoken feminist friends that it's not victim blaming to say "here's what you could have done differently in that situation to mitigate potential risks..."

It also does seem to be the case that the court system, with regard to custody fights, is biased towards mothers. These are legitimate issues - I just don't even agree for a second that MRA is the answer.

In the same way BLM was formed to address legitimate grievances and issues among African Americans before being coopted by some rather unsavory elements, MRA as a brand is toxic now and had been successfully painted as misogynistic at best. The problem is their affiliated members don't generally do much to combat that label but instead encourage it.

There are other ways to address the issues you listed besides getting together with a bunch of middle aged single white males who can't get a date and are angry about it

>Also, dudes affiliated with these groups/movements tend to be assholes motivated more by a hatred of women who won't give them the time of day.
This is a bad argument for your case, you do realize this exact same view could be used to oppose militant feminist

Why is it a bad argument? I believe "militant" feminists (those types prone to misandry) do undermine whatever legitimate grievances they may have by acting the way they do. I do not agree with those methods/tactics on either side.

I believe there is a much larger group of dudes out there that is simply misinformed or unaware, and if they were to be enlightened via actual engagement and constructive dialogue, they'd likely be allies. "militant" feminism does not seem to have room for these dudes and i believe that is to their detriment

That's what happens when you litter your arguments with ad hominems based on chiches.

The majority of dudes in these groups tend to be that type of guy unfortunately. I'll always listen to someone make their case but when you start throwing out terms like cuck and when you're clearly motivated by spite, I don't feel like I have anything left to say to you

Jesus Christ you're so far to the left the people in the middle can't even see you.
Kids drink before 21. If they're smart, they don't go overboard. If a man and a woman both get drunk, the man has raped the woman. If the man is drunk and the woman is not, nothing illegal happened. God help the poor bastard who fucked a drunk girl sober.

> God help the poor bastard who fucked a drunk girl sober

Beating the near inevitable rape charge isn't easy. I'd probably be doing time if one of her friends hadn't come forward and said the gurl was asking for it... as in, literally asking for it. She even said 'please'.

Ha I'm pretty g d centrist so I would have to disagree with you there.

Yeah, kids drink. There's a big difference though between someone like me (my parents were the type that knew we had a case of beer in the basement and just asked us to leave our keys in a bowl before we went to drink, eat pizza and play video games) and someone like my good friend (his parents kept him sheltered/restricted as fuck and then sent him to join our college frat - he had a dui by the end of college and has a real tough time being responsible around alcohol).

Yeah that's an anecdotal example but not at all uncommon. Point is, my parents educated me about consequences and drinking and shit like that, they had real talks with me about the potential situations I could get myself in with girls and drugs and anything else. They gave me the information and set me on the right course and sent me on my way. Other parents spent their time lobbying the school to remove sex ed and then blamed parents like mine when their daughter got knocked up in high school or college.

Please do not be presumptuous. That was someone else tossing cuck around and being spiteful earlier.
>I don't feel like I have anything left to say to you
Somehow I suspect this still applies.

This kind of thing seams to mostly be an issue in the more left leaning areas. Moving someplace better fixes this.

I'm still here talking to you and others aren't I? Most in here are being pretty respectful by Sup Forums standards. The rest got bored and left when they saw we were actually having a meaningful discussion I think

My parents are the same way. Problem is, is that parents aren't teaching their kids that people suck. They want them to believe that people are good deep down or some shit. Women will absolutely break a condom to get pregnant to trap a guy. A really unsavory guy will skip out on the girl and leave her hanging with that. The really immoral guys will try to force an abortion. A person may try to get another person drunk to have sex with them, disregarding gender. If we completely ignored gender in legal procedures, the world would be a more equal place.

But legality isn't the only thing. Culture has a much higher impact. A man has sex with a little girl, she will be seen as a victim of a monster. A woman has sex with a boy, and she will be seen as a pariah for a while, but is unlikely to get a mob bellowing for her head on a pike.

This isn't exactly the article I was looking for, but the case is similar... azcentral.com/story/news/arizona/politics/2014/09/02/arizona-statutory-rape-victim-forced-pay-child-support/14951737/

Devastating, i know. Girls are allowed to have fun, friends and do pretty things. To be something for themselves.

While boys are being conditioned for their future role as wage slaves. Completely reduced to their economic worth even at a young age, without any room for personal freedom.

Another proof why menĀ“s right are more necessary than ever.

To the first part of your question, yes these things happen but it's lazy to ascribe these behaviors to a person's gender alone. Shitty people are shitty people whether they have a dick or pussy.

The second part of your post is also true and I'm not here to really debate or resolve that. I think modern feminism conflicts with itself there - it seems like it still views younger women as victims of predatory men but as self assured, capable decision makers once they reach some arbitrarily determined age.

You shouldn't be sexually active with kids and likely not with young teens. That's pretty much a given. Whether it's girls or guys.

>people actually believe this