Anyone have any truly unpopular opinions?

Anyone have any truly unpopular opinions?

>INB4 Niggers suck, liberals/conservatives are idiots, women have no purpose, etc.

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Hitler should of won

america would be a better society if we eradicated the Minoritys,jews and muslims

I really really like this image

also that fucking meme OP posted was shit,it would of been better if the guy was talking to a jew and not a nigger

Seriously, minorities don't deserve government assistance and women should vote.

Nigga that's every trump supporters opinion

so you would rather have the minoritys shooting and robbing you instead,this is why they created goverment assistance

All retard should be euthanized. Their should also be an age limit on people. Id say 85 tops then no more healthcare except euthansia

somebody should shop that guy and this together

I think women shouldn't have the rights they now have

Jews aren't that bad tbh

I second this, fuck the retard niggers and the old hags

All I know is I work my ass off, no assistance, drive a shitty car, and pay my taxes. The Mexicans sit on their asses, collect food stamps, free rent, and their kids all play video games and parents drive around in Cadillacs. They don't deserve it one bit.

We should abolish age of consent, since everyone develops at different rates and a universal age of consent is retarded, and move on to a testing system, similar to a drivers license test, that establishes whether or not you're competent enough to consent. The test is optional and will come with a piece of ID, anyone fucking without it goes to prison.

I'm a moderate in America, so almost nobody likes my opinions.
>tfw you're not belligerent enough to fit in


Communism is inevitable, and ,in due time, the bourgeois pigs will swing from fucking streetlamps.
I prefer a racially homogeneous communist society, though.
There's my fucking unpopular opinion.

I agree with the Heinline master theory that humans as a species can only advance if we keep going into outer space. Enlightenment on the important levels is so rare that the cream of humanity needs to continue to get scooped off and flung into the next new realm otherwise it's game over. This is frowned upon by hippies, spendthrifts uninterested in space travel, establishment goons who want their coal dividends to return and every other fucking asshole who thinks things are going to work out okay in the near term, say the next thousand years. They are not. It has been 70 years since Hiroshima and humanity cannot wait to start another world wide shitfest. It's in the DNA. If we don't keep moving we're fucked, not from a meteor or supervolcano or massive solar event but from our own hands.

You can be a white nationalist and still have black friends
Mike Enoch may actually be a Jew, but that's okay
Reddit can do some things better than Sup Forums (aggregation vs. content)
Liking traps isn't straight

Except communism is already shown not to be compatible with humans. The small elite will eventually end up controlling factors of production once more. It's a perpetual motion similar to a blender that at some point becomes quite fucking obvious.

White people are the cause of most problems in the world.

>not compatible with humans

>doesnt understand what the ussr was

and he was right,Communism is inevitable.people who ignore history are doomed to repeat it

The USSR is the testament to why Communism is incompatible with humans. Armageddon Averted by Stephen Kotkin, I had to read this piece of shit for my first year History course.

Communism is only viable on paper. Once you introduce the human element, greed, fear, insecurity, all of that shit together does not work.

The bad guys won WWI

>Anonymous 11/28/16(Mon)10:43:46 No.7132

niggers suck


For a group of people sitting on their asses, they sure do a great job on my lawn work. And that roof work. White guys still for the electric and plumbing.

yes OP i do

being a cuckold is actually dominant, not submissive

this is because you are allowing another male to fuck your wife.
if it wasn't for you allowing it, it would not be happening


here is my other one.

gay for pay is not gay


You poor brainwashed cunt.. holy fuck. To give you a taste for just a week of what these people come here to do for shit pay you'd think you've been blessed by God himself to allow you to return to the life you have now..

>being a cuckold is actually dominant, not submissive

OP asked for unpopular opinions. If he wanted mental illness, he'd just have gone and listened to infowars for a couple hours.


Saying liberals suck is geniunly unpopular anywhere but online right now. You go up to a bunch of liberals and let them know your not one of them and your likely to be assualted.

Other then that the new Devil May Cry game was fucking amazing.


