Does your language have separate words for baby animals?

Does your language have separate words for baby animals?
ie: Kitten, Puppy, Puggle.

Other urls found in this thread:ías_de_animales

In Chinese, we call kittens and puppies "little cats" and "little dogs"

> Inb4 "lunch"and "dinner"

young dog = Welpe
young horse = Fohlen
young cow = Kalb
young chicken = Küken

but strangely no equivalent for cats, I wonder why that is.

>Caton soup

Yes for some - on the top of my head:
Horse = Cheval -> poulain
Duck = canard -> caneton
Dog = chien -> chiot
Cat = chat -> chatton
Bird = oiseau -> poussin
Boar = sanglier -> marcassin

Is there any that doesn't? I bet only these cunts where they eat pussies and puppies and regret nothing.

baby boar=uribou (oriental melon)

What's the spanish for puppy? I don't mean just using diminutive.


same in Jap.
neko(cat) -> koneko(kitten)
inu(dog) -> koinu(puppy)
usagi(rabbit) -> kousagi (leveret)

exceptions are
niwatori(chicken) -> hiyoko(chick)
tombo(dragonfly) -> yago(dragonfly lava)

How is that separate from dog?

sometimes the word for one baby animal is the same for another animal

baby whale: calf
baby cow: calf
baby elephant: calf
baby bison, elk, giraffe, hippo, moose, ox, reindeer, rhinoceros, yak, and gnu: calf

A grown dog isn't called that, at least not by dictionaries and the RAE

Oh, it's perro, right?
Shiet, I'm the only one without a different word for the two.

Only relevant animals have distinct names for their babies-

relevant animals:



>everything else


Yeah, and even if a given animal has no separate word for babies you can always create diminutives out of any word, even out of other diminutives.
kot -> kotek -> kocię -> kociątko -> kociąteczko -> kociątunio

>young dog = Welpe

In English 'Whelp' literally means a puppy but can also be applied pejoratively to a young man


Esperanto has the -ido suffix, which means "offspring".

Hundo = Dog
Hundido = Puppy
Kato = Cat
Katido = Kitten
Ĉevalo = Horse
Ĉevalido = Foal

Cão and cachorro both mean adult dog.
Cão just means a male dog while cadela means female.

Yes, we have a separate suffix for it

koshka (cat) - kotionok
sobaka (dog) - schenok, kutionok
loshadj (horse) - zherebionok
korova (cow) - telionok
slon (elephant) - slonionok
utka (duck) - utionok
tigr (tiger) - tigrionok
olenj (deer) - olenionok

>sobaka (dog) - kutionok
Whatever bumfuck shithole you're from I can assure you that nobody calls puppies like that.



Cat = Chat
Kitten = Chaton

Dog = Chien
Puppy = Chiot

Lion = Lion
Lion cub = Lionceau

Fox = Renard
Fox cub = Renardeau

Bear = Ours
Bear cub = Ourson

Horse = Cheval
Foal = Poulain

Eagle = Aigle
Eaglet = Aiglon


Yes. In Cree Nehiyawêwin we add the suffix "-sis" to make a noun into a diminutive



Young or Small rabbit=wâposis
(Bunny is "wâposos". We distinguish between the two)


Yeah, you get the idea; just add -sis at the end of a noun to make it "smaller" or "younger"
Oh yeah, all nouns end in a consonant in Cree.

This, I've never heard anyone calling schenki "kutionki". Lmao


Not really, you just slap the word 'pentu' on it
Kissanpentu - kitten
Koiranpentu - puppy
Karhunpentu - bear cub
There are some exceptions, like varsa (foal) and vasikka (calf), tipu (chick) etc but it's mostly farm animals.


When will they learn?

Just add "anak" (child) to that animals and it's their younger version.

>anak ayam = chicks of hen
>anak kuda = ponies
>anak beruang = bear's cub
>anak harimau = tiger's cub
And so on

doggy = psiček, kužek
kitty = mucka, mačkica
birdy = ptiček
fishy = ribica
piggy = prašiček

>kot, sobaka

*shakes head slowly*

Yes, our language is massively fucked too so we also have different names for males and females

Cat: Mačka (Female cat), Mačor (Male cat) Mače (Kitten)

Sheep: Ovca (Female), Ovan (Male), Jagnje (Small sheep)

Chicken: Kokoška (Female), Petao (Male), Pile (Small chicken)

Try pronouncing these names.

Chicken = kuře
Puppy = štěně
Kitten = kotě


lewd though, bet you kick and swear at your lapdogs

easy peasy

piłe is pretty funny sounding tho

Puppy-> enik
Baby sheep->kuzu
Baby cow->buzağı
Baby water buffalo(camız)->boduk
Baby chicken->civciv, cücük

>implying you don't get immediately executed, if you speak Russian in labusia


>Baby chicken->civciv
>literally čiv čiv

Turkey a cutieluk

>literally small dog

Only if you are being gay and speaking Russian at the same time

>killing gays
Sounds like bullshit tbqh

Calling schenki "kutionki" is even more of a bullshit iibph (if I'm being perfectly honest) fām

No one calls puppies "kutionki", you dummy. The correct plural form of "kutionok" is "kutiata", learn some grammar already

The fuck are you on?

No one is calling puppies "kutiata" either!

Just because you've never heard this word does not mean no one uses it. If you tried to google it before writing this non-sense, you'd know that.

Yeah, sometimes it's another word, sometimes you just add kis- (little), and you can usually combine the two as well

Kutya -> kiskutya, kölyök(kutya)
Macska -> (kis)cica
Csirke -> (kis)csibe, fióka
>Other birds
Madár -> fióka
Disznó, sertés -> (kis)malac
Őz -> őzgida
Ló -> (kis)csikó
Tehén -> borjú
Juh -> bárány