Just got my wisdom teeth pulled. Face hurt like a bitch. Any advice you guys could give me?

Just got my wisdom teeth pulled. Face hurt like a bitch. Any advice you guys could give me?

when i had mine pulled, apparently there was a 2nd tooth on one side

who the fuck needs 2 wisdom teeth on one side?

OP here. Every single one of mine were grew straight on its side. Inside the bone. All except one never broke the gums. The one that DID ended up rotting and breaking from a toothpick because I couldn't get at it decently to clean it. They gave me some Hydrocodone but that shit isn't strong enough. Face is swollen like a mother fucker.

Also...anyone got any tips on how to cum while on Hydro? This shit is seriously delaying my orgasms and not in a good way.

Had 3 pulled two weeks ago

Bleeding should stop up after the first day or so

Avoid solids for a day or two at least

Rinse your mouth with warm salt water in the morning and before bed for the first week to avoid the gaps drying out

Take plenty of ibuprofen/acetaminophen for the while (up to 800 mg every 6 hours or so) or percocet if you can get any

Avoid straws for a couple weeks, the dentist says it initially to avoid fucking up any clotting but it will just flat out hurt

Get used to regularly having to use a toothpick or something to fish food out from the gaps

Don't be alarmed if your spit is really thick or bloody for a while, mine still is

After a week or two visit your dentist again so they can check if you're healing okay

Do a blowjob

Don't spit, it can create a vacuum in your mouth and rip out your stitches. (If you have no stitches then your good)

i ate chicken wings the first day lol, you wont be able to open your mouth completely for like 2 months so theres that

Op is right on the salt water. Even better if you squirt it in the pockets with a large syringe or one of those ear wash bulbs.food and shit gets in the pockets.

the antibiotics they give you are gonna make you shit your brains out at any moment

I had my 4 impacted wisdom teeth pulled summer after senior year and I was so stoned on Percocet I hooked up with a 15 year old girl. Inside of her mouth felt really good.

>time heals all wounds
also listen to Ryo Fukui (Jazz genre)

If it keeps bleeding, make a cup of tea, let the teabag cool then put it on the wound. The tannin in the tea leaves will promote clotting.
Don't drink the tea though. Hot drinks will encourage bleeding.

Salt water is gonna sting like a bitch isn't it?
I've been careful about eating. Made myself some noodles and have been swallowing them whole so as to not risk getting anything in/around my stitches. Is it a good idea to brush my teeth or should I hold off for a day or two?

If you don't smoke, buy a pack of cigs anyway. Each time you feel pain, take a deep puff. The nicotine has a numbing effect. You don't have to inhale, just hold the smoke in your mouth.

Also, trying drinking warm salt water, but through a straw. That way you can direct the flow right to the source of the pain.

dont suck cock for at least a week if you can help it OP

Don't grow wisdom teeth, dumbshit.

> masterrace

nah, might feel weird, but the only bad part is taste

obvious b8 is obvious. I'm aware of what a dry socket is, faggot.

Are you trying to give OP dry sockets? Because you look like you're trying to give OP some dry sockets.

Don't listen to this cunt.

Eat guacamole with a spoon.

if you're taking a lot of hydro, prepare to get constipated. buy a bottle of prune juice.

Pudding and vicodin

Take drugs

Yeah you should have someone good do it. I had all 4 pulled because they were all sideways. Never even had to take pain meds. Doc was legit, less than 1% of his patients ever got a dry socket.

PLUS I found out years later the meds he fucking gave me performed WORSE THAN PLACEBO.

WTF DOC - you couldnt hook me up for later recreational use?! Damn

Get more painkillers.

If you're taking anti-biotics get some pro-biotics to start taking as soon as you're done with the anti-biotics. Yogurt is also helpful after taking anti-biotics.

Had yours broken through the gum?
I had all 4 sideways and all 4 removed at once. 3 of them were partially through the gum and didn't give me much trouble. The one that wasn't through the gum required more work to get out and was a lot worse during the recovery.

OP here.
I would have preferred Vicodin to Hydrocodone but I didn't get an option to pick, Got Amoxicillin for antibiotics but those were all I got.

Vicodin is hydrocodone you idiot
>dubs wasted on a potato

Listen to some led zepplin

The label says

Don't make it too salty. Also, don't swish too hard or you might dislodge the blood clot. You want that to stay over the socket so it can heal over faster. Otherwise, you end up with what they call a dry socket, where the bone and exposed nerve endings are in contact with the inside of your mouth and it hurts like a bitch. If it gets infected, time for a trip to the doctor.

It's probably just generic that's why it doesn't say Vicodin. The active ingredient in Vicodin is hydrocodone
You can easily look it up it you doubt me.

Vicodin is just the brand name.

I don't know too much about drugs. I don't do anything aside from smoke Basic cigarettes lol but I do know this Vicodin/hydro/whatever isn't very strong.

Hydro + antibiotics + no so solid food, poorly chewed...


Enjoy the asshole burning OP.

Vicodin is a mixture of hydro and acet, the 10 is the amount of hydro

I am a doctor.

This is correct.

suck your mom's tits

Anyone have experience going to dental schools and letting supervised students do the work for a cheaper price? Not sitting on a large pile of cash right now, but desperately need my wisdoms removed.

