Lately everytime I fuck my girlfriend we have to stop after a minute because her pussy begins to hurt and she starts to...

Lately everytime I fuck my girlfriend we have to stop after a minute because her pussy begins to hurt and she starts to bleed... I don't have a massive cock (7 inches) we fucked all the time and it's only occurred and I don't know why this is happening... anyone got any ideas?

stick your dick into her ass instead

You fuck her rough? Could've torn something. Happened with my grill a few weeks ago.

Women were given assholes for a reason. Just switch to her ass until the problem is gone.


Welcome to hell little buddy

Suck a mountain goat's ass.


She has endometriosis. Look that shit up.

No thx but I'd seriously look into it if I were you

What's the foreplay like? Vaginas are complicated beasts, user. They need to be warmed up like an old Datsun. Both to get her wet enough, and to get her pelvic floor muscles(I'm not a fuckin Doctor so don't quote me on this) to relax and open up.

If you're an average size and she's taken it before without issue, I'd bet almost all my money that she isn't fully turned on when you get started.

>they need to be warmed up
explain rape

it hurts them

Nah we put in the work with foreplay, I always eat her out for a good amount of time so I dunno

The truth is that it turns them on fully

If you guys known the amount of times I've said that to her ahahah

Explain how you think it would feel if someone shoved their cock in your ass without starting off with a couple of fingers to get you warmed up.

It's the same concept, but the vagina does it naturally since it's built to take dicks left right and center. If you just jam it in when she isn't even remotely aroused, chances are she's going to have a bad time

I don't understand though, we've been fucking 3/4 times a week for 3 months and then this happens out of nowhere

try more foreplay. My ex gf said her past BF was huge "supposedly" and it got to the point where she would stop having sex with him.. enter her cheating on him with me. I'm 6" and was able to satisfy her pretty well, so definintly try more foreplay and to make her wetter.

Vaginismus. It's a symptom of some diseases but can also be psychosomatic. She needs a gynecologist and/or a shrink

you sound like you know alot about the feeling of dicks shoved in your ass

Hmmm well then I'd encourage her to go to the gyno for a tune up and troubleshooting just in case. All kinds of shit can go wrong with a girls reproductive organs and a few of them are no joke.

Don't entrust your woman's lady bits to the opinion of fuckheads like me. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about

Girls like it too sometimes. Shocking, I know.

She's either not aroused or relaxed enough or both

shes prolly not wet

>not eating the pussy

Op is a nigger

That's not what OP is describing, see

Vaginismus is not normal. It's an involuntary muscle spasm that clamps the canal shut, like a cramp. No amount of foreplay or arousal makes it go away


Does she have problems masturbating or using tampons too?