That's true, you're just a whore.

Heres an unpopular fact on Sup Forums, there is more evidence linking Donald Trump to Pedophiles and a child slave sex ring than there is to link Podest/Clintons, yet nobody here gives a damn about that.


You want to cite some sources there, muffin?

What happens to germany with all the refugees isn't good for the the germans future!

Stop implying that pedophilia accusations against a major presidential candidate mere days before the election (which were recanted shortly after, may I add) carry any weight when they're obviously just there to tilt voters.

I lost my copy of goatse, or his source would be

> image related

Source. I know the 13 year old rape charges were dropped, read the case myself. Was obvious bullshit.

kek, seems like user stroke a nerve, huh?

Am I the only one who thinks veganism should be illegal and punishable by death? I hate vegans as much as I hate the stuck up hipsters, sjws, and femishits who need to be gassed

Why do blacks get to have their own Friday?

Star Wars is and always will be over hyped garbage, the story is just bad, the movies have bad pacing, characters paper thin and it's turned into a cultural phenomenon based on the new generational female having sex appeal through shared interests with the "modern man".
TL;DR star wars sucks.

Probably. It's pretty retarded to want to kill someone just because they don't eat some bbq every now and again.

Seems you have some sort of inferiority complex, believing them right and better than you, but instead of pursuing this, you just hate them for making you feel inadequate.

Probably you go vegan or kill yourself.

Nah your just cringy, who gives a shit what other people eat.

Only in early period after a while if they get in the system they get lazy again

feminism isnt that bad

>Devil May Cry game was fucking amazing
underrated post

im not sure what im seeing.

But i like the snapping

I fucking hate when a woman wins me in something, does not really care what it is, i just want to slap his face and put her to make my dinner

The Blair Witch Project (1999) is the best horror movie ever made

We will ignore the obvious links trump has to Jeffrey Epstein and right now talk about Rudy Giuliani, who is currently being considered for Secretary of State. He headed an "investigation" into pedophile operations at Military Academy West POint. Despite overwhelming evidence, Giuliani did not secure a single indictment and in fact facilitated the protection of the ring.....

Despite abundant medical and psychological evidence and literally dozens of child witnesses, and despite "950 interviews by 60 FBI agents assigned to the investigation," the investigation, "led by former U.S. Attorney [and future mayor] Rudolph Giuliani" produced "no federal grand jury indictments," according to the Herald Record. "In 1987, Giuliani said his detailed investigation showed only one or two children were abused." Giuliani's contention was directly contradicted by an independent investigation, as the Herald report divulged: "a still-secret, independent report - produced by one of the nation's top experts on child sexual abuse - confirms the children's accusations of abuse."

>collecting welfare is hard work
Leftist scum, I bet you don't even have a job.

mein neger. I'm also supporter of feminism although it encourages some internet idiots to abuse it for anti-man propaganda which encourages other internet idiots to anti-woman propaganda.

The only things are immoral are things that do not benefit you, the only things moral are things that benefit you. Everyone in this life only can only do their best to seek happiness and fulfillment, and while I'll do what's best for me I will not fault anyone else for doing what is best for them even when the two contradict.

It would later emerge that one of Giuliani's "oldest friends" is Fr. Alan Placa, a Catholic priest implicated in pedophile operations:

Rudy Giuliani's consulting firm, Giuliani Partners, has for years employed a Catholic priest who was accused by a grand jury of orchestrating the over-up of nearly 60 separate molestations allegation -- a priest who allegedly partook of the activities himself. The priest, Alan Placa, is one of Giuliani's oldest friends; in turn, Giuliani has become Placa's highest-profile defender.

Armenian people drive a Benz and than pay at the super market with food stamps. They smell like shit too

Don't really have a problem with Nazis. Hitler was the problem, every one else just wanted a better world.