Can i just leave my wisdom teeth in?

keep taking the anti-swelling pills and applying cold compresses, your face will be fine in a week or two

I didn't fap for a few days after I got my wisdom teeth removed, but if you can drink some weed tincture, getting high would help you bust a nut

the recovery kinda sucks, but that's surgery for you. you'll be pretty tired for a few days, especially since you can barely eat or drink anything. I lost like 10 pounds in two weeks.

also, if you got that gel that goes on your gums, enjoy that shit.

325mg isn't a terribly strong dose of acetaminophen. You can take some OTC acetaminophen (Tylenol) alongside it for an extra kick.

A good ice pack well help too of course.


get a health credit card if you can. 0% financing, shit helps

eat tons of ice cream

dont chew anything solid for at least 7 days only pudding because i did and it opened up during the night and i had to deal with it for 7 hours that felt like a lifetime jesus christ most terrible pain i have ever felt.

Give yourself a pudding enema.

Yes, don't get a stomach virus causing you to vomit multiple times per day ripping your stitches out. This would be pretty rough considering you're only consuming liquids at the moment.
Don't lose 15 lbs within a few days. It's not healthy

I have not had my wisdom teeth emerge from the gums nor have I had them pulled. I have never had any discomfort or issue due to this. I'm 19

am I special?

at what age did you have your wisdom teeth pulled and why?

open question to all anons

>Any advice you guys could give me?
When your dentist tells you to avoid greasy foods, listen to it. I didn't, got it infected, and suffered a pain that required vicodin to ease the pain. I got a mix of that with xanax and I was so damn droopy, the hot nurse kept on checking on me every 15 minutes to see how I would react because she was interested to see the effects of the combo, not that I was attractive in the least. I assume she probably wants to try that herself and see me as a labrat to observe.

Droopy as fuck!


I've been both tired and awake. passing out for maybe 20 minutes at a time and staying awake for about 2-3 hours. Not sure if normal but meh. Not too concerned about sleeping habits.
I've mentioned swallowing noodles whole. Been eating apple sauce throughout the day.

I'm 27 and as I mentioned I got them out because the one wisdom tooth rotted from not being able to clean it properly, and they did the rest of them while they were working on the one.



omg this.

I think this would be best OP


I vote this one.

Good Idea!


nothing you can do, OP. Take your pain meds, mayble a saline rinse, be careful not to swish anything too hard to break your clot. only time

I personally do this once a week to keep regular.

This is TOO PRO

imma try this, thanks guy!


This, for sure.

ice cream yogurt i just dealt with eh pain i had all four removed loved it enjoy every new experience in life young man pretend you are captive and getting beat up or something its quite fun to pretend drugs optional /over.

If a doc gives you bullshit painkillers it's because he sized you up as a junkie piece of shit the second he laid eyes on you. Your existence offends him.

sand paper. no but seriously you cant cum.

nigga it is strong enough, especially if you don't use. Pop 2-3 and call me in the morning.

Not that hard just concentrate. Try eating ice cream for the swollen mouth.

dont do this, dumbass.

It's faster and easier to just cut off your jaws and grow new ones.

>the reverse cosby

Getting mine removed in about 2 weeks

They gave me 2 10mg pills of Valium to take beforehand to calm my nerves

Kinda looking forward to this tbh

>reverse cosby
dubs confirm this should be a thing.

Started getting pain on swallowing related to impacted wisdom teeth and figured it was time to get them out before they became a problem, as I'm Canadian but I was in the US at the time without dental insurance and didn't want to end up with some expensive bill.

Fucking most agonizing experience of my life getting all 4 of them removed. Then I developed a dry socket and had chronic pain for weeks after. Dentist was an asshole and wouldn't prescribe anything for my pain, so I had to stick with tylenol and advil.

Fresh garlic on area. Will burn for a short while, then the pain subsides. Also good for infections.


What does this have to do with anything?

hi newfriend

Ita extremely hard and when you do cum it hurts its better just to wait until you're off of it

Not relevant to my topic, so...

Pop 6,and don't call this fag got in the morning

he will die

Applesauce saved my life when I got all of mine pulled

acetaminophen is pretty much a way to make vicodin abuse proof. Because of the liver damage.

>mfw I was born without wisdom teeth
>mfw I was born wise

>mfw I was also born without a face

Literally just sleep for about a week.

Stop being a fucking pussy?

Had mine out earlier this year, there's nothing you can do stop it from sucking completely but there are tips I can give you.

1. TAKE YOUR PAIN MEDICINE WHEN YOU NEED IT, the ibuprofen they gave me was plenty
2. Rinse with warm sea salt water often
3. Don't force any premature chewing to go on, it's not going to happen
4. Sleep with your head elevated above your shoulders, this helped the swelling the most for me personally
5. Maintain the salt water method and cleanliness of the wound even after it stops hurting
6. Be patient, it will be some time until you can eat normally

I got all 4 of mine pulled while awake, they numb it but you feel all the pressure. Fucking broke idiotic parents and bad insurance. I fainted on the side walk walking to the car. Lots of blood at home and a few days to the point where I was spitting it into a cup and filled a few of those glasses up.