Black guy here:
-Most blacks are retarded, degenerate idiots.
-Most modern rap and R&B sucks.
-Don't care about the b-ball game or sports except for martial arts.
-Women are like children.
-Skinheads are the strongest of music genres and represent true "diversity" (skinhead reggae, ska, oi, hardcore, rac).
-Computer nerds fucking rule (like that new game you bought)?
-American ignorance (voting every 2 and 4 years doesn't accomplish shit).
-Trump will become a pandering politician.

and once again the main problem is capitalism. Of course it's unfair to you if you work hard but still aren't paid the amount of money you deserve (or even the one you need) but that's not the fault of the mexicans. If they were all gone you'd still have the same shitty job with the same shitty payment, wouldn't you? Maybe it would feel better since there are other people who live much worse than you but is that your goal?

President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Fascism is the way to go. Close your borders, and don't allow multiculturalism in. If you do, make sure progressives or Jews don't invade and don't let the countrys natives to become minorities.

>Black guy here:

wow, I like that sentence(s). But I have to ask: the better world you were refering, did you mean a racially cleansed like Hitler imagined or one where everyone's have enough to eat, a job, etc like Hitler promised?

Both sound great tbh

Don't give a shit if you don't believe it. We are out there and we are here.

Sherlock was a boring/bad show

Meshuggah isn't that great and they've been boring for over a decade, just making infinite variations on the same elements that they decided they liked. They're unbelievably safe and refuse to leave their comfort zone, which means they fucking suck as a prog metal band. Car Bomb murdered the fuck out of The Violent Sleep with Meta.

Over exaggerated but not unpopular.

I thought it was okay and I liked it at first, it was kind of different. Third seasons was a pile of shit. Second watch through and the whole show is shit. Dunno about anything past the third season.

Its definently up there, i would agree with you

emojis r cool

well, I have to disagree there. I don't believe that any race is better or worse than any other, after all it's just about cultural differences. That's where something should be done instead of just keep telling that "it's part of their religion / culture". For example the kosher butching which is often used as an example by anti-Semites to devalue jewish people. Well, the butching method _is_ shit, no need to argue. But that doesn't make everything bad a jewish person does.

That is unpopular thank god. If everyone had this philosophy there would it would be impossible to trust anyone.

Trust people who have it in their best interest to follow through on whatever you're trusting them for. Not that you should be trusting many people.

The people who love you are different, love fucks you up.

That's what I think is true but it's not what I "follow"
Maybe it is, since Im doing everything I think is good, and that makes me feel good about myself?

>t'would be impossible to trust anyone.

are you fucking retarded?

all psychedelics should be legal?
not too odd



colgate > crest

Quit sucking dick in dark alleys

Brother! That's kind of my philosophy, too. After all we only have this one life and the main goal should be to have a good one until it's over, isn't it?
Got called egoistic for it many times but well, it's not like I ever claimed the opposite.

"alpha male" bullshit is just that: bullshit, and every credible scientist thinks you guys are a bunch of loser tards who don't know how to interact with people. Redpill faggots are one step below aspergers.


niggers deal with niggers

that's not racism, that's realism

>multiculturalism is leading to the dumbing down of the planet and slowing human evolution.
>every country should enforce a one-child-per-family law until the world population drops to under 2 billion.
>positive eugenics should also be practiced by all the countries on the planet.

Being in the west and being egotistical arent anything special, you almost dont even have a choice. Your in a society the promotes the importance of individuality.

Its a fine philosophy but flawed like all, if you forever self indulge you'll simply miss things that require restraint. Just have to decide whats important to you

Fuckin this

globalisation and multiculturalism are by now so advanced that only a moron would believe it could be stopped or even withdrew.
Every culture just has to get rid of some outworn traditions and shit they think is right because "is has always been this way" and everything is fine, though.

I genuinely wish for minority genocide and for women to be put back in their fucking place.


>Your in a society the promotes the importance of individuality.
Wow, nice analysis. Haven't thought of it this way tbh.
I think I have to overthink the restraint part some time - but for now I already hear my bed screaming my name. Thanks for the food for thoughts, though!

I play inverted

A gay can lean toward favoring the Republican